This shit is beyond overvalued!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this chink coin, REQ is better.
So $50,000/year, not bad.
I asked you this yesterday and you didn't reply so I'll ask it again.
And please don't say "they said it recently in a video" like you do on your other threads.
There obviously isn't any.
I know, I just like hearing what their responses are so I can adapt my answer the next time they post the same shit
Is 50 cents at current usage or a projection after wider adoption?
50 cents is a fake number this autist generates on a daily basis with no evidence to back his claim up other than to seek attention from online strangers.
so you buy $50,000 worth of OMG and get fucking $2,500 a year big fucking whoop
My name is James Edwards, @cryptomedicated on twitter. I have waged a cyber war against OmiseGO to bring awareness of global height acceptance. Heightism should be extinct like it is in Thailand.
I will not stop until USA can accept me being black and short. Otherwise my second plan is to lead the ethnic cleansing of all.whites over 5 foot 5
Revenues of Omise are less than a million dollars a year...you’ll be lucky to see anything
50 cents is a made up fud number, but it's funny because even that number is a great return. OMG dropped down to $8-9 recently. Making 50 cents a year and growing would be an amazing return when comparing to regular investments.
Not to mention the coin value would go way up because so many would get taken out of circulation from staking.
Definitely bullish on this project when even the FUD sounds like a great deal.
Weird, this one says something completely different. It's almost as if the revenues of foreign, private companies aren't readily available online.
James Edwards the worst fudder and researcher ive ever seen. All of your mt.gox refutes on medium were completely wrong and a week late. lmaoooooo
Black people should stick to doing nigger shit. Trevon James getting sued, Ian Balina got lucky with icos, and now this midget fudder is selling plaigarized inaccurate info on medium
>this thread again
hey OmiseBros, did you see this? really activated my almonds.
Holy balls, what a fraud..
your refuting of my info is to post a link without info
the fucking state of omisegoy
Real world meaning = absolutely nothing.
Zero dollars will be transacted based on this.
Nigger manlet detected. If I were a slave trader I probably would leave you to.die in the hot sun. That small frame and brain wouldnt be useful
Sorry, you actually needed to log in to see the information.
i bought 850 omiseroos this morning silly!
$2m revenue
How many tokens are there?
So, if you could read you would see that it is an estimate. The thing for some reason that you are not understanding or comprehending, day in, day out, every day, is that Omise is a private company. Their revenues are not publicly available. I understand a migglet like yourself can't grasp your small mind around that concept, but just try.
Go back to your little echo chamber on Plebbit.
Go back to the third grade. You will probably fit in there stature wise you fucking midget.
so why is everyone estimating shit like 10000000 a token per month
Nobody is estimating that?