What's this guy's problem with frozen food? It's not terrible if it's good quality. Mediocre, predictable food fast at 10$ a head during lunch has made many restaurants successful. Why can't he see this? Tons of restaurants fail after he leaves because he taught them his ideal instead of something sustainable.
What is his problem?
He doesnt like it because there is almost always access to fresh ingredients of better quality
His biggest reason is people selling frozen food and advertising it as "fresh" is literally the scummiest thing you can do
He hates it because hating him hating stuff makes for good TV for plebs who don't understand how TV works
This, specially when they charge $20 instead of the $5 they should actually be charging. No-one should ever have to pay over $5 for something not-fresh.
I think his point is that if you are charging premium for food you should at least give some value back
It is fresh though, it's fresh frozen.
Damn you nigga
Landing upon truth
Leave the numbskulls to their cartoon networks
Because if you are charging people for 15 dollar entres, you should be giving them fresh fucking food, that's why. Because he views it (rightfully) as giving the customer an inferior product for the price they are paying. Note how he generally tends to shit on it excessively when owners try to claim to be 'authentic' or 'fresh' food. Frozen food isn't fresh, senpai.
>fresh frozen
No such thing, numbnuts. All frozen food isn't fresh, if it were fresh it wouldn't be frozen. He once called out a restaurant owner who tried that line on him.
I saw that one, he failed to recognize the difference in frozen and fresh frozen. Fresh frozen is frozen onsite so it doesn't have the temp fluctuations of regular frozen (transit thaws). By the time you eat frozen food, it's actually frozen 3 or 4 times on average. Fresh frozen is only frozen once.
>What's this guy's problem with frozen food?
In one of his newest recipes on Youtube he used frozen peas, a couple of months ago he used frozen spinach; what are you going on about faggot?
>you should be giving them fresh fucking food, that's why.
The customer will only come back for good food. If the food was frozen once and is good enough for them to come back then why does it need to be fresh?
Free market fucker.
He only takes issue with it when there's cheaper, faster alternatives available or if the restaurants are falsely advertising their shit as "fresh".
Customers AREN'T coming back. That's the fuckin' point of his shows.
Almost every restaurant he touches on there goes under. Clearly he's not changing the right things. It's all about lowering costs and increasing profits. Mediocre meals at low prices in a convenient location, that's what customers want. Most of them on the show serve bad meals at expensive prices, and gordon has them increase to warrant the price. What he should do is focus on safety and equipment, and get costs down. Keep price as high as you can get away with. He never ran a low-end restaurant so he can't understand what these people need.
this is the single dumbest/most arrogant thing i've ever read on Veeky Forums..
i'm sure that you know better than ramsay, little buddy ;^)
The problem is that with the exception of snap frozen vegetables like peas, fresh is always better quality, and these restaurants are charging fresh food prices whilst proclaiming the food is fresh.
They're scamming their customers and they're not going to get many through the door if they're serving frozen shit people could make themselves for a quarter of the price with just a microwave.
For home cooking not restaurants
>He never ran a low-end restaurant so he can't understand what these people need.
>Translation: I don't know what I'm talking about
>What he should do is focus on safety and equipment
This is pretty damn common in his episodes though...
more like he hates it because it's fucking ridiculous for a resturaunt to be serving frozen food and faggots on /tv/ won't eat anything but the chicken tendies their mom microwaves for the so they don't understand how food works
Like every other cooking meme faggot he needs a gimmick, like Jamie "Olive" Oiliver.
Furthermore he's a cook, i.e. a naive simpleton with anger management problems, so he has absolutely no fucking clue about the benefit of freezing fresh produce.
The restaurants were already failing. Hence why he's even there in the first place.
That mainly applies to the American shows. He's pretty chill in the UK shows.
>UK: Oh ***, don't do that, because
>US: WHY THE *** DID YOU *** DO THAT YOU *** OF **** THAT'S ***** ****** YOU ******
bait, do not reply.
If you can't taste the fucking difference then fuck you.
You sound like the type to send food back and complain to the manager about every little thing. And sometimes they don't even know why they're talking about.
he is a cook, but he is also an actor.
>Take seafood
>Freeze it
>Blind taste test with fresh seafood
You dumb motherfucker
>Almost every restaurant he touches on there goes under.
It's not an exaggeration you fucking mongrel.
A monkey could renovate restaurants better than he could.
Because he's a fucking charlatan. He used frozen food IN HIS OWN RESTAURANTS and then quickly broomed it off from the news because he got power and connections in media like any good business man
>Clearly he's not changing the right things
It seems that you and others don't understand the point of the show. It's a symbiotic relationship where Gordon gets to flaunt himself, the face of his restaurants, as a man who uses top quality ingredients thus luring more customers to his enterprise. Meanwhile, the restaurant owners (who are clearly in debt or mentally checked-out of the business) get an opportunity to renovate their buildings to resell and recoup the bulk of major losses over the course of the next year it stays open IF they don't sell it outright.
Throw in some reality television editors to magic up some faux drama and, bam, tv show.
It's a pittance by television producers in exchange to market Gordon, and you all fell for the meme. The reason why you're finding hypocrisies like the fact that he gets caught using frozen all the time is because it's impossible for a restaurant to restock everything on the frequent to not freeze a single thing. The logistics would be a complete nightmare for anyone without corporate/franchised suppliers.
One of the best sushi chefs in the world uses frozen fish.
>Tons of restaurants fail after he leaves because he taught them his ideal instead of something sustainable.
Tons of restaurants fail because they're deep in shit long before he gets there and 48 hours or however long he spends at these places isn't long enough to fix relationships, bad habits or business sense. Whether he gets there or not most of the restaurants featured are probably on track to fail within a year anyway.
Anyone could turn around any restaurant you ignoramous. you just walk in and say "shut this shit down and turn it into a Subway franchise"
But that wouldn't make for a Netflix top ten show, would it?
It's entertainment.
i've heard that lobster (prolly even any shellfish) straight out of a aquarium is shit tier. is this true?
>All frozen food isn't fresh, if it were fresh it wouldn't be frozen
ice cream
The tuna fleets freeze everything.
You can make ice cream yourself, buying some store bought shit wouldn't be 'fresh' ice cream either.
He goes to shitholes like yours and tells them to make better food, and most still fail because they go right back to using frozen shit anyone could have bought anywhere and put in a microwave because they think they don't need to actually change.