Dating a new girl

>dating a new girl
>ask her about favorite food
>"eh I like pizza"

Ugh I know.

>Dating guy for a few months
>Ask him what his favorite food is
>Hmm chicken nuggets and fries with honey mustard sauce
>Die a little inside
>Huge picky eater
>Refuses to drink wine or beer unless it's high in sugar and very sweet
>Dumped him for his friend

Picky eaters/man children are the worst I swear. A woman can tell a lot about you based on your food habits and if you're asking the waiter in nice restaurant to "hold the veggies" in your chicken dish and give you a diet pepsi odds are she is not going to stick around long because you are still stuck in that child mind.

you bitch

I would like to marry you tbf.

>been fucking the guy for months, doesnt even know each other
>dumps him for his friend

his friend must have been stupid, I ve would have shove a boot up your ass bitch.

This is why humanity is ending.

You're a spoiled, bitch.

I like a pizza sometimes, even fries or a burger, why the fuck not.
But I also make excellent polish dumplings, love making maki & negro sushi, 'nam spring rolls both fried & raw, won tons, and I love to experiment with food.

I'd dump YOU for being up-tight & needy.
What do YOU provide in a relationship?
Good looks that will fade as soon as enthropy kicks in with you?

did you subconsciously confuse the poster you quoted for the OP because you wanted to yell at a woman because women find you repulsive IRL or something?

she said nothing about pizza whatsoever. you didn't even read the post, you dumbass.

its an example of junk food you fucking moron, you people have your brains atrophied.

this is why you think everything is sexist and racist, you cant see beyond the totally obvious, you cant understand context or extrapolate.

The person he replied to said that they didn't like someone who was in the "child mind" state, and prefaced that by bashing similar food to the one that he just posted (pizza, fries and a burger).

lol you're just making shit up now.. i never said anything was sexist or racist, you clearly didn't read her post.

>i like pizza etc but i also like other foods and am not picky

she was talking about dudes who won't eat vegetables and shit. you're just looking for a reason to yell about how stupid women are due to the fact that you're a raging homo.

she wasn't bashing the food, she was bashing eating habits.

wtf is enthropy

Exactly. I love pizza/burgers/fries and stuff like that but I like to try new things too and eat fairly healthy vegetables. Those guys are just obvious /r9k/ manchildren who probably get rejected by females IRL. I'm not bothered by it I think it's funny.

i'm a sous chef in fine dining.. my favorite food is cheeseburgers or buffalo wings/ranch

I never asked your profession but good for you? I hope you like to eat vegetables and can enjoy a proper drink like an adult and that wings with ranch isn't the only food you eat. My manchild ex had like 20 things he would only eat and they were all fast food/take out/convenient store fried/fatty junk.

i'm this guy and i was just making conversation but now im kinda changing my opinion. you do sound like a bitch.

>i hope you like to eat vegetables

lol i can name 6 or 7 types of fucking radishes off the top of my head; of course i eat vegetables

>and that wings with ranch isn't the only food you eat

no, i wish. i mostly eat pizza, cheeseburgers, frozen dinner gangbangs, and these jap cup noodles that i can't read the actual name of with fried eggs/scallion. that's my diet.

>That's my diet

Do you want to die before 50?

I got your fatty junk right fucking here girl, hanging like fruit. I'd eat that ass out like it was steak tartare. Or maybe like it was steak au poivre, and take an extra shot of cognac while I'm basting your roast.

And then I'd finger blast you until the neighbors start complaining about the burning smell.

I would sex you up roughly, is what I'm getting at.

kinda, yeah.. i also eat a lot of candy.

but i lift and run and don't eat in excess

again you stupid whore, not everything is written out.

what does that even mean?

picky people are worthless.. that's what she was saying. not what you thought she was saying.

kill yourself, virgin. i even switched sides to your side because she's a bitch even though i still hate you.

You're trying to be funny, it's not working.

On the one hand, this thread is garbage.

On the other, this was a surprisingly subtle troll by Veeky Forums standards.

Good work!

Good god, if you do not have an incredibly active Reddit account I will be shocked.

Made me cringe so hard. What a fucking idiot.

>i started to date a retard and then he turned out to be a retard and then i continued for several months

Women shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions.

why do you give yourself so much importance?

Subtle like a brick over the head

kindly fuck off, you egocentric cunt.

I kind of agree, but you sound like a cunt

>ask a fat guy to name one food he likes


It's 4chin. They're probably a mentally ill man who thinks he is an attractive woman because some twink shot their juice in "her" freshly waxed boipucci

nice strawman, bro.

all ya'll just mad cause all you can afford is ramen, tendies and cheap ass pizza, fuck yourselves. op and poster 2 are in the right.

> (You)
>because you wanted to yell at a woman because women
Calm down white knight.
Also - nothing wrong with yelling at women (when they deserve it).

>find you repulsive IRL or something?
Heh. No.
Actually being a good cook really helps at getting laid.

ITT: Virgins

Holy shit you're pathetic lol

but its true isnt it?

hahahah nice proyection

I am shit loaded with money, have good looks, you "liberal" kids calling us virgins, just proves how much out of touch with reality you are

Id give anything to be a virgin again, dont have polluted myself with all those empty stupid liberal whores

I was once like all of you, this is why I know you all will eventually see the light. dont deserve it.

>this thread

>>Dumped him for his friend

>Come back later to read replies
>Everyone assumes i'm a woman
How heteronormative of you.
I'm a dude. Manchild I dated is a dude. His friend is a hot red head chick. Hope this clears things up.

stop pretending to be me, I'm not a dude

I'd do the same thing. My ex was a picky cunt. Left her for someone who actually liked trying new things

I'm glad. You made the right choice dumping that basic bitch :)

you both stop pretending to be me

I am gender fluid.

yeah right you know, people are SOooO dumb, why cant they get it hum?

>My ex was a picky cunt
>Left her for someone that I liked better

Well duh of course, relationships are just like food, if you dont like it, or its not done exactly how you like it, just send it back.

Its like a big relationship restaurant, you try everything and then order the plate you liked the best, custom to your liking.

dont be jelly people, just because you dont get any

ohh really?

maybe she'll like to try my big black cock? has she tried any?

you can watch

What's up with all the angry cunts? Shit didn't work out and I found someone better. I'm not fat and ugly so I have that option.

Holy shit I've never seen so much projection in one post. What was her name? It's ok if it still hurts a little bit.....

bunch of losers virgin weeabos,

get back to /pol/ you fat losers

I wish I could meet a girl like you that actually gave a fuck about certain things, anything really.

Totally agree with you. Man children are just the septic belches of this shit world.

probably b8, but for me it may work if the guy's like this manly powerhouse, who just gives no fucks. Like, if you can stay fit while eating crap - god bless you.



Yeah, but when you're as dense as the average Veeky Forums user that sort of thing will bounce off like sonar.

>Dumped him for his friend

I don't think they really were friends

>Dumping somebody for liking tendies
You fucking roastie bitch

Pizza's pretty good

>i'm a girl

spoken like a true somebody who has never had a friend or girlfriend before.

haha check this virgin


this must dredge up some pretty uncomfortable feelings for you. Wanna talk about it?

is that what your father said to your mother

people who say that they love pizza have low IQ
dump that bitch ASAP

>girl dumps you to bang your friend
>"friend" is all over it at the drop of a hat

You must have had some pretty shitty friends and girlfriends user.

But he was so hott ;)

>negro sushi