I purchased a whole duck. Never prepared it before.
Can Veeky Forums give me some tips?
I purchased a whole duck. Never prepared it before.
Can Veeky Forums give me some tips?
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Return it for a refund. Hope you kept the receipt.
I want to prepare it for lunch tomorrow
Fuck the duck. Only way to tenderize it properly.
Peking it
You must be new here, asking for help with actual cooking on a fast food discussion board
Anyway, I will help ya. This recipe is always a delight:
saute the breasts
confit the legs
enrich a poultry stock with the carcass.
This. Make sure to use create a marinade of herbs and spices, coat your dick with it and then fuck the duck.
This way you tenderise and flavour it at the same time.
>You take the duck to pound town
>Duck takes you to flavour town
I made duck for the first time a few days ago, it's okay
>score skin a bit to let fat run free (I was too afraid to cut into the breast and dry out my $17 duck so I only did it a little)
>kosher salt and pepper inside and out
>tie legs and tuck wings
>low and slow breast up at 300 for 4 hours, flipping at the end of each hour (probably not necessary to roast it for four hours but eh)
>after four hours take out of the oven - boost heat to 400, poke a little to let out the fat to use for fried potatoes, put that shit in some pyrex
>cook for like 7-10 minutes to get crispy skin (I didn't because I was afraid of drying out the bird)
Mine turned out okay but I'm sure other people have better and less time consuming methods
>duck stock
nectar of the gods
This. Make that skin crispy, though, or don't even bother.
Noone has a good first time with duck. My advice is to cut the breast into thin slices, marinade or just season it to your liking and pan fry the strips in some olive oil. Be careful not to overcook it. And if it wasn't battery farmed, cook it a little rare.
But it doesn't matter what you do. Everyones first duck is usually shit.
>17 dollars for a duck.
I've never spent more than the cost of a shotgun shell on a duck.
If you can confit the legs in ducks fat it's a real treat. And use the leftover fat to fry some potatoes. Pretty decent
Dude I would love nothing more than to hunt ducks with a dog and have a grand old time, but because I smoke weed I'm apprehensive about owning a firearm despite recreational cannabis becoming legal in my state (we're getting there we're just dragging our fuckin' feet for some reason) due to a federal law made in the sixties that says "if a cop shows up to your house for a reason and sees a schedule I substance (weed included) you're a felon". I'm a law abiding guy, aside from that, but I don't want no trouble from Johnny 5-0
Seriously, trust yourself to make the skin crispy without drying out the bird, I fucked that up
Remember it's okay to cook to med rare
Roast the fucker. Leave it to dry out in the fridge uncovered. It'll look ugly but will crisp up a lot better. Then pierce the skin so that it renders whie roasting. Use the rendered fat for roast potatoes, eat the legs and use the bones to make duck stock. The breasts usually come out gamey and leathery so I can't say what you should do with them,
Marinate in brine overnight (6% salt + various spices to your liking), then salt and season and put it into the oven and slooooooooowly roast. Begin with lid closed, about 4 hours on 130°C, then open the fucker and blast it for another hour on like 180°C. I heartily recommend basting it as much as you like. A bit of sugar or honey adds the nice golden brown color.
and this, prick the skin to render the fat. Do not be afraid to pierce the skin a lot. I personally use the tip of a small sharp knife and do like tens or even hundreds of little holes all over the bird, just the skin though.
My bad. I'm from Texas. We regularly smoke blunts while duck hunting. I never even thought about doing it another way.
>handling and discharging firearms while intoxicated
lol America
Someone didn't get proper firearm training from their parents.
While I recognize the hazards (as well as the benefits) I'm not against drinking a beer or two or smoking a spliff while hunting. That being said being labeled as a felon puts me off, and smoking weed or drinking would make me a worse shot than I already am
Fucking this. I have never gone hunting without smoking at least one blunt/joint before we leave. I am also from Texas. I fuckin love this state.
I can hunt while drunk or high too. I don't because I'm a responsible adult and respect my life membership to the NRA. It doesn't have to do with where you are from.
shoulda just bought bbq duck from a chinese butcher
Time is money. I also hunt duck, so I know all the the practice that goes into being able to shoot one of those fast fuckers. Then there's also equipment;
>boat or blind of some kind
>really good idea to have a dog as well
With dog, you'd have the expenses in raising it and the time to train it as well; money to train it of you're a failure
There's no economic benefit to hunting; you do it because you love it.
I'm not stupid enough to do anything out of the ordinary with a rifle just because I'm stoned. I'm also not a rifle fucking NRA worshipping bible thumper, so I have no qualms with enjoying some marijuana before and during the time that I enjoy whatever hunt my be occurring that day.
>I'm not stupid enough to do anything out of the ordinary with a rifle just because I'm stoned
>has a rifle
>while stoned
>not out of the ordinary
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
You're adorable
While I agree with you in that you're probably fine - it's just a safety thing man, y'know? Not paying attention can result in bad times and a friend bleeding out in the middle of nowhere because of an accident
>no economic benefit to hunting
Perhaps when you first start. But don't forget, most of your equipment is a one time investment. Waterfowl does add a significant expense with a trained dog, unless you use a boat to go pick up the bird. So you have a point with that style of hunting. But while many people use bird dogs for quail and pheasant, they most certainly aren't necessary. I've taken many a bird of both types walking solo or tandem through fields. Not to mention my deer stand is walking distance from my house. So no, it doesn't have to be costly.