ITT we
>discuss foods that don't involve meat
>discuss foods that also don't involve other animal products
>trigger carnists by existing
What do you eat as staple dishes?
Pic related is something I made, bean burger and a stuffed pepper
ITT we
>discuss foods that don't involve meat
>discuss foods that also don't involve other animal products
>trigger carnists by existing
What do you eat as staple dishes?
Pic related is something I made, bean burger and a stuffed pepper
Rice cakes with peanut butter.
Vegan here. Do it mainly for ethical reasons. I love animals and truly believe that meat is murder and animals are beautiful and sacred. Now in an industrialized society we can sustain ourselves on plant based products and to a certain extent for those who choose to be vegetarian or pescatarian (fish cannot feel pain but I personally don't eat them because I love all living things) animal bi-products and fish. With that being said here are a few of my favourite vegan recipes.
Falafel burger. Basically just make a falafel mixture and instead of shaping it into the classic balls, shape it like a burger patty, then fry it. Serve on a bun that has tzatziki or Greek yogurt (if you are vegetarian) but I use hummus because I am vegan, lots of cucumber, lettuce, tomato, some red onion, whatever spices you like.
Another snack I really like is just pita chips with roast garlic hummus dip.
For breakfast I will often make toast with sauteed mushrooms on the side, giant cannelini beans in tomato sauce,
Pasta is a staple for me. I usually just make a pesto from scratch but leave out the cheese. Toss it with the pasta, serve it with bread crumbs toasted in olive oil over the top and mushrooms + pine nuts.
I like to make pizza with dairy free cheese. There are actually some excellent ones out there and you will hardly notice the difference. I personally enjoy vegan pepperoni which tastes so amazing it is basically heavily spiced tofu, along with mushrooms.
I fresh bake soft pretzels all the time and serve them with a spicy mustard or marinara sauce.
Jalapeno stuffed olives are nice too :)
Pseudo-vegetarian here. Using animal products is a huge shortcut for tasty food, out of culinary laziness and ignorance.
I'm trying to get my wife's son on a vegan diet (he's 3) what are some good recipes that taste excellent to a 3 year old?
fuck you butchering someone's health just for you to feel 'ethically superior'
the kid will have a stunted growth and development, you tard at least let him reach 16 years of age to MAKE THE DECISION HIMSELF
fuck you vegan faggots starving children and pets with 'healthy' vegan diets
While I kind of agree with you that forcing a diet on a kid is wrong, what's this shit about "stunted growth and development"?
no vegan diet is wholesome
it lacks a whole spectrum of vitamins and other elements essential for growth
>muh B12
>muh iron
Enjoy your visit from CPS when they rip the brain damaged toddler from your arms and haul your ass to jail as numero uno cellmate for Tyrone and Maurice.
You're doing it wrong
Go educate yourself with more appropriate sources of information than Veeky Forums.
Fuck off newfag, stop feeding the most obvious of trolls.
And of course, out of cruelty.
>mixing vegans with vegetarians
Take a B-12 vitamin and vary your diet to get the nutrients you need and this shit won't happen ever.
>> trigger carnists by ruining our health
FTFY. Also this way you can only trigger "carnists" that have empathy.
ALSO. In case you skipped middle school math - which I know you did, choosing to smoke weed instead - your """""""""""""""""contribution""""""""""""""""""" is STATISTICALLY NEGLIGIBLE which means NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE whether you buy meat or not. In fact you can hunt down wild animals and kill them yourself and you're still not gonna change shit.
Grow up, retarded fucking faggots. Grow up and get a pair.
>vary your diet
something vegans are incapable of due to permanent brain damage and lack of variety in the things they actually can eat
>people who smoke weed are stoopid
>lack of variety in things they actually can eat
Oh come on. I will admit it's more expensive and harder to find sometimes, but there's plenty of things for vegans to eat, and even more for vegetarians.
> things you wish were true
Not in this world, mato.
> implying the negation
Go smoke some dope, dope.
I didn't expect to actually see cavemen in this thread being triggered.
I encourage you to look into the correlation that's been found between drug use and higher IQ. Obviously IQ isn't everything, but it's something.
Also smoking weed does not affect you badly at all unless you smoke way too much or are a schizo.
>Thread about any favorite food/dietary choice
>"Oh this is my favorite"
>"No way this one is way better"
>"Only plebs don't choose x"
>Thread about the same thing, just no animal products
>"Vegetarian/Vegan thread? Not on my FOOD & COOKING board!"
all bean chili is pretty good add some onions and maybe some jalapenos.
>>Thread about any favorite food/dietary choice
>>"Oh this is my favorite"
>>"No way this one is way better"
>>"Only plebs don't choose x"
Implying that's how any thread on any board on this website goes.
Hilarious senpai.
My girlfriend's roommate turned vegan after the election so she cooks us dinner sometimes, I never feel full, thoughts?
Ironic isn't it? Meatfags complain about vegetarians/vegans screaming in your face and then they pull this shit.
Eat more.
Or look into vegan foods that are filling, like beans, and have her cook em.
>"Vegetarian/Vegan thread? Not on my FOOD & COOKING board!"
That one is valid, though. This is a FOOD & COOKING board, not a support forum for people with eating disorders.
I'm not saying that other threads don't have their fair share of degeneracy, I mean this is still Veeky Forums.
But the ratio is far more skewed in these threads.
Also food being vegan doesn't mean it will be filling. It doesn't mean the opposite either, it's a wide blanket.
Foods that contain lots of fiber, starches such as potatoes/rice/corn etc. The more appetite stimulates you use the more you will be able to eat before your brain signals to you that you are full and its had enough. Those being loose sugar, isolated fats, and salt.
Food that doesn't have animals in it is still food. Were you raised in a play dough factory?
>fish cannot feel pain
is this confirmed?
Hey guys. I'm a normal man, I could never live without meat and stuff, but my girlfriend is a vegan. I refuse to cook vegan dishes for her because she refuses to cook meat dishes for me, so we can never actually eat the same meals. It's really annoying and leaving her isn't an option, so I'm trying to convert her into a meat-eater.
A few days ago I pretended I'd had a change of heart and that I'd start cooking vegan dishes for both of us, thinks like black bean burgers and vegan bean chilli. But I've secretly been putting non-vegan ingredients e.g. butter, cheese, eggs, meat stock in my dishes. So far she hasn't noticed a difference. My plan is to feed her this way for a while and then one day I'll reveal what I've been feeding her this whole time. She'll realise that eating this stuff didn't actually make any difference since she didn't even notice, and maybe she'll rethink being a vegan. How long should I keep feeding her like this before I reveal the trick?
>inb4 butthurt vegans, she had anaemia and faints a lot and she's also really skinny, I'm doing this for her own good
If that's what you think then you should be shitting up the al/ck/ohol threads.
Went to the supermarket and a bunch of stuff was on sale, so I bought 6 pints of blackberries for $6 and 4 mangos for $2. I've never eaten these before, so besides just eating them by themselves what are good ways to prepare them?
no. I would say fish probably feel pain.
If you can't communicate and cooperate with your grill then one or both of you have a problem and you should break up.
If you really think revealing you've been feeding her meat will make her change her mind then it's obviously you with the problem.
>i'm doing this for her own good!
Flimsy excuse and you know it. If you're really worried about her get her to go to a dietician/doctor and get vitamins.
She's been hospitalised before for her fainting, they tell her to improve her diet but she never listens.
I'm not breaking up with her, I actually love her and I feel a connection with her that I've never felt before.
Being vegan doesn't make you anemic, yes I'm taking the bait.
Also there are a load of factors to consider here.
If she is serious about making this change then what you are doing is fucked up because you are violating the trust between you two. Where as you could not be a sociopath and sit down and talk to her about it instead of tampering with people's food.
If you can't communicate with her then you shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with, vegan or not.
Iron is piss easy to get on a plant based diet anyway. Oats? Brown rice? Broccoli? Shit is everywhere.
I can't find a decent Ajvar brand in my country lads.
Move to civilized lands.
Just googled what that was, never heard of it. Looks interesting, what do you personally use it on?
Good thing you weren't triggered or anything, faggot.
I bought a pasta maker so I've been eating egg-noodles (pesto or marinara) left and right lately. Today I made some crockpot stew that was mostly rice, peas, and a shit ton of spices. I would say eggs, cheese, and bread are my biggest staples.
Why is it when I find an amazing vegan product it goes from delicious(and kinda expensive) they change the recipe/quality of ingredients and it becomes bland or even disgusting? The price is even the same...
This happens way too often.
its amazing as a sandwich spread but you can use it for anything really.
I make my own and eat it with a spoon.
Interesting, it looks pretty tasty. Will have to try it sometime if I can find it here in the states or make it from scratch.
God damn son hah.
I came into this thread to laugh at the mentally disabled and trolls and bump the thread for others to share in this joy.
Fucking love this shit mate, keep it up.
I fucking love it. Great start to a wonderful day.
IQ is literally nothing.
You could smoke fucking water and you would fuck yourself because smoking kills. Weed just adds to the harm.
Because I have empathy you fucking dicksquid.
With my conspiracy theorist hat on I would say they hook consumers with quality ingredients which may end up being more work and more money in ingredients to decreasing both for a big profit.
I can see you fell for the vaccines meme. Aspie
Those meals sound really tasty. I make a lot of vegan pizzas, but I tend to forgo cheese (dairy or vegan) altogether and just load up on grilled mushrooms.
>My girlfriend's roommate turned vegan after the election
Did I miss something? Are all steaks Trump steaks from now on?
When I began making vegan pizzas I was pleasantly surprised how delicious the cheese-less alternatives were and placing in more vegetables.
I figured as much but do they think people will fall for it forever? these products seem to disappear rather fast after the change.
Vegan food is already nothing but starch, gums and filler. If a company can find a way to cut corners off of a circle, you owe it to them to be a little impressed.
No, they likely experience more pain because they are less intelligent and therefore require a stronger response to create a disincentive for negative behavior
Local taco place near me has bean burritos and you can get these shits in them. These things are fucking crack, swear to allah.
It's pretty much equivalent to her sleeping around because you can't fully satisfy her, and then lying to you about it.
What is that? Looks like pickled red onion.
>Take a B12 vitamin
shouldn't this be a red flag?
if you have to take a supplement to make up for what the diet lacks, isn't that a signal that maybe the diet isn't healthy?
oh man the other day I made this awesome roasted vegetable soup with these unknown spices my sister brought back from Turkey
came out pretty damn good
it was spur of the moment so I don't have an actual recipe but I could try to remember it if anyone's interested
protip: if you are making a soup that uses vegetable broth instead of using all vegetable substitute and portion of it for miso broth and it become wicked savory
Correct. I'm not sure how common of a topping it is but it's delicious
that's only because of how clean and sterile modern commercial vegetables are back in the day they got the B12 from the bacteria on outer portions of the vegetables
If we have the technology to have both clean vegetables and B12 on its own why not?
Not him, but this is more a modern society issue than a dietary one. Even animals eaten today are supplemented, and people who consume animals can still become deficient in B-12.
No matter who you are or what you are eating it is advisable to take a B-12 supplement, especially since you cannot overdose, its readily and easily available, and it wont break the bank.
Vitamins just make things easier, you can get B12 from soy shit and plant milks too.
The flaw of vegetarianism/veganism is how hard it is to find good foods. That's why I'm a pescatarian.
>Eat GMO foods
shouldn't this be a red flag?
if you have to grow GMO crops to make up for what the soil and agricultural practices lack, isn't that a signal that maybe the agricultural system isn't healthy?
>using commercialized vegetables as an excuse for a lack of nutrition
Try growing your own then, or maybe actually eating food with nutritional value.
It's the same as someone stuffing their face with McDonald's all the time and they're like "oh no no it's okay because I take muh vitamins"
When she finds out she will leave you and she should. You don't put something in someones body that they have communicated openly with you about having a desire to avoid.
What you are doing is entirely selfish and also affects her health as her body is used to not having animal products. She will notice as you do these things to her because it will disrupt her digestion and cause a number of potential side effects.
I'm speaking as an omni husband to a vegan and you are out of line. If you are so autistic that you would rather sabotage your partner than learn to communicate and compromise than she deserves better.
As long as they are using vegetarianism as a transition to veganism its all good
That's the main benefit to trying to promote vegetarianism to normies because most will outright refuse to consider veganism but vegetarianism isn't all that hard for a carnist. Plus now they have veganism as the "big scary weird diet" so vegetarianism doesn't seem all that scary to omnis.
Jeez, I come into this thread and ask for some simple recipes that my wife of 5 years and I could get so her son can enjoy our way of living but instead I get meat eaters trying to moralfag me. Can I get some serious answers, please?
>commercially-grown vegetables have no nutritional value
>It's the same as someone stuffing their face with McDonald's all the time and they're like "oh no no it's okay because I take muh vitamins"
That's not the same at all. One is an unhealthy diet and the other is a healthy diet including a B12 supplement. You either get B12 from your food or a naturally-derived supplement source. Your body doesn't know the difference.
The problem is even if you do in fact grow your own produce, in order to get B-12 like our ancestors did you'd have to consume soil/feces, as well as untreated water, or animals that do these things in the wild.
That's why its a modern issue, and also partially why modern animals products have to be supplemented, everything is far too clean nowadays to provide this is a reliable source anymore.
Taking a supplement, vegan or not is a good idea, and even more reliable, and completely safe.
yeah everyone should just grow their own food, no logistical/economic issues there!
m8 veggies are incredibly nutritious
I guarantee you do not eat enough fiber only like 10% of Americans get enough fiber
most vegans usually have higher levels of iron than omnis
I eat a lot of lentils and rice. Don't eat too much starch. Make sure to eat lots of varied vegetables. Stock up on extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil. Steam food when possible. Avoid toasting or frying things. Eat fruit low in sugar most often. Berries are good for everyday eating, but save things like bananas for specials days. Sprouting nuts and legumes and grains is usually a good idea, at least soak them. Regularly eat fermented stuff like brined vegetables. Mushrooms are good but don't overdo it guys. Don't overdo anything mix it up even too much dark greens can be bad for you. Don't eat too much in one sitting. You probably aren't going to starve to death. If you are losing too much weight just eat more calorie dense meals, but don't skimp on veggies.
tldr; Eat some meat you faggots
getting some pizza tonight
>eggplant and mushroom
>broccoli and onion
the best
People who consume meat regularly do not need to take a B12 supplement. People who are healthy and have a good diverse diet do not need a multivitamin.
There is no scientific evidence encouraging multivitamin use by the general population. You are free to do it and support the industry, but don't think you are actually healthier because of it.
You do know that B12 injections for farm animals is a standard practice because of deficiencies caused by their diet and environment right?
They give it to them to also stave off massive parasite infections they would get otherwise.
I recently made this recipe for some rice and beans:
way better than just regular rice and beans it makes this delicious bean gravy
9/10 would recommend especially if you throw in some wine while the vegetables are sautéing
"Almost 40% of the U.S. population is deficient in vitamin B12 according to a recent study from Tufts University in Boston and a vast majority of them are completely unaware."
You think that 40% is vegan/vegetarian?
B-12 is not a multivitamin, its B-12. Everything, and I do mean everything else you can get from plants. And you can arguable get B-12 from your plants under the conditions I listed before.
And ya, -typically- people who consume animals have a better chance of not being deficient, considering that modern animals are supplemented with B-12. However 40% of people still remain deficient.
It doesn't matter if you are vegan or not, this is a modern human issue, not a strictly vegan one.
Livestock practices don't necessarily mirror those for optimal health, rather efficiency.
B12 is given to farm animals because it is cheap and you don't have to worry about pernicious anaemia and other illnesses generally resulting from cobalt deficiency. In many areas, cobalt deficiency isn't an issue.
>Nearly two-fifths of the U.S. population may be flirting with marginal vitamin B12 status if the population of Framingham, Mass., is any indication.
>39 percent with plasma B12 levels in the “low normal” range--below 258 picomoles per liter.
>While this is well above the currently accepted deficiency level of 148 pmol/L
>Nearly 9 percent of the study population fell below the current deficiency level
From 40% to 9%. In a single town. I wouldn't exactly extrapolate these results nationwide.
Are you fucking brain dead the post said nothing about GMO.
Good job copying someone else's post for yourself though
I'm not a vegan, of course, but a vegan soup that I make a fair amount in fall and winter is roasted butternut squash soup. Pretty simple, too, and isn't overloaded with pumpkin style spices.
It's basically peel and chunk a butternut squash. Coat with olive oil and salt and pepper and roast at 400F for 45 minutes until you get a bit of browning. Chop an onion and a few cloves of garlic. Lightly toast 1 Tbs of coriander seed and grind. Saute onion until transluscent add garlic, coriander seed, cayenne pepper and 1 stick cinnamon for 1 minute. Add vegetable broth and simmer for 1 hour. Remove cinnamon stick. Add roasted squash and puree in blender or with immersion blender. Season to taste.
Nutritious and tasty. I usually add a bit of cream or sour cream, but I've eaten it without it and it was still very good.
*I forgot to mention I add some sage along with the garlic and other spices. I think sage is underutilized with winter squash.
It's an analogy pointing flaws in your natural fallacy.
But hey, I'm sure bacteria-derived B12 in pill form is somehow "different" and "bad" because it isn't "natural".
You should eschew any produce grown with soil ameliorates because they aren't natural either.
One of the things that you don't often see mentioned in regard to vegan diets is the fact that although you can find a lot of produce in supermarkets out of season, it's coming from a long distance and has lost a lot of nutrients, texture and flavor in that time. Nutrient content begins degrading almost immediately. Some vegetables are terribly bad for that like corn, peas, summer squashes, and lettuces greens. Root vegetables and winter squashes are the least susceptible.
I think it's extremely important to buy and eat in season vegetables if you want flavor, texture and optimal nutrition. I'm fortunate in that we have enough land to grow most of our fresh produce over spring and fall seasons. And we can store or preserve extra. But in the dead of winter, where lettuces are shipped from long distances, I won't buy them. I will buy spinach, or cruciferous vegetables because they hold up better.
But to think you can unthinkingly go buy fresh vegetables and fruits just because the supermarket stocks them and be getting many nutrients from them is a significant error.
Having said all that, I'm not a vegan. But I do think vegetables are an important part of our diet and my advice is for omnivores as well. It's all too easy in the US to slip into a complacency and say, "well, the supermarket has all this produce so all of it must be equally good."
Most people have relatively little variety in what they eat, meat/eggs/dairy are simply very good at filling in gaps. Whereas a gap in a vegetarian diet could remain unfilled for a very long time.
I think it would be useful to have vegan meat substitutes which are fortified to the point you could eat nothing but and still end up with a good diet.
> mashed chickpea sandwiches (chickpeas, mayo, and whatever else people mix with tuna sandwiches like apples or relish)
> TVP tacos
> those little estrella pasta with tomato sauce
> pasta in general
> i like to mix penne with italian dressing tossed in broccoli, peas and cherry tomatoes
> cauliflower bites
> TVP nuggets with mashed potatoes??
I mean, the kids only 3 so they can't be that picky just yet. It's a good time to start introducing them to veggies. By this time lots of parents resign to feeding their kids packaged food.
If youre gunna start making vegan threads you should put links on the matter to get people to read up on the health and ethical points before they comment something too easy to shut down.
Everyone should be supplementing b12. Many people have absorption problems including meat eaters. Although, you can't really find it through vegan foods there's no proof that supplements are absorbed any less than non vegan foods.
>my wife's son
If you actually think people read links sure
Yeah, he should instead feed him corpse pieces of a dead animal that was locked up with many others in piles of shit and injected with tons of antibiotics, that's not butchering someone's health at all.
You can be vegan and eat only potato chips all day. Vegan diet isn't automatically healthy.
I am not going to a link posted on an anonymous Mongolian sheep sheering forum. You can post a quote and reference a source, and I might look at it. In fact, I thought posting direct links were not permitted due to the excessive self promotion that would be a direct consequence.
>Yeah, he should instead feed him corpse pieces of a dead animal that was locked up with many others in piles of shit and injected with tons of antibiotics, that's not butchering someone's health at all.
Christ, I thought most US vegans at least had a grasp of the English language.
Just because you design your description of something to mirror the views you have on it does not necessarily mean those views are true. You disagree ethically with eating meat. Don't confuse your conscience with science.
Something about 'reeee fuck white people' and 'i need to offset the suffering of POC by making fewer animals suffer'
Just make your own, then.
I'm not a vegetarian. I figure you guys make/eat a lot of hummus though. Do I need tahini to make hummus? I like it but tahini is expensive.