ITT: Why you're 30 pounds overweight

ITT: Why you're 30 pounds overweight.




>Not kgs

(((they))) are pumping the meat and the water with hormones.

Naive bastards, having a little fat is ok, winter reserves, the problem is all the shit in modern processed food.

I ve always been troubled by how rich "liberals" buy everything at whole foods, because they know cheap stuff is pumped with shit, but they still refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem, because they have money and can afford good food, they dont bother worrying about the millions of people who have to eat hormonized and polluted food.

They acknowledge the system flaws only when it affects them directly, and still the solution is not to fix the system for everybody, NO....the solution is having more money to buy better food than the plebs.

This is why I want hell to exist, most of you deserve it.


>not buying fresh

Why are people so willingly put that much toxins in their bodies?, Dont you know you can just buy organic?

seriously, like, it isnt even that expensive.

How poor are you people? jeez, I think I dont belong here, is there an alternative Veeky Forums for people who care about themselves?

The liberals aren't the ones supporting pumping factory poultry and pork full of 10% solution so 10% of the weight you're paying for is water and chemicals. They also aren't supporting policies that create huge food deserts in metropolitan areas. They also don't support policies that reduce the ability to educate people on how to buy and eat nutritious food. And they most certainly don't support the proliferation of a mindless and dangerous fast food culture.

>educate people on how to buy and eat nutritious food

I know, only rural uneducated rednecks are affected. We the city people eat healthy and think healthy as well.


Fuck off, nobody in first world countries uses pounds

I'm actually underweight, but I'll slam a hot pocket now and again. I get weird cravings like that sometimes.

I could have a NY strip or tenderloin in the fridge but all I'm craving is dinosaur nuggets. Shit's weird bro...but hey, sometimes you want to cook and sometimes you want to eat.

i really cut back though and i've already lost 20 lbs


I'm 80 lbs overweight

Because I eat too much food. My diet is decent from a health perspective, I just eat too much.


>Frozen Coke is a registered trademark

>30 pounds overweight


>tfw almost 45 pounds overweight

I have to get my diet under control, which means stop eating pizza, candy, and stop drinking soda. Literally all I need to change, it makes up so much of my diet right now.


>board about food
>all its posters are fatasses

I'm not overweight, but I do have some chub probably from my sugar addiction. I could eat sugary cereals all day every day.

not the cutting back part, the beer


>30 lbs


i fucking wish that was all i was overweight


Cause I like 'bready' foods.
cookies, pancakes, waffles, cake, muffins, butter rolls, cinnamon rolls. There has to be a healthier alternative.

i can only handle so much bready foods before i get sick of the bloated feeling and have to switch it up a bit

>mfw I stumbled upon frozen coke as an idea
>mfw I didn't know they sold frozen coke
>mfw it's just one dollar
>mfw I thought I could make millions selling frozen coke tm
>lost... millions... millions...
has anyone ever tried frozen 7up?

try going to diet soda then seltzer water

maybe fruit instead of candy, frozen berries are quick and easy i eat that shit for desert, chocolate milk instead of chocolate

i dont have a cure for pizza yet

>people who care about themselves?

you mean people who make enough money to care about health

shit, go one step further and just think that you eat healthy

That blonde really makes me think.

You can still eat healthy on the cheap if you are not retarded.

Way to make excuses porker.

The Only Real Answer ITT should be


what is that abomination?


It is really all I eat.


7UP sucks dick my dude what would the point be

mein negro

*tibs bedora*

Muh geens

i'm a chef.


More like
>ITT: retarded overweight Veeky Forums crossposter faggots get triggered

>>yuropoor detected

The weekend

>always wanted stuff like hot pockets, pizza rolls, oreos, and stouffers ready meals when I was young
>dad always cooked every meal for us
>move out
>have the capability to buy and eat all these things

I kind of really want to, but I don't want to get fat. Also it's expensive compared to how much I can make with regular ingredients

>only being 30 pounds overweight


Only like 20lbs overweight for me

Balongna cake


Never knew that pic was shopped . She's actually quite the qt

And I'm 200 lbs overweight. Fuck all of you.

I don't even eat lots of any specific unhealthy food. I just eat big servings and don't exercise.

>i dont have a cure for pizza yet
Easy, make your own budget pizzas with Tomato paste as the sauce, very minimal cheese, and whatever toppings you like.

The tomato paste thing sounds bad, but it's pretty good if you give it a go, my man.

Please post your typical day in food.

I don't really have a "typical" day. I get up, usually have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. For lunch lately I've been eating one of. Past few days I've had one of pic related for lunch, though today I made a turkey sandwich.

Sometimes I snack on things like a couple popsicles or I might have another of pic related. Lately, anyway.

Dinner varies. Last night I had 2/3s of a club sandwich and fries (would've eaten the whole thing but I'm just getting over being sick and didn't want to push it). I do eat McDonald's far too often, though.

All that said, however, I only drink diet soda (mostly because I like the taste), I almost never eat candy, and I never eat dessert things like cakes or cookies or the like because they fuck up my IBS for some reason.

Aaaand that's the wrong picture.

of course coca cola's product is their trademark. just because you freeze it doesnt make it a different thing

My local puerto rican pizza joint.

I stopped eating junk, and prepare all my meals. Eat out once week. Drink once a week I have went from 270 to 211 in less than 6 or 7 monthes. I just had bad eating habits from college. So when I got a good job, I was eating like a baby with money. BTW I am 6ft 1 in. I probably wouldn't have woke up too my fatness if my feet and back didnt hurt then, and my blood pressure was borderline. Oh ya I have more dick now.

Ay caramba.

I had a similar situation. I used to eat a lot of fast food, and I was 6'4" weighing 265 lbs with a nine inch cock.

I switched to mostly vegetarian and now I'm 6'2" with an 8 inch cock weighing 220lbs.

>'bready' foods.

All those bready foods you listed are high in fat and sugar. regular bread is perfectly fine to eat.

remove cheese and fattening spreads, and that wouldn't be so bad.


I think he meant kilos.

10 hours of my day is spent at pic related.

Also why the fuck is the image size cap so small? 4mb is nothing these days. I don't want to have to go to fucking impurities every time I want to load a God damned image.

No shit. If you enjoy food, you are 100% a tub of lard. Food is fuel, nothing else. Anyone who enjoys it is a gluttonous porker.

Do you eat one or both?

One is only ~400 calories so not THAT terrible. What kind of popsicles are you eating?

What you listed as your food would not be enough to make you 200 lbs overweight unless you were eating 1,000+ cal meals from mcdonalds like at least 5 times a week.

Not overweight but if I ever become overweight this would be the reason








That looks brutal.

For me, it's everything pastry/bread based. And juice. Bought this beauty last shopping trip and it's amazing.

No, you don't belong here.

implying pizza is bad

do they have these in Canada? I don't think I've ever seen them here

>Do you eat one or both?
One at a time, usually. Sometimes I may eat another later in the day. The popsicles lately are 40cals each, and I'll eat 2-3 at once.

>eating 1,000+ cal meals from mcdonalds like at least 5 times a week.
Well... I had been lately like 3 times a week, anyway. I think dinner is where I consume the most of my calories for sure, though.

I'm 60 pounds overweight. I used to be 110 pounds overweight.

For me it was soda and sweet drinks. I didn't eat much, but I drink so much soda and juice. I was addicted to drinking sweet things and also alcohol. I've cut all soda for months and I'm losing the weight, it's hard to cut alcohol, but I eventually want to weigh 180.

hot pockets are one of the most degenerate foods there are. i think more highly of people who eat mcdonald's, which is also disgusting


is it healthy to eat a bag of crisps every night right before bed?

>tfw 2 pounds overweight

it's only 2 pounds but it scares me, brothers
I need to cut back on all of the coke i drink

Never eating past x is just a meme. It doesn't matter when you eat as long as you follow calories in/out.

>30 pounds overweight
so if I eat hot pockets I'll lose 100 pounds? damn, so that's what I've been doing wrong.

You ate your playstation 4?

i felt like an autist when i looked at that picture and thought about the anxiety i'd feel, walking into that, but i realized i'd feel that same anxiety walking into a room full of men that i didn't know

Why? They're all unattractive. The reason you'd feel anxiety with men you don't know is because you see them as competition. But those girls are disgusting, I don't know why people think white women are attractive.

mods can make their own threads now?

if only you could eat unwarranted bans

tips fatflap

if i could cut down on my pasta intake i could loose weight

i already cut out soda/juice completely
also cut down on bread and sugar a lot

your father was doing you a favor and clearly loved you

Not him but it's clearly about the amount of people.

This is a creative way to write "just eat a salad instead."


I'm all for using metric for everything else but using kgs is a fucking nightmare for poorly educated amerifats like myself


How do I make homemade hotpockets?