Magic Vs Dark Energy

> TFW you believe that magic exists
> TFW you don't believe dark energy or dark matter exists.

Dark energy is bullshit but magic is real. Meme magic is my evidence. Stats on a piece of paper to prove dark energy exists is all make believe. In fact fairy tales are more believable.
> you're a wizard, Harry.

>physicists are /x/
How is anybody surprised?

there's plenty of evidence to support the existence of mysticism, the only way to make it not exist is not to believe in it, and to make it exist just believe in it

uhhh are you mentally healthy

i am bro. i personally am pretty skeptic about all this, but as i study more about eastern philosophy and jewish occult practices i begin to see patterns throught history, and irl as well. i don't think of it as magic really, but as a really weird fucked up scientific phenomenon

so what are you on about what magic is real

what ?

what do you believe in specifically

that reality is fluid. that the timeline can be disturbed and that what seems like magic is merely reality bending a little. we can't bend it too much as human with limited power, but in theory reality can bend so much it would stop looking like our universe.

and all this fluidity, shit like sliding timelines, mandela effect, and ( meme ) magic stem from quantum probabilities. essentially incredibly specific mathematics. doing certain things, increases the likelihood of other things happening, on any given level, so much so that they will happen.

now i obviously don't know how this works down to the finer details, so i'm kinda pulling this outta my ass but maybe human perception and action may influence reality because of entaglement of particles in our body with particles in the enviorment determining a chain reaction causing shit to happan aka "magic". maybe this isn't how it's happening but it's the most scientific explanation i can think of now.

even if this isn't true, we know that observation influences the behaviour of quantum particles. particles surely are influenced in other ways, we can't understand yet or measure for that matter, because that would mean observation is introduced, but if by observing them we can change their behaviour, there have to other ways that are less subtle that do influence their behaviour.

feel free to ask more, i've thought about this a lot and i haven't really expressed my idea about this so thoroughly. this shit really motivates me to go and pursue a further career in physics

i studied occultism for a bit but i just concluded it is placebo abuse or invoking schizophrenia/

I study occultism but I don't really believe that shit.
I just like the dank alchemy symbolism.

either way occultism is really bullshit, but it can work if practiced en masse. a good example of this is religion

hah i'd say we're shills trying to prevent you from learning the dark occult arts

i'm the first guy, are you OP? how can you believe occultism is bullshit if you believe magic is real?

[math] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(t)-f(t-a)dt=a(f(\infty)-f(-\infty))) [\math]

[math] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(t)-f(t-a)dt=a(f(\infty)-f(-\infty))) [/math]

surely you mean (((you))). either way like i said, occultism is bullshit and people who practice it are mostly trying to con you out of your money or possessions, the few others are genuinely crazy. but like i said "magic" is just poor understanding of science

isn't occultism the practise of this 'magic'?

by studying biology do you practice physics as well, just because they're both "sciences" ?

>meme magic

Is anyone else annoyed at all these newfags in /pol/ who don't know what a fucking meme is? They're literally 9gag/facebook tier cancer.

>im the meme master, not the majority
lamo kid

Why can't most of the matter needed for the equations to work just be dust-like particles spread througout the black vastness of space? Why do we need darkmatter?

>plenty of evidence
Show me some hard evidence please. I am willing to belive anything that can be proven. Just show me evidence.

I share this mindset. Show us something we can test your hypothesis against. If Null Fails we will talk again.

the most concrete thing i can think of is the double slit experiment, maybe in theory some weid mathematic phenomena, and perhaps the string theory. like i said, "magic" stems from probabilities, people interpret it as magic because they're brainlets

i'm pissed that they call it "meme" and not what it is, i.e. a sigil (or hypersigil / pre-egregore in the case of Kek, given its actual power)

there are many more examples of "meme" magic other than kek, but a meme is really something that carries cultural significance so it's the easiest way of practicing magic

Depends if you use the right definition of magic most would agree it exists. Dark energy and matter are void fillers, but they make sense.