my mom bought us a food dehydrator. anybody else have one? what do you like to make with it?
My mom bought us a food dehydrator. anybody else have one? what do you like to make with it?
I have a couple dehydrators. The flat tray models are especially nice.
I use them to dry wild mushrooms and make fruit leather and biltong.
i throw plums in there for fresh ass bombs
I used one to dehydrate a fuck ton of Tabasco peppers that had been stored in vinegar.....once completely dehydrated, used a portal and pestel and ground up into a fine powder and now add it to my fried chicken breading's pretty goat
The booklet has instructions for drying potato slices. Why would one dehydrate a potato?
Do what we did with our deep fryer - use it twice and then let it collect dust for 6 months.
That's a really good idea. I can also dehydrate garlic and onion to make powder spices.
You can throw the dried potatoes into soup to rehydrate
It's literally the one thing you'll want to make more than once in a Dehydrator.
Unless you have some abundance of cheap food and don't want it to go bad.
Are you so fucking lazy that you can't bread something and fry it. Jesus, stuff your face with more fast food you degenerate shithead
or you can mix up a few carrots/potatos/kohlrabi/peas and basically make your own msg-free instant soup mixes for camping trips
Not if you like fruit. I get a shitload of bananas from the truck stop once in a while and they are really good dehydrated. Easier than jerky too.
Eh, it was just a bad purchase. We never ended up having much use for it.
Fucking degenerates these days. When I was a kid, we had to deep fry our Twinkies in a pot of grease in the backyard.
Jerky is the real money's savings. But, you'll find getting the beef very thin a challenge, so slice semi-frozen, or get some kind of meat slicer to do it (maybe a butcher would prep for you?
I mostly use mine when I had banana trees, and I would make my own banana slices. Perfectly ripe bananas dry into a banana and cream flavored chip and get a little caramelized. Star apples dried nicely. Chop up the dried star apples (carambola) and make scones or quick bread or muffins. So yummy. I also dried orange slices, same thing, chop up, use in recipes, or decorative topping. I've dried little chili peppers from my plants and given to my parrots, or use in stir frys. Cherry tomatoes get sweet and chewy and can be used on pizza, stuffed in chicken breasts, or added to pasta salads or in panzanella.
I've never done it, but I've purchased dried okra (might have been pressure fried), but it was delicious.
How fucking stupid are you to buy something you knew you didn't have a use for. Are you one of those "keeping up with the Benjamins" faggot. I bet you are nu-male low test cuck with thick rim glasses. How big is your wifes cock?
>Are you so fucking lazy that you can't bread something and fry it. Jesus, stuff your face with more fast food you degenerate shithead
Calm down brokefag. Your language is horrible, and quite abusive for a worksafe board. That guy was using sarcastic humor. Get a clue.
OP, make some kale chips.
Calm down and take deep breaths from the stomach
Really? Have you run out of legitimate things to get angry about?
Talk as much shit as you want, my wife's dick is bigger than yours.
I'm a girl with a feminine penis, my dick is bigger than yours
I'm making banana chips and apple slices now. It smells really good. Next I think I'll make chicken jerky for my dog.
We bought one years ago, when we were presumably more young and dumb. But we found out that drying produce in your car on a hot summers day is much more sensible. We do use the trays for holding the vegetables and fruit, though, so it wasn't a total loss.
I use mine to dry out edible weeds which I grind into flour and use it in meals, especially my kids meals, being fussy little pricks they are I sprinkle lambs quarter's, nettles, amaranth or whatever I have into their food. I also dry herbs, fruit, vegetables the usual shit.
i think you can make flour from cattails and acorns too
you can dehydrate anything, all kinds of vegetables (makes great soup mix) all kinds of herbs spice mix). all kinds of fruits. even mash fruits together and make fruit leathers. go ham w dehydrator, u r dehydrating god.
>Trying this hard
So my language was obviously bait, but the sentiment wasn't bait. Why would you buy something you have no intention or inclination of using?
I have one. Make banana chips, apple chips and jerky. I do a lot of hiking and camping on the weekends so it's nice to have light energy sources available to me when I want them.
You can also dry herbs that are reaching the end of their lifespan although I have no experience with doing so.
I make paprika with my hot thin-skin peppers I grow during the summer. Once it's well dry, I rush it in the food processor until it's powder, let it cool with lots of contact surface, and then pot it up.