Which one, for you?

Which one, for you?


They're all good, but plums can be horrible when unripe.

Yellow peach, plum and Nectarine is fucking delicious. Everything else is shit-tier


I like plums and peaches but i like firmer fruits.

idk where you live, but round here the flat "donut" peaches are exactly as sweet and tasty as yellow peaches. only difference is the form.

For me it's the nectarine.

I've never had any of these. I would try them but the prices are very expensive and there are many cheaper fruits to choose from. Am I missing out on much?

you've never had peach? scratch that, you've never had a plum?! what kind of a country do you live in?

For me, it's the McNectarine. The best kind of berry.

I'll take all of them. Donut peaches can be especially juicy, a nice ripe Apricot can be the most delicious thing, Plums in season are amazing, and Peaches & Nectarines are just delicious.

Apricots all the way

I'm American. My parents rarely bought them when I was a child and I wasn't as open to trying new foods as I am now, especially fruits. For example today was the first time I ever had blackberries and I only bought them because they were $1/pint on sale.

Why would peaches be expensive in Burgerland? You fucking grow them.

I don't know maybe I'm being retarded. I do recall seeing at least a couple fruits in the OP image in a circular and noting that they seemed pricey. You do bring up a good point about peaches.

Give me that fucking plum before I ram a tsai up your urethra

You are definitely retarded, they're slightly more expensive than apples when they're in season

None of these fruits are worth spending time or resources obtaining. They are all low tier fruit

Your dad's a low-tier fruit

Where're my victoria plums?
The greengages?

none of these kinds of fruits are low tier. you have been eating low tier Farmed fruits from shitty farms that don't grow for sugars or taste. find a better farm. raise your farm tier standards.

>not liking sour plums

This, and would like to add that nectarine will usually be the tastiest choice if I'm unsure of their ripeness.

Motherfuckin apricots.


The McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

You should try them user. Peaches and nectarines are espexially good when they're ripe - you want them soft, but still a littke firm. Too soft and they're mush and start to taste bitter, not ripe and the flavors and sweetness hasnt developed yet

I was going to say I would take the donut peach unless the plums were sour. Sour plums are the tits!

plums dont belong in that pic. they should have their own pic with zwetschge, reneclaudes and mirabelles.

Plums, but only if they are at prime ripeness. They have to have the narrowest window of ripeness of all fruits.

Otherwise apricot

they're cheap in the southeast. up north they can be more expensive and they're usually woody and tasteless because they have to be trucked so far that the only way to deliver them before they rot is to pick them when they're unforgivably unripe.

Ripe plums are god tier.

Whatever is just right.

>plums dont belong in that pic. they should have their own pic with plums, green plums, and yellow plums

no pluots?

They're all great if they'r super ripe, and all incredibly shit if they're underripe.

If I had to pick just one though, it'd be pretty close between Red Hart plums and nectarines.

Oh shit or mirabelle plums, almost forgot about those.

Yellow Peach

t. michael rosen

Donut peach.

they are all great

1. Nectarine
2. Yellow peach
3. Apricot
4. Donut peach

These are the only edibles in the OPs image.

the one that can be cooked with MEAT raw, dried, pickled in 100 most arousing positions
googl/Georgian cuisine recipes with plums.