Can you solve this?
Can you solve this?
Sorry, but I'm an adult.
depends on the locale
what did he mean by this?
Pick 65, get told you're wrong because train didn't arrive at first stop yet.
Pick 80, get told you're wrong because the train already arrived at first stop.
Pick 63, get told you're wrong because time is an abstract concept to describe movement.
The only winning move is to call you a faggot.
I keked
>How many people were on the train to begin with?
I dont think trains are built with people inside, so 0
And who installs all the furniture?
0 passengers and about 3 engineers/conductors/staff where on the train at the very start
The answer is 'some'
Finitely many.
50% chance the answer is -1/12
It doesn't say 17 people get on the train at the same stop so maybe there were several stops in between those 17 people getting on so then we can't know.
Define "train"
Are niggers and other sub-races considered people?
Correct therefore b&
Give this man a PhD
The reason adult's "cannot solve this" is because the 'correct' way to solve it is just plain stuipid.
Adults know it would be retarded to intentionally leave out the very important fact that there were in between stops, so they simply assume there were no in between stops.
Adults are solving this correctly. It's just people who are proponents of the idea that children have some kind of "special intelligence" that adults don't have who are trying to make the correct way to solve the problem artificially incorrect.
To begin with, there was no train, just a single point containing all the matter of the universe. So 0. But also all.
Undefined, final answer.
none, because yoghurt lacks fish bones and two fire trucks!
But the "correct" answer is going to be some dumb semantic shit like 0 because that's what it was when the train was manufactured, or unsolvable because we weren't explicitly told there weren't other stops
There is no Veeky Forums board for lawyers.
SJW autistic special snowflakes trying to think they are just as smart as their superiors.
They're too busy drowning in paper anyway
Fuck off you complicated autists. This was in a forth grade math test. The teachers were baffled as to how a question of that degree of complicatedness could be on a 4th grade test. Not many adults could solve it because they simply didn't know what to do with the information given. It's simply reversal of operations. Basically this world is filled with dumb fucks who make fools of themselves by concluding that this question is worthy of the news channel etc
*those who can't do, teach*
*generations naturally become more intelligent that those before them, but are restricted by those before them*
The purpose of this question isn't to give one single answer. It's written in a way that it possesses multiple answers, all of which can be deemed as the "correct answer".
The biggest takeaway from it is some problems can be seen in many different ways, thus creating multiple unexpected questions with their own respectful answers. These types of problems occur very often in our every day life. If you can't see that, you missed the point.
65 is only one of the many answers. The answer can also be 0, since there was no one on the train in the beginning. It can be 1, if there was a conductor. You can come up with more answers.
>There are many answers all equally correct.
>That's the common core way.
We might have entered the dark ages.
You should be able to solve this.
: ^ )