>almond "milk"
>isn't actually milk
Almond "milk"
that's why they call it "beverage" not "milk"
But are the almonds activated?
Who they?
where i live that's called "false advertising"
Had some with my cereal this morning, wasn't bad, kind of miss the protein, but the caloric values are good.
And where do you live?
I never thought I'd see the day I'm drinking almond milk
Are you a boomer by any chance?
>isn't actually a pea or a nut
>hot "dog"
>isn't actually dog
>craft "cheese"
>isn't actually cheese
no, just having fun with """""""""""s
Peanuts are in the bean family along with peas, so arguably, they are peas. They are sometimes called goober peas, in fact.
I had some oatmeal "milk" last year, it was actually pretty good. Almost better than real milk, and that's saying a lot because I really like normal milk. Too bad it cost more than three times a much per litre.
> cock
> can't even eat it
>almond "beverage"
>isn't actually a beverage
in germany it's illegal to call almond based drinks "milk" and it's illegal to call vegan cheeselike food produce "cheese"
feels good
just make oatmeal, add water, blend till its fine then strain it in a cheese cloth, sweeten to taste breh
Also mostly never hot
I might try that. Every Friday I have to get up at fucking 4.30 a.m. for a 70 km commute to work and I don't have the time for a real breakfast. I could make that the day before and drink it in the car instead.
In germany its illegal to be german
>soy milk
>is actually bean flavored water
Biggest disappointment in a long time.
>not made of sand nor by witches
>isn't actually kraft
> shake
> doesn't give you shakes
> smoothie
> not smooth
> beer
> not in ER
> coke
> not coke
>not made of cheese
>Reddit circle jerk
>not even reddit