so my piece of shit roomate dont do dishes and I refuse do them also.. so what should I buy from store, that does not need any cooking plates anything..
So my piece of shit roomate dont do dishes and I refuse do them also.. so what should I buy from store...
Beans from a can.
Hornell Chili.
Why does your room mate have anything to do with it? Just make something for yourself and tell him he can't have any.
because every plate is dirty and so are all the pans.. there is some chicken on one of the pan, for like a week.. I go away for a week in 4 days.. and he have to do the dishes then..right goddam..
But if you're making something for yourself you should clean the pans and pots you use.
Where are you from?
just get your own dishes and keep them in your room between uses. Nothing is going to fix a dirty
y roommate .
Just do what I do, buy your own shit. Put his dirty shit outside with a note saying; if not cleaned after a week then it's going in the bin.
I threw out a shitton of dishes that way and no fucks given.
>so what should I buy from store
Isn't it obvious?
>just get your own dishes and keep them in your room between uses
As soon as he runs out of dishes he'll have to either clean them or buy paper plates.
If he buys paper plates you clean them and keep them, and he can keep spending money on paper plates and plastic cutlery.
Buy some paper plates and paper cups and just throw the shit away when you're done eating. I recently bought some for a party and I was struck by how neat this really is. A month's supply kills fewer trees than my weekend newspaper and you don't have to spend a second on dishwashing and shit, not to mention you don't waste water or pollute the environment with dishwashing soap.
>paper plates
>was struck by how neet this really is
Good. Insight is the first step.
You dont know how much water is used to make paper. Also bleach and that plastic coating on the plates.
you people are missing the point. OP is saying he and his roommate are both lazy, and then demanding you tell him what to do. OP is a piece of shit and should be ridiculed into suicide. fuck you, OP. there are other bodies into which spirit could be born, and you are taking up critical bandwidth.
I have washed his dishes before.. but I refuse to do so now, for a principle.. I want to see, if he Ever does them himself.. if I come back from my week vacation and he hasent done them still. then I now it is a lost cause
You are the worst fucking scum.
What about the pollution from the manufacturing of those products, you fucking dunce?
>So eco friendly!
Except it then sits in a landfill for generations to come. You are what you throw away. Fucking trash.
what about the water, detergent and energy used for washing your ceramic and glass dishes, not to speak of the raw materials that go into a dishwashing machine, shit-for-brains??? A month's supply of paper dishes uses less paper than a hardcover book. Fuck off to Veeky Forums and insult THEM.
Except it is ideal for burning in a garbage incinerator where it can generate energy and provide heat. You must be from a second world country like the US, where everything is just dumped into landfills.
ITT: NEETs staunchly defending their """lifestyle""" and taking pride in not affording a dishwasher.
Not that guy but what the fuck?
A dishwasher doesnt help with dirty people .
op here. came back from food trip. bought a a fries with wieners from a crappy food joint . for 2 euros 50
Here's a tip you dense slav shithead, wash your OWN dishes not theirs. Throw all THEIR dishes in a trash bag if they're still there after a week and set that in their room or next to their door. Keep YOUR kitchenware in your room behind a fucking lock.
There, I just fixed your problem. Hopefully your krokodil addled brain is still functional enough to understand that simple concept.
Just an ordinary day at Veeky Forums, I was amused amused (paper plate guy)
>Hopefully your krokodil addled brain is still functional enough to understand that simple concept.
now THIS is podracing
sad life
Fact: the easiest way to keep your dishes clean is to wash them yourself ASAP after use. There is no excuse for having them sit in the sink for more than 6 hours unless you are drunk/hungover, having a party, or have to haul ass. If you try to make it so people have turns to clean, you are part of the fucking problem
Lazy ass fucking slavniggers. No wonder the entirety of Eastern Europe looks like a nuclear wasteland.
slit your vital arteries with that plastic Mahm'ud
You know what to do OP
I have the same problem with my father
The factory making the paper plates is far more efficient than a home washing plates. The power, soap, and water used washing plates can be considerable.
All of that can be accounted for by the price.
Since it's cheaper to buy a non-paper plate and wash it many times than it is to buy a large number of paper plates then we know definitively that the paper plates are more wasteful.
he killed you?