What one are you? :S

what one are you? :S

Other urls found in this thread:


> engineering
i never tasted cum in my life and i never will

>not tasting your own cum

What do then mean by this?

Automation & CS engineer

>tfw you actually are ultra gay irl
didn't know it was related



EEE master race reporting in
>that glorious feel when decided not to be a mechani/petrocuck early enough


This. How can you never have tasted your own cum? Maybe you'll like it, maybe you'll hate it. It's worth a try nonetheless.

I didn't like it. It's tasteless but the consistency is very gooey, like thick snot.

EEE was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin.

You have a shit diet then and no girl will want to gulp that down.

Why would I waste my genetically superior semen on a slut who only wants to swallow it?

>having a blowjob end with her spitting it all out or closing her mouth
>having to finish yourself off

"Blowjobs" are against evolution. Sperm is supposed to impregnate.

Did a General engineering degree for my first 2 years because the uni allowed it. Thought i was going to do mechanical at first but I ended up hating CAD and material science and I actually enjoyed the electronics more.

Transferred this year to full EE after having done the prerequisites as selectables.

>fucking for the sole purpose of procreating


>hurr electrical is so cool cuz we use the hardest math n shit and that means were the best, yaaay

then you get a real job and find out that the only thing you needed to know was gauge size and load

the sleeping in class one.
i may have a problem

I intend on infesting this world with mini-mes.

Integral sign also stands for s famalam

The character ʃ (esh) is actually an sh sound in the phonetic alphabet.
>sngineering shtudents

>Veeky Forums - Science and math

that's correct, but the reason they used it in this picture is it kind of looks like an S

I know, but it still looks dumb.

>Veeky Forums - Science and math
Did you ever expect real discussion of science and mathematics here:


>automation engineer

why do you want to kill everybody's jobs bro?

Automation allows people to work on other things which computers can't yet do.

that's not feasible and you know it.

What's not feasible?

Engineering physics

Is this a meme degree?

I don't want to kill EVERYbody's jobs, but I do think there's a lot of jobs that would be better off left to machines and algorithms. I think we can improve everybody's quality of life by a lot by doing that. Progress implies efficiency.

Having said that, I also believe that we should move to a more and more socialist economic system where people don't have to work, if they don't want to.
Most people now only work because they have to, so that's clearly a huge societal improvement, for everybody.

Where is nuclear engineering? I'm offended.

You can bet your balls on it.

First row, second from the right

What one are you really?

Fact: literally everyone who's not an engineer is worthless for the human race.

brainlet monkey

Yes and in a few years you will be replaced by a Texas Instruments calculator cause your field requires no creativity at all. Go play outside or something.

Me on the left

Chemical engineering master race.

It's also a long S symbol.

code monkey famalam

>>inb4 pajeet

people enjoy different things, if I can (will) make money off it why the hell not.

>>inb4 vmakin de video gayems
not why I started it, though did join a gamedev club to fuck around with it, a nice side hobby

>being this insecure

This is actually correct uſe of the medial "s."

Fully automated luxury communiſm when?

>tfw my boyfriend's tastes and reeks of bleach
>tfw the beſt part is when he forces me to ſwallow

>tfw my boyfriend's tastes and reeks of bleach
>tfw the beſt part is when he forces me to ſwallow

I don't get it, so you like swallowing bleach tasting cum?

Kill yourself

Electrical Engineering master race.

Don't act like any field is protected from that

No, no, submission and mild humiliation are the comfiest shit senpai