How do we put an end to /pol/ mentality?

How do we put an end to /pol/ mentality?

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Totalle failed at life?

Then why not blame baby boomers?

It's so much easier than taking responsibility for your own poor choices.

cool strawman bro.
who blames baby boomers?

>How do we put an end to /pol/ mentality?
abolishing affirmative action

bettering the U.S. education system to encourage rational argument and logic instead of divisive shit-flinging and violence, and ending educational bias towards either side

ending the "us vs. them" mentality that marginalizes a large population group and calling them "deplorables", "hicks", "plebs", etc.

approaching them with an open mind and addressing the root of their concerns rather than instantly dismissing their opinions as racist and ignorant

this will reduce most of it. some people will always be racist because its a natural human reaction to only being exposed to minority groups which are on average dumber and more violent than the rest of the population.

if only liberals weren't actual retards, instead they just put their fingers in their ears and refuse to negotiate.

> end /pol/ mentality by giving them what they want

>>end /pol/ mentality by giving them what they want


how is anything he listed wrong or bad?

in case you're not trolling, kill yourself.

desu what they want is what you want reworded.

Sargon of Akkad once made a great point regarding brexit. Top middle and high class people do not live in towns with immigrants, so they can afford not to act in a racist manner but that is not the reality of poor people. Poor people live with the immigrants and they see their crime (as immigrants are even poorer) and get scared of losing what little they have, including jobs.

If middle class liberals only realized that they should act a little bit racist and put immigrants in communities away from poor people then soon no one would have a reason to fear immigrants and then when immigrants grow in status and are able to live without stealing let them integrate as full citizens.

This is why Trump won.

By ending libtard mentality.

By teaching them science

This thread is silly.

Jobs aren't going to immigrants, jobs are doing 2 things:
1) Leaving the country due to exactly people like trump
2) disappearing due to technological innovations.

As technology improves, more and more jobs will disappear. We have enough food to feed everyone, but capitalism says that throwing away food is better than giving it away.

Fuck capitalism.
P.S. Net immigration is basically zero.

Children in Africa could eat that food.

>net immigration

Flawed metric. Poor immigrants come in but only rich americans have enough capital to travel out.

No one is taking those people's fucking CEO or NASA engineer position, except for other rich/middle class peopleZ

I would take money to transport it and local politics in africa are corrupt so people will keep starving not because we don't send food there but because their politicians want them to starve and don't understand economy.

>P.S. Net immigration is basically zero.
No. It's still over 1 million per year just in legal immigrants. The jobs are leaving the country due to idiotic trade deals signed by exactly people like Clinton.

>1$ poverty jobs should be done by americans

Why are the mods allowing these blatantly off-topic threads?

By letting their economic policies screw them over, and letting their social polices piss off the rest of the world.

The majority of people will always be unintelligent. Unless you're willing to engineer smarter babies. That would be the only possible way.

Please. Millennials and Gen Z are always blaming their parents for everything wrong with them. It's just what spoiled brats do.

The only known cure for authoritarianism is education

/pol/ and our new vice president believe science is a hoax. They don't want education.

h1b shills need to fuck off

I hear our Media is in dire need of more journalists.

Better than begging

Thanks for the tears.

>/pol/ is one person

>/pol/ isn't a hive mind

>/pol/ isn't always right

/pol/ is anti-science, why are you here?

>How do we put an end to /pol/ mentality?

For a Veeky Forums board you aren't very smart.


is that you, black science man?

Science is a hoax

Do nothing. White people are already going extinct.

>Ron Paul happened

No, you're all fucking morons who got lucky this year

How is this thread Veeky Forums you imbecile? You are really one butthurt leftist to shit up boards that have nothing to do with politics just because your shitty candidate lost. Get the fuck over it and enjoy your ban.

What the fuck does this have to do with Veeky Forums?

Take this shit some place else.

jesus christ, this board is so autistic. you all seem so clamored down in your own autism, you fail to see how your infatuation with your perceived intelligence slows you down. all of you want to be better than everyone else, and spout off at the keyboard pretending like you've been involved with important research or what the fuck have you, but yet here you sit shitposting on Veeky Forums. there is no /pol/ mentality. you're all a part of what you think you're protesting. fucking autists.

>Veeky Forums poster's argument is a constant collective opinion like muh /pol/

Yeah, lucky the best that the left could put forward was Hillary fucking Clinton. I mean, who couldn't win against her?

fuck off ya cheeseburger-eating fuck

>there is no pol mentality

And that's where you're wrong kiddo

we get it, you're triggered. its ok though, the internet can be a scary place sometimes

It will decline with time, especially now that the God Emperor they channeled their hopes into will prove to not care about the white race and banning muslim immigrants and building the wall and thrashing Obamacare or any other shit he's promised. Disillusionment is all.

>sci has zero critical thinking skills
>media has been wrong about almost everything, so called 'scientific' pollsters were wrong, leftists were all wrong
>but now the media is reporting trump won't actually do anything he said he was going to do
>suddenly the media that was 100 percent wrong completely is magically now 100 percent correct
peak irony, Veeky Forums, absolutely top irony


>denying IQ tests
Science & Math, everyone

>all non-whites are the same

Don't use the term God Emperor. Veeky Forums has enough problems as it is dealing with these chucklefucks. Not that we have a problem with /pol/ per se, we have a problem with chucklefucks thinking that Trump being God Emperor is a 40k thing and following, rather than a Dune thing.

We're being invaded and you're making shit worse for us. Stop it. We're suppose to be 'smart', but I keep meeting idiots like you on Veeky Forums.

Just like he'll never win the presidency, right?

>Not that we have a problem with /pol/ per se
>We're suppose to be 'smart', but I keep meeting idiots like you on Veeky Forums

He's already denied that he will do some of the things I mentioned himself, with more to come. If you don't believe him either, then you might as well be living in another dimension where your own version of Trump fulfils all your fantasies. But this is not coming from le librul media, anyone who knows what populists are already knew this. If you think populists do what they promised to do during their campaigns, then you're fooled beyond belief. Speaking from personal experience.

>You're annoyed that manufacturing jobs have pretty much all been moved over seas? Fucking racist

>You're angry that we're importing forging workers, that work longer, for less money and less holidays. Completely undercutting you? Fucking racist

>You're being dissatisfied with the current system, that is point blank refusing to train your children and is, instead, importing vast legions of workers; already trained and ready for work? Fucking racist.

>Yeah, you've failed at life.

You will never end "/pol/ mentality", not until there's a return to more economically and socially stable life.

Source? And please be scientific about it, "I'll consider keeping some parts of Obamacare" != "We're keeping Obamacare"

>Donald Trump is the imaginary fuhrer in my head and he will dress as I dress him and I will pick all his friends

No, actually

>has not reading comprehension
>saying things i did not say
i don't actually know what is going to happen, but I also know that CNN, MSNBC and all the other media have been pretty wrong so far about most of the shit this political season. So I am going to approach anything they tell me with a fair bit of skepticism. Unlike you, cumlapper

Nobody said that. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

no* reading comprehension