Call me a nigger again, I dare ya

Call me a nigger again, I dare ya

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Fuck off nigger

if if if if if if if

Not business and finance.

show some respect to king nigger

What are they trying to hide today? So much off topic shit being posted

okie doke

I unironically miss this man. Be as racist as you want, but he was the best president in the last thirty years.

He was presidential, smart, friendly, mad swagger, and killed more "bad guys" via drone strikes than any other president. The man kicks ass.

He even threatened the world during one of his state of the unions. He said if you want to mess with 'Merica, go look up a guy named Usama Bin Laden.

Call me a fag now.

He's also not a piece of shit like the current guy.

lol. yeah, no

Hey Coon!

wall street establishment stooge though?

Who isn't?

The only guy I can think of is Carter. Which is a lot of why he was hated.

Greatest Nigger.

I fell for the black people meme with my president. Haha.

>campaigning in 57 states

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>liquidates all white users

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thanks obama

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Obama is a nigger that went on an opology tour because he needed to show how much of a beta he was. Fucking useless weak president

>useless weak president
>killed bin laden
lmao okay

You have a lot to learn normie.

>"kills" a man with serious illnesses
>can't post pictures because it supposedly offends the people you've been bombing for the past decade

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Fucking bottom feeding neets who are as uneducated as it gets think otherwise

This. Every asshole's argument is muh black.

Trump has already done decades of irreparable damage. The only positive takeaway was him pointing out how weak the system was and that it needs to change - he brought about that awareness. But jeez, at the greatest cost.

That man is going to fuck our country so hard.


Trump is the reason I bought my guns this year. He scares me the most.

Same, its funny because if trump did half of that people would jerk him off forever. Sucks. Dumb ass country.

>Tfw amerishits finally going on civil war

I really miss having a president that acted like an adult. Trump's just so embarrassingly shallow and effete.

U know its really bad when us europeans like trump because he is digging your own grave...its really fun to read the newspaper every day, and every day he says or does something that isolates murishits more...ffs this is the best american president ever putin is fkin based to have helped with his election kek...tfw putin helped him to make murica weak

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I liked obama, good charisma and actually did some pretty alpha shit in office. He actually btfo Hillary when he was campaigning too, he was a good representative of the usa. Trump has made our image look kinda sad unfortunately

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Someone please explain to me how a retired gay nigger is Veeky Forums related?

yeah thanks obama for destroying Libya and causing a flood of niggers into Europe. Thanks obama for arming jihadists in Syria causing a flood of arabs into Europe.

does this nigger glow in the dark?