I'm a chef. Ask me anything.
Chef AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
Should I order my Boba Bola medium or well done?
On a day to day basis, how much cocaine do you do?
How much do your McChickens sell for?
Marco or Gordon?
Never touched the stuff
Don't sell them
2 grams
Marco White
how do you cook eggs?
Consommé is a stock. Correct?
A bunch of different ways
Chiefs or Steelers?
Consommé is a clarified stock faggot. Prove me wrong.
pfft not chef doesn't even know how to cook eggs.
It's soup
I do cook eggs
Any more questions ?
Do you use MSG in your dishes?
Are you Mexican?
Ever fugged a qt waitress? I heard kitchens are like meat markets, but that was from my kids mom who is a whore
>Not fucking hot waitresses
I'm married
best way to cook potatoes and how to do it?
French fries
How did you and your wife meet?
Chef school
Wrong career.
She works with me
I bet she works with all the other line cooks too buddy.
How many miles of dick has been through her by the line cooks?
Take that back
You take that back too
any more questions?
I mean since your wife took this dick to back of her throat
Its only right i take back my joke
btw she choked
How many hours a week do you work?
What is your yearly after tax income?
Do you have decent staff or are they fucking retarded?
How do I season correctly. I need a guide of something. Meat and Soup wise btw, tired of ramen packets.
They're the best
okay you can stop now
Use a lot of different spices
What city?
New york
Confirmed not a chef
What's your favourite meal to cook for yourself?
I've heard a lot of chefs just eat easy crap because they have to cook for other people all day.
I am a chef
Spongebob cookies
What do you think of chef Michael White?
Can you post pics of your wife's feet, plz?
He's neat
What is this pic?
Can you touch your bellybutton with the tip of your erect penis while standing up straight?
Hey dude im about to drink a beer
A burger
So you a NY Chef, presumably living in NY.
What's it like working in the most overrated filthy shithole city in the country?
Does 200k go far for you and is it worth 80 hours a week? (I make 120k/yr in Flyover,USA and live like a damn king and only work 20 hours a week [not cooking related though obviously])
That's actually a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, the second best fast food sandwich.
Faggot OP confirmed fake.
What do you think the primary difference between a very good homecook and restaurant "chef" is? Since I will assume you're going to consider yourself head and shoulders above, what's the best way a very good homecook can improve?
>80 hours a week
user, I...
Have you ever gotten a little bit of your wife's shit on your upper lip?
Can you make an authentic Indian biryani?
Also, post pics of wife.
What IS an authentic biryani?
What is your favorite drug?
why do you suck so bad at answering questions?
You obviously created this thread because you are an attention whore and you really didn't get that much attention.
How does that make you feel faggot?
I don't do drugs
Post pics of food or your wife or something, jesus fuck..
>user, stop
>i can make biryani
you're the worst
How do you feel about Guy Fieri?
>Can you post pics of your wife's feet, plz?
No. She only let's Tyrone take pics of her anymore.
Since I work 80-100+ hours a week, even if I did have the energy to sleep with my wife and try to satisfy her, there is no way I could because I'm now a chronic alcoholic who hates his life and can no longer get my dick up.
Interesting guy
This was me, forgot my tripcode
Did your mom ever cook you spaghetti
Stop not me
How does it make you feel that a stranger named Tyrone is the source of your wife's sexual satisfaction?
Bwhhahhaha, your wife fucks nignogs and you allow it; top kek cuck; lay of the sauce you stupid drunk
How can you live in denial of your cuckoldry?
It's not true
Do you think your alcoholism stems from your feelings about your wife's relationship with Tyrone?
I'm not alcoholic
One of the few legitimate questions and that's your best answer? Go smoke a joint, cook, out the backdoor and let a dumpster diver rifle through the edible food you throw away everyday, asshole.
This is an interesting bot
>I'm not alcoholic
We can tell your spelling and grammar abilities, as well as general coherency in your responses has been declining since the start of this thread.
You took the night off to be with your wife, and she told you she already had plans to get spit-roasted by Tyrone and Darius, so you decided to drink your sorrows away and try to come on Veeky Forums and act all superior to everyone because you are a "NY Chef"....kys, alcoholic cuck
Why won't you post pics of your wife's feet?
What would you rate this on a scale of 1- 10?
Bad idea
Looks good
Can you post images of any of your dishes? What kind of food do you serve?
Yeah in a bit
Made by an Indian
Any more questions?
Need this much fucking attention
Still waiting for them pics and shit.
If people have questions they will ask them.
You keep bumping your thread asking for more questions which shows you are a fucking attention whore faggot...like everyone from the shithole of NYC
Oh my bad I'll upload a few in a couple minutes
It's a bot
Best way of making brussel sprouts?
God I love sucking dick