Veeky Forums is meeting in Thailand next year, where will we meet to spend our hard earned money when we /makeit/ next year, Veeky Forumsnessmen?
Veeky Forums is meeting in Thailand next year...
Will you be visiting the sauna where Zyzz died?
After a few bull runs, wherever the fuck we want.
i just can't wait to go after a long night out ask Some friends if he has his passport on him, then just randomly leave for Vegas or a nice trip
If you die there you are guaranteed Valhalla, we will commit mass suicide
What about Vegas? Let's have a massive orgy, invite a few STD ridden hookers to top it all off.
>let's have an orgy
I don't wanna see any of your dicks, unless you are a cute trap
Not a trap but have a cute dick, does that work?
I'm afraid not
I suggest Amsterdam, clubs and drugs and maybe a boat ride. And the hookers there are legal and clean
Let's meet on the moon.
Bologna, Italy
>two words
Lambo museum.
We could also visit SpaceX and troll Elon about moon missions but it's less likely because it's going to cost millions.
I never want to meet any of the 80 IQ piece of shit that infest this board.
>fit/ is meeting in Thailand
This might be the gay event of the year
Come to London for the biz meetup here.
Discord: ZXsxdSz
Sign me up, always look up to Zyzz as my mentor
What about Bordeaux, it's quite a beautiful city
Hate to break it to you OP, but that is Africa.
Nyc in one of the many cafes
definitely not that shithole
In hell hopefully.