Why is broccoli so fucking tasty? We've got to get to the bottom of this shit.
Why is broccoli so fucking tasty? We've got to get to the bottom of this shit
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It's the vodka.
It's always the vodka.
You think broccoli is good plain? Sautee that stuff in butter and garlic. You ain't seen nothin yet.
because it's rich in vitamin C and K, and your body tastes that and says "fuck yeah, we can use this shit to repair tissue."
Stop posting on Veeky Forums and go to bed, mom
But son, you need your vegetables become a healthy boi
I've tried that user, it's the perfect fucking meal. It's healthy, tasty, filling, and it goes well with most other food. Beef and broccoli is the ultimate Asian cuisine.
what seasonings go best with broccoli
I should learn to make tempura just to put broccoli in it, stuff is like crack.
I'll contribute a little bit:
1) each bite provides a variety of textures. the stem can provide a nice crunch, while the florets, if properly cooked, almost melt away in your mouth.
2) the compact florets are great for soaking up flavor/sauces.
I've got nothing else right now.
salt. doesn't need seasoning.
I feel like a whole generation of Americans were indoctrinated by television to believe that broccoli is gross.
I can kind of understand someone not liking a vegetable for being really bitter or spicy, but broccoli is neither.
And the fact that its a food that most kids were forced to eat back then, and that most of those moms cooking it must've been shit at it
I hated broccoli as a child because my cunt mother would boil it to mush. Love eating it as an adult because I cook it properly.
fucking this
Because it looks like little trees so you can pretend you are a giant when you eat them :3
that's because most of us had broccoli boiled or steamed and served plain. that shit is gross
i love broccoli but is it weird that i sometimes leave the very end of the stem? i find it too hard/chewy a lot of the time
This plus george h w bush
This is the only way I remember eating broccoli.
This thread is making me want to try it again, the right way
>a whole generation of Americans were indoctrinated by television to believe that broccoli is gross
If my parents and grandparents both had children when they were in their teens, that statement would apply to my grandparents.
I'm in my 30's.
If I was a millennial and all things were equal, that would apply to my great grand parents.
Kids these days are growing up eating kale, unless you're actually raising spawn in flyover land
>you're not flyover, are you?
You are a millennial though
I like eating my little trees dipped in some nice homemade cheese sauce :3
>plain broccoli is gross
>smartphones didn't exist throughout your time in grade school
>your not a millennial
End of story.
It feels good being a healthy omnivore that can enjoy fresh vegetables slightly cooked to tender perfection the same as a perfectly tender steak.
So you're gen x?
it is if it's boiled or steamed. raw is fine
I'll give this a try today: youtube.com
How about not being so triggered by a vegetable you dont have to mention you liking it without bragging about eating steak?
Have you guys tried steaming broccoli in a microwave oven? It seems like a really fast and easy way to prepare it, but I'm worried that the texture would be unpleasant. Going to give it a try today.
Smartphones weren't a thing in gradeschool for me and I'm a millennial
Many maybe i'm autistic, but I can't handle the little beads and stuff in broccoli.
"Gradeschool" meaning pre-college.
Just try with a small amount I suppose.
If smartphones didn't become a thing until you were in college then you aren't a millennial.
That's when the sea-change took place, and that's when the fundamental shift in people's relationship to reality fundamentally changed - whatever the "generational" shit might tell you. Having the internet, and social media/texting in your back pocket being ubiquitous is the definition of millennial, so if you grew up having to ride a bike/knock on a door/use a pay phone/etc... you're not a millennial. It's a fundamentally differently way of relating to reality.
Yeah but people born in 1982 are millennials though.
I heard a radio story that infants disliking green vegetables is an evolutionary measure, where redness in foods signals ripeness. So you should feed your baby veggies like carrots, radishes, and tomatoes and slowly introduce greens.
You're a millenial. The technical start of the generation now known as 'millenials' was in the 80s.
Riiiight and what about the evolutionary warnings about red coloring meaning poisonous fruits/vegetables?
First dude to eat a tomato had some giant fucking cojones. "Oh look a red nightshade I'm going to eat that!"
I think you guys are basing the definition of "millenial" on two different things. One is simply based on being born within a certain time frame and the other is based on a supposed worldview. I was born in the mid 80s and did not have a smart phone until after highschool, but not only that i was late to get a smartphone while people of my same age group started using them as soon as they entered the market. If I lend any creedance to the idea of a millenial being based on a worldview that is deeply influenced by the internet, earlier forms of social media (aol or myspace for example) need to be mentioned as well as the fact that I texted quite a bit using "pre-smartphones" that utilized T9 text entry etc. While I feel that I don't necessarily subscribe to the worldview commonly attributed millenials I tend to believe that I am a millenial due to the date of my birth.
Mein schwarzer Freund
I like salt and pepper with a little butter. Sometimes some parmesan instead. I also like it just steamed fresh with nothing on it. Some times some cajun mix shaken on top and baked. It doesn't matter much because it just tastes good no matter what.
>Kids these days are growing up eating kale, unless you're actually raising spawn in flyover land
So urban dwellers on each coast consume more vegetables than the people living where the most food is grown/raised?
I cut the stems to about the middle of my thumb long if they need it. I consider it kind of like asparagus where you have to cut some off each piece. I'm probably the only person who does this.
Because it's an old meme.
Don't cook it so long, you fucking imbecilic cunt. Why do you even exist? Prick.
ketchup. just a touch of ketchup on your broccoli and it is fan fucking fantastic. I don't even like ketchup and I think ketchup on broccoli is amazeballs.
seriously try it
What does broccoli taste like?
Surprisingly, yes.
olive oil
Steamed isn't bad if you don't cook it to death. People just cook it until it's limp and falling apart.
There's a method to testing unknown plants. Smell it, rub it on your skin, taste it, eat small amount of it, eat it. Done to each part of the plant (seed, fruit, leaf, root, stem, so on)
I grew up eating that shit out of the dirt since I lived on a farm. To this day, broccoli is my favorite vegetable. Fresh broccoli is the fucking bomb.
lemon juice or white wine vinegar and salt/pepper + a little butter or olive oil.
it's gross if you cook it until it's a grey slushy mess, which was popular until recently.
it works well but put it in an airtight container and pressure cook it otherwise it cooks unevenly. a bowl of broccoli sealed and microwaved for about a minute then left for a couple of minutes is perfect
> broccoli thread
Par-boil in salted water - 1 - 1:30 mins
Remove, dip into ice water, remove onto tray with kitchen paper to soak up excess.
Skillet - Butter, pepper, garlic, ginger and mild chilli.
Saute until done
Serve with roaster lamb.
Someone tell me why all the cartoons in my childhood showed broccoli as being bad and horrible. Especially cartoon network late 90s.
Smartphones didn't exist for me in grade school. I was born 1998 and consider myself too young to be a millennial. What the hell do you think is a millennial?
>Smartphones didn't exist for me in grade school. I was born 1998
Wut? Are you from North Korea or something?
Dunno why but I always thought it was bad too. Maybe because I didn't eat a good one before.
But 3 years ago I tried steamed broccoli at a little place near my school, and I think I learned 2 things that day.
1. Broccoli is fucking good.
2. Steaming makes most of the vegetables tastier than other cooking methods.
Hnnnggg that sounds so good
and Ive never even had lamb
Do you pretend you're dropping agent orange on the villagers?
all crucifers are basically god tier
Kek. 98's definitely a millennial, m8.
Absolutely, those are the population centers.
Baby boomer moms with bland cooking steaming it to death and putting them in horrendous Jello salad tuna casserole recipes that could make anyone hate any kind of food
Like greener cauliflower.
Wise words from the
Eat your greens,
especially broccoli
Remember to
say "thank you"
For the things you haven't had
Have you tried deep fried brocoli? It's amazing.
How should I eat it? I boil it for like 5 min then cut the florets, I add it to tomato and carrot salad. I've seen videos were people replace rice with cauliflower.
Ranch dressing
Fuck off Lardy
Made a broccoli crust pizza the other night. Was pretty tasty, though difficult to handle. Made a second crust where I dehydrated the broccoli. That one will definitely turn out to be more grippable.
Haven't done cauliflower rice yet but will give it a go.
Did you know that broccoli has been found in the teeth of many pre modern humans. so the reason it tastes good is that we have been eating broccoli since even before the stone age.
an embarrassing story of mine is when I was a kid, i fucking loved broccoli but after hearing everyone of my friends hating it coupled with a lot of kids shows, I thought my taste was wrong. Didn't touch the stuff for years.
>Beef and broccoli
more broccoli
The same culture was just moved from Windows phone to apple/google phones. Same difference.
I've got a new way to steam more vegetables at once so I'd like to make a meal with just steamed veggies. Any tips on what to pair with broccoli?
I'm thinking carrots, scallions, maybe asparagus. I don't even know desu. I just want to use this thing.
Fuckin' love me some grade A broccolie
My roommates have some garlic salt, so I just reach for that and sometimes a bit of olive oil. Pure bliss
>windows phones
Do you mean blackberries? I don't remember windows phones becoming a thing (if they ever were a "thing") until after iphones.
carrots and cauliflower dawg
carrots squash fennel