How can we rescue cuisines that are threatened by nu-male feminists and their cultural poverty?
Do we all need to abstain from tacos until we starve the nu-male businesses to extinction?
How can we rescue cuisines that are threatened by nu-male feminists and their cultural poverty?
Do we all need to abstain from tacos until we starve the nu-male businesses to extinction?
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You know what i just realised.
These ''men'' aren't defending feminism alone. No, no. They're becoming women themselves. It's like women acting all tough and shit, claiming their manly and stuff. It's pretty much the same way but the other way around.
Definately a horrible time ti be alive.
>Suicidal ideation as a taco
Note the shittily chopped herb, the prison-chow chunks of dull meat, the pathetic garnish of raw carrots: truly these poor nu-males hate their lives and might only flirt with ambition should a suicide booth appear nearby and there was a swift way out.
Man, I can't wait for this to happen wholesale to ramen.
Donuts are next on the nu-male hit list.
Screencap this.
>the pathetic garnish of raw carrots
I'd like to meet the retards on this board that can't tell carrots from tomatoes.
Not like actually meet them... but like... secretly listen in on their conversations with their friends and loved ones and then meet their friends and loved ones in order to talk shit about the person behind their backs.
Literally everyone that has ever met you has hated you and made fun of you once you were out of earshot.
I would like to meet the person who who secretly wants to listen in on the conversations of autistst on Veeky Forums.
But not actually meet them... but like... watch and observe them from a distance. Then I would talke with their friends and family in order to gain information that would help me ravage their asshole.
>How can we rescue cuisines that are threatened by nu-male feminists and their cultural poverty?
I think you have it backwards. Once a cuisine gets to the point where beardy hipsters can make a living offering an upscale spin on it that's a sure sign it's mainstream as fuck. And I can only see tacos becoming more popular across the board, maybe even giving burgers a run for their money in the near future.
No tomatoes breh. There's a color issue in the photo. Tacos were "the Ruckus"
Maybe those are the radishes?
What city are you seeing the trend tilt that way? Baking is tough and requires several strengths, so I think that's protection against milquetoast nu-males.
Are you seeing nu-male donuts with cereal lazily sprinkled on top? Or le bacon donuts XD?
You could just shit up and enjoy your tacos.
You know, rather than feeling threatened by far right Donald Dumbfuck anti-feminist tinfoil.
Try treating women and their male allies like decent human beings. You'll find the way it scrapes that black sludge off your heart will make every meal tastier.
If you can't, then please fuck off to your containment board with the rest of the neonazi trash who hate women so much they gave us a perverted, hideously unqualified, sexual assaulting, Russian owned annoying orange for President.
Bacon bourbon maple lavender matcha honey Donut.
Why is Minnesomalia so full of nu-males and cucks Veeky Forums?
t. a proud African American woman
You can't. You just have to eat microwave TV Dinners like the rest of the Midwest.
Somehow from OP's post about tacos you managed to spergrage into a bit about muh Trump for no fucking reason.
Canadians fuck the place up
We already have those though. Voodoo Doughnuts among others. Voodoo was birthed in Portland ffs. The trend hit cupcakes too.
Ramen is definitely next.
I am so ready for 8 years of this.
Did voodoo donuts suck? I think nu-malization of a cuisine is indicated by incompetence and the complete absence of inspiration.
It shouldn't matter if it's hipsters as customers if the food is good.
I could see donuts being reduced to a nu-male friendly robotic process, but I thought maybe they came from something authentic in the PNW.
I dunno, "Gourmet" Tacos and "Gourmet" Grilled Cheese (really melts) are neck in neck in reaching peak memeness depending on what part of the country you are in