Are you a REAL man?

Do you got your shit together, and ready to support a family? Or are you just a manchild?

Attached: HMMM.png (1080x1920, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 4 kids and ready.jpg (434x767, 62K)

REAL man will never betray his own race

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The human race

What a shame, she has some good hips

> Fathers

>this faggot again
this is not r9k,b or /pol brainlet
shill your shitcoins or GTFO

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the white race

Attached: 15042149088462.jpg (1080x842, 119K)

>nigger kid
doomed. kek

Attached: 1519615656818.jpg (335x352, 25K)

There's no such thing as the white race.


I hate Gauls

you a fucken fish senpai?

>fucks niggers
>"Why does no man have their shit together"
The absolute state of coal burners


Subhuman detected

What the hell, OP. What's even the point?

Attached: smh.png (257x141, 16K)

I stopped reading at “Do you got”

>half white half black girls

Tha little girl in 10 years will drain all your cum every fucking day.

Worth the money.


Why would anyone who does have their shit together go for a trainwreck of a woman such as that?

And your point?

manchild checking in!

Attached: 1515445878937.png (1481x911, 2.44M)

Me on the left with the blue nose

the fuck

holy shit, nice

>someone with there shit together
hmmm, yeah like maybe someone that’s not a single mother to la creatura and knows the difference between “their” and “there”

I despise women like this - should just be whores nothing else.



These women who are single mother are absolutely no different from your average American woman. It's just the average woman was lucky enough not to get knocked up. These women wanted to ride the cock carousel without consequences but they had a little oopsy poopsy, and now they want you to carry their asses. Fucking lol. I literally laugh when I see these posts because I am the ideal type of man that each of these girls want. But I am so far out of their leagues.... They must have their head FAR up their own asses

There are differences between whites and inferior blacks

Attached: Sub-Saharans are not human.jpg (799x1534, 829K)

Imagine putting your dick inside of a hole that a living turd once slid out of.

I know this feel brother, I dress nice, have a STEM degree, nice comfy office job, own place, and more money in the bank than they will make this year plus I lift and have a nice face. Sad thing is a fat coal burning single mom like in OP’s pic will have an easier time finding dick and a beta provider than I will chasing tail or finding a unicorn to settle down with. That’s the burden of being a man and having principles, logical thought processes, and ambition. I kind of want to boot up my tinder again but I don’t want my co workers to see me on there, here’s a nude from a milf I got off there last year.

Attached: FBD03B78-47DF-410C-B33A-C7EED6FA0251.jpg (1242x1087, 104K)

i hope ya'll are paying taxes on your crypto gains. nice young women like this are in dire need of better public transpertation

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oh, sweetie...

Attached: nigspecies.png (546x548, 49K)

But what if I'm not white?

oh, sweetie...

Attached: blackrace.gif (2406x1936, 861K)

by highlighting a human ancestor you're proving his point regardless of your sperging rhetoric or political agenda

>i am too stupid to follow a basic phylogenetic tree
nigger alert

Attached: blackrace21.jpg (600x405, 26K)

But would you want it any other way as a man? It keeps you being a hard working, logical, principled man

>when you use the blur tool to hide the cottage cheese and stretch marks

I'm talking about the human ancestor tree you retarded stormnigger

I’m still transitioning. I’m so proud of your progress! You go apachay!

thats a kamov

I wouldn’t change anything about myself but considering where I’m at in life financially, physically and mentally is much better than the average roastie I won’t lie and tell you I’m not envious that they have an endless supply of dick and relationship potentials at their fingertips via constantly flooded DM’s of their social media. Chasing pussy is so tiresome having to pretend to be interested in a basic bitch for a quick fuck, then realizing they aren’t relationship material and you’re back to square one.

Classic spergs using basement genealogy to explain their delusions

Did you just assume xirs manufacturing origins? It’s a kamov presenting.

Was meant for

classic liberal simply outright dismissing evidence that contradicts your kike-instilled worldview

i'm waiting for you fags to use the same tired rhetoric you always do:
>fake studies
>statistics is raysiss
etc. all the while providing exactly 0 facts, 0 statistics, 0 sources, and 0 arguments of your own.

here we go again. i'm gonna push this thread to 300+ replies dropping galactic redpills while you faggots just writhe and screech. strap the fuck in, lurkers and newfags, you're about to get educated

Attached: blmcnn.jpg (2469x2421, 776K)

you cant just change your manufacturer with the blink of an eye fucking retart apache inst even a manufacturer fucking autist

It should be against the law for children to be raised by single mothers.

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How do you do that??
Can I search a specific term to find a tutorial?

>strap the fuck in, lurkers and newfags, you're about to get educated
i'm ready senpai

>i'm ready senpai

>blacks are 13% of the population in america
>blacks commit over 50% of all violent crime
but wait, there's more!
>90+% of violent crime is committed by males
>of these males, the majority of the violent crime is committed by males aged 16-35
>this demographic is about 5% of the US population


Attached: blackrace44.jpg (2032x3528, 840K)

Man dem crime stats is raycis an sheeit they be makin dem up cuz da police be lookin fo a brotha instead of some cracka

>cuz da police be lookin fo a brotha instead of some cracka

NJ did a racial study and found that blacks were way overrepresented in speeding above the ticketing rates

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Not trying to shut you down or anything but how big of a role do you think that class plays in this? For example higher levels of poverty leading to higher levels of crime, and we see blacks highly represented in these statistics because they are disproportionately poorer than whites. This could be semi-explained by centuries of systematic oppression, with only in the last half century were laws struck down that prevented them from moving into better neighborhoods based on their race. Again, not looking for a flame war just want to hear your thoughts on if this could be valid.

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>centuries of systematic oppression

I don’t really give a fuck about the reason. The reality is niggers are bad and I don’t want them around me or my family. Maybe in 50 years things will change, but that doesn’t mean anything to me right now.

This is one cherry picked example to prove a point, I would be interested in seeing a more rigorous study on the topic

>Maybe in 50 years things will change
50 years ago things were much better for blacks. they're getting worse because of the welfare state. see:

see everything by dr. sowell you dumb nigger


stay within your own race

Well, I identify as an attack helicopter so I don't even want to try to breed with some human roastie. Don't worry, bigots.

awe is her page still up? She’s just so cute and in such a rough situation :( I would sell all my 20k link right and give her all of the usd. Poor innocent girl );

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Interesting video, however this kind of highlights the failures of a public policy and doesn’t really speak to the genetic arguments of previous posters. And this video again only highlights Dr Sowells empirical experiences from 1970s New York, it is not a robust analysis of the topic. It seems that I’m these discussions many of you have very carefully hand selected videos or infographics for specific every specific argument but are not too concerned with the rigor of the research behind them. And what is the real end game that you guys want? Exporting them back to Africa? Jim Crow laws reinstated? I hear lots of complaining but it seems to lack direction.

We could however argue that the current cultural climate in poor black communities leads to higher crime but this could still be explained by their traumatic history echoing into the future. My point is that if any of you were born into one of these communities you would be hard pressed to say you would act any different, so this warrants empathy, doesn’t mean you have to “like them” or “intermarry” but just have a level of acknowledgment of how they got into their current position.

>And this video again only highlights Dr Sowells empirical experiences from 1970s New York
wrong. he gives plenty of statistics in that video. look into the book "economic facts and fallacies" by him where he has an whole chapter on this subject with huge numbers of statistics.

>We could however argue that the current cultural climate in poor black communities leads to higher crime but this could still be explained by their traumatic history echoing into the future
wrong. you didn't watch the fucking video, did you? he covers this.

try again nigger you're ignoring evidence you don't like just like every other dishonest lefty

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lol 3D
Just Monika.

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What tragic history? Niggers have been lazy and doing nothing since slavery. Slavery is the best thing that ever happened to them. And now they get to live in a white man's world complete with electricity, AC, television etc. All stuff that would never come into existence in Africa if you gave them a billion years.

Are you putting too much faith into this one professor? How do you know the majority of statistics he cites is robust and widely agreed upon in modern day sociology research communities? Also, I would like to hear what your desired endgame is?

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this is what i meant. i present evidence and you leftys just dismiss it without providing any of your own.

you lost.

Do you think the outcome (poverty levels, crime rate) would have been different if there was no segregation post civil war? Let’s say as soon as the civil war ended, all freed slaves were given a job that paid as much as it would a white man and some land, and they were allowed to go to school with whites in the same neighborhoods, and whites treated them equally and let them assimilate smoothly into society.

>Do you think the outcome (poverty levels, crime rate) would have been different if there was no segregation post civil war? Let’s say as soon as the civil war ended, all freed slaves were given a job that paid as much as it would a white man and some land, and they were allowed to go to school with whites in the same neighborhoods, and whites treated them equally and let them assimilate smoothly into society.
absolutely not

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That’s not evidence though my mans, it’s one researcher from the 70’s on a YouTube video, I would believe it more if he had a prominent following in modern day sociology circles and people were basing research today off of his findings. Does anyone care about this guys work today other than people trying to prove points such as yours? I can show you tons of disregarded research from the last century to “prove” anything I want. Also, what is your endgame?

Yes, drastically

>it’s one researcher from the 70’s on a YouTube video
he's still active and has written over 15 books that are chock-full of statistics

>I would believe it more if he had a prominent following in modern day sociology
he's an economist primarily. also, look at the garbage that sociologists publish now. no standards

>I can show you tons of disregarded research from the last century to “prove” anything I want.
are you saying that sowell's research is simply to be discarded? you have a lot of legwork to do to disprove him, my frienderino

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If you aren't trolling and don't realize that this is a Halloween party, you are legitimately retarded.

Gender Attraction Differential, look it up