In the 90s, it was sandwiches that were cut on the diagonal instead of normal cuts. At the turn of the century...

In the 90s, it was sandwiches that were cut on the diagonal instead of normal cuts. At the turn of the century, it was pita bread, I guess to show solidarity with the people who attacked America. In the 00s, it was wraps, because the last thing I need is a sandwich that's actually filling right? I mean being a man is a kind of rape, or some shit. This is what those people think.

Now, it's 2017 and all the nu-males are lining up to be seen eating paninis, preferably with avocados in them. Some of you may be wondering, WTF is a panini? Well I wondered that as well so I asked the nu-male behind the counter at my local panini shop. Turns out it's nothing more than a sandwich, but for cucks, and it costs over $4 just for the most basic one.

What do you think the next big meme will be to come out of Hollywood and Jew York and ruin my sandwich eating experience? I'm thinking it will involve the new limes somehow.

Isn't it to do away with the bread entirely as have cabbage/kale/lettuce rolls instead?

you're in a flyover state right?

God forbid people eat more than corn and potatoes, Cleetus.

Already got two triggered nu-males OP. Good job!

Back to r*ddit, fag.

Why would I wanna go to the site of nu-males??

You're kind of a faggot.
Paninis are good.
I've been eating grilled sandwiches with avocado since 1989 (my mother made them).

Though I do understand being annoyed at 'trendy' shit.

I like your style, dude

100%. Shit, even flyovers should have been exposed to paninis via places like Panera for at least a decade now.

Because that's clearly where you belong.

>filling up on bread
Are you one of those flyover fat fucks?
I've been eating flat breads, tortillas and panini for a very long time. I didn't know that the jews had to make it a "trend" for you dumb fucks to try anything besides white bread and ketchup. Honestly I thought the jews were bearly promoting sourdough or that pretzel bread crap out in flyover land. Stay mad fat fuck.

Panini's have been a thing for almost like 20 years now dude, but I do agree with you that numales are faggots.

I didn't vote for boynie. Are you sure?

More like panini has been a thing for a decade or two.

Paninis scratch my gums but sheesh OP do you live in the Land Before Time?

You're one of those people who can't be happy unless you've found something to be miserable about, aren't you? You're a lucky person if this is all you've found.


Texas isn't flyover


They were the hipster item ten years ago. Well in my country. Now it's all hipster burrito places

Actually might be pulled pork stuff now

what is this bread called and where can I get it


It's a shitty insult that Californians think makes their state even more relevant.

The fuck do you have against collectable cards and stickers
fuckin fite me faggt

Wtf? It's a baguette with sandwich filling that's been grilled and pressed. People have been enjoying these since before you were born.

I can think of a lot more things flyovers should get triggered about, most of them created by flyovers, than a style of sandwich.


Take you and your Dollar Tree tier meme cards and get

haha nigga what the fuck are you talking about pita bread on a political board. get the fuck out.