He doesn't listen to music whilst studying

>He doesn't listen to music whilst studying
>He doesn't listen to music whilst solving problem sets
>He doesn't listen to anime ost

What is your favourite music to listen to when learning/doing problem sets, and why is it anime ost?

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I don't listen to music in general.



user, you're so pure!
Music, especially shit that can really get your emotions out but isn't retarded and superficial. Is one of the main reasons I haven't yet killed myself.

No, its definitely retarded to listen to music during homework. It impedes concentration.

>It impedes concentration.
maybe for brainlets with a one-track mind

are you really too stupid to multitask with something as light as music?

All the Steins;Gate ost, game and anime

I listen to TES IV soundtracks or any of the the total war soundtracks as well. My favorite is napoleon total war soundtrack

bossa nova is relaxing if you turn down the volume.

Lol spotted the actual brainlet.

I think there have been studies showing that listening to music that contains lyrics while trying to memorize something is bad.
But instrumental music is fine as far as I remember.

I usually listen to IDM, post-rock, classical, UK garage and ambient music while studying

animefaggots are the cancer killing this board

I'd trade them for gorillaposters and to intelligent posters any day of the week

>tfw to intelligent for anime

>listening to music while working


I do but i don't listen to anime OSTs since i don't live alone ;_;

But i listen to this, you guys will like it

>something as light as music
>implying anything is "light" if you're not a brainlet
It must be nice to have no attention span whatsoever.

While solving problem sets or doing math/physics stuff i listen to nothing... when working on trivial BS or writing assignments i often listen to Instrumental jazz or light classical string music, everything else fucks up my concentration to some extent and only ends up wasting time.

Jesus probably listened to music while working

And some other Samurai Champloo songs.

Thank you for greatly contributing to my thread, faggot.

I listen to doujin stuff but not OSTs. Does that count?

I usually listen to some metal or white noise with rain and thunder sounds.

That's pretty nice for a children's comic soundtrack.

I just listen to 'eden radio', It's usually got some jazz and calm ost.

listen to aphex twin when you get tired of ambient

Is right in not listening to music
It doesn't impede concentration but if you listen to music while studying you create a mental attachment to that sound while doing something. Which is why if you listen to that song again in the near future you might remember exactly everything you did while listening to it previously. The same things happen with smells (which is why it's a terrible idea to study in or near the kitchen).

Come test time and you're not allowed to listen to music because you don't have stage 11 Aspie syndrome, the different sound or lack thereof in the lecture hall will actually impede your ability to recall what you studied.

This song is legit addicting.