Why is American beer so piss weak?

Why is American beer so piss weak?

>American beer is just these three brands because I'm a fucking retarded troll

>posting a fucking barrel aged beer

It's the American way. Take something and boil it down to its simplest, blandest, lowest common denominator form and then commercialise it.

Because ipas are shit

Why do we keep having these stupid weak troll threads? Macros aren't beer

They really are; I genuinely don't get the fixation on IPAs..


Even those brands is great in the US. We just export crap versions because we hate you.

Half owned by Canadians

Read the label
That means filtered of most malt and hops so people drink more

beer tastes like piss no matter where it's from. I've tried all kinds of beer from different countries and shit and they all taste like piss. maybe it's just me

Maybe try some darker beers.

Try lambic

A better question would be why do most Americans drink complete piss water when there are hundreds of craft breweries here to try different styles from.

Because most Americans that try them hate them and just drink to get drunk

This. People who only drink to get drunk only care about what's cheap


Why do Midwesterners keep making these threads? If you want to talk about beer just say so. I'm tired of reading the same thread where a loser from Michigan pretends to be "attacking" US beer, do you honestly think anyone else cares about your state?





Try Deschutes fresh squeezed

Well those are light beers but the real answer is that when German immigrants first moved to the u.s. there was no two row barley to make their lagers from so they used a different variety that unfortunately had more protein (the enemy of a clean palate beer) so they began using an adjunct, maize as it is all sugar no protein. Over time the big breweries began adding more and more adjunct as it is a cheaper grain. Today bud and Miller is a lot of rice and corn and not much barley.

What? No they don't you fuckin dip. Those are fuckin piss garbage here too and there is no conspiracy to deliver lower quality versions to the rest of the world you nationalist retard..

Last I checked olive garden was still making money and this place is 90% fast food/snack threads with race-baiting undertones. So look around you, I guess. You're surrounded by mouth breathers that think new things are scary.

Sorry to break this to you, but our countrymen are not just ignorant fucks, but they're actually (usually) fucking proud of it.

Taste a Budweiser in the US, then taste one in France or Germany.

Capitalism, ho.

>Posts 3 light beers
Found your problem.

Holy fuck go back to redit you champagne socialist faggot

Go back to pol faggot, nobody here gives a fuck how scared your dumb white ass is to walk into a "black restaurant" and mumble that you just want the fried chicken basket; without a side of trouble.

argument is their drink ability.

Both primarily for American markets.

Don't you ever tell someone to go back to pol again you absolute numale beta orbiting dicksucker.

Holy fuck you spineless wimps ruin every fucking thread ever conceived and if you don't like it, you can fuck off forever to facebook. Eat a dick, leave, and never come back to type another letter on this site as long as your meaningless existence continues.

American beers I've been drinking lately.

forgot pic

They're made the same in every brewery across the world. August Busch IV had a 6 pack shipped to him daily from every brewery that makes Budweiser beer and he takes one drink from every 6 pack and throws both the bottles and branded coolers away. His home bar staff also changes out the half barrels and taps in his personal bar every couple days and the new beer is delivered straight from the St. Louis brewery within hours of being packaged.

I worked on remodeling his house quite a few years back, the man is very weird and incredibly rich and spent ridiculous amounts of money on the weirdest things. It felt like working in the god damn White house

Also, take a look at Busch IV's wikipedia page if you want to see how money can make everything better.


Cause people don't want to drink beer, they want to drink fruit juice.

I guess the real question is why you care


>Clear or green beer bottles
>The Current Year

Sports is why. Mostly NFL games. Tailgating, plus drinking in the stadium (games are three+ hours long), and don't forget to hit the bars after the game. Really easy to consume massive amounts over the course of the day. Never run out of something to drink. My roommate in college drank a 24 case of Coors Light for game day multiple times.

I want to bathe in Two Hearted


I don't get the green or clear bottles either.

I still love Heineken though, I start off drinking a few of those and move on to the craft stuff

IPAs don't taste like fruit juice

>craft beer

You have no friends or taste

Where I'm from light means less alcohol but same flavour

>Be OP
>Get called both a Burger and a Eurofag
>mfw actually pic related

Sorry I asked I guess.

>tfw you live in the best country for both mainstream and craft beer

tho craft beer """connoisseurs""" can fuck off

I've always felt Heineken was a bit skunky. Also fuck the dutch.

I have only a few friends but I do have good taste

Yeah but you probably talk their ears off about how good it is.

Most Heinekens I've had recently didn't seem too skunky

Also, there's Heineken Dark which comes in brown bottles, and it's pretty good


>best mainstream OR craft beer

said literally no one, ever


>Has good taste
>Drinks craft beer

Pick 1

For some reason it's only Heineken I always blamed the bottle or origin but now that I think of it Stella is a clear bottle and also dutch so idk why I have that association with Heineken. Had some in a keg I thought was better, but isn't it always.

You probably were exposed to some edgelord double IPA or something. There are several American craft breweries making great examples of every style from nitro stouts to really fantastic lagers, pils, etc.

Who really cares?

I blame the bottle, the packaging, and the store.
Fucking obvious why, but I guess it still exists because it "looks cool"
The brand label is enough. No need to expose a third of the bottle to light. See pic related on how to do it.
Fuckers put them out in displays where they get exposed at every angle.

Boston Lager is a classic, I don't care what anyone says

But why don't I taste it in Stella?

The word you are looking for is smell. And I wouldn't know, I rarely drink Stella and only on draft when I do.

>90% oft taste is smell you word parsing edgelord.
If it a smells skunky it tastes skunky.

Terrific statement.

You're right is better than an argument. It's a fact.

because it's cheap

bud light is the ramen noodles of beer

wait I'm sorry, ramen noodles actually taste decent

Bud light is the chef boy ardee ravioli of beer

chef boyardee is way better than instant ramen noodles

I highly disagree, creamy chicken noodle or pork seasoning is much better than their metallic ravioli with expired meat-substitute sauce

All the ramen I've tried just tastes like salt. I might have liked it more if it came equipped with meat like Chef Boyardee.

chef boyardee """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""meat"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Whatever it is, it's better than meatless ramen. And if I had to cook and add my own meat, that would defeat the purpose. At that point I may as well just cook myself an actual meal or go out to eat.

Stop bumping this fucking thread you faggots

Capitalism is why we have more than "Beer" brand beer crafted by the state brewery you mongol

Because we party you boring fuck.

>$20 for a 30 rack of Coors Light that you can drink all night
>$15 for a 6 pack of craft beer that makes you sleepy after 2

Why is this even a question?

Are you perhaps mixing up the Czech Budweiser from the American one? They are actually two different companies that share a common name. They actually had a non-formal no-competition agreement with each other until InBev bought up the American beer company. In some European markets, the American version is sold simply as "Bud" in order to avoid confusion/ trademark issues.

Netherlands here.
Are light variants of coors,bud etc. popular in the US?
Do they a lot worse then their regular counterparts?
I never seen a light variant beer here,I want to tho

Do they taste***

They're shit so I wouldn't really bother. The only upside is the cheapness and it's real easy to regulate your alcohol intake with them. A lot of people drink it because they're less calories.

>he doesn't drink beer that isn't sold at the front shelf of the local trailer park liquor store.
There are plenty of great affordable beers out there, they just don't advertise as much as budlight, miller, and michalobe.

I actually didn't know the part about corn and rice. Interesting


Light beer is generally for college kids and tailgating/outdoor-gatherings for people who want to drink a lot and not get completely drunk.

-college kids who plan to drink all night long and probably can't handle more 'heavy' beer
-picnics/social events where people want to have a beer but not get too drunk around families or coworkers
-tailgating parties for sports events that are going to last for a few hours
-any time it's hot outside and you want something to be refreshing rather than a full body beer
-fit people/ people on a diet that want to go to a bar or night club and not break their bodies

there are a lot of applications for it, mostly for people who don't drink very often or plan on drinking over a long period of time, and in general it is very cheap per can/bottle. Light beer is usually around 4.2~4.3% ABV, compared to the standard American piss beer that is 5%. It's advertised super heavily on tv, particularly sports events for it's "drinkability" whatever that means. It's not terrible, but it is disappointing if you actually enjoy beer.

Don't worry canuck, it's just standard memetic protocol at this point because so many faggot yuros, and even faggier americans roleplaying as yuros shitpost it so much.

if you're slamming enough beers to get drunk, the calories thing is a lost cause.

I would argue that non-light Macros are about as popular for those purposes.

I buy a ton of macro beer and i'm honestly reaching for reasons why anyone would buy light beer. it cost about the same, it doesn't get you as drunk, it tastes about the same, maybe it's just tasteless normie shit that gets advertised too much

like, why not just drink a shandy or a lemonade or something

>why is American beer so weak
>gives 3 light beers as example

So are you just pretending to be retarded?

Same. I understand people drink macros because they're cheap and familiar, but Bud Light tastes like seltzer to me, while at least Budweiser tastes like beer.

I think the advertising helps, compare Bud Light's design to Budweiser's. "cool" beer vs "dad" beer based off can appearance.

>go in thread mention America
>ctrl+F obsess
>2 results

Americans never fail to amuse me


Just had one and was remembering how good it was. Drinking Sam was what got me into craft beer in the first place. That shit is so good.

>picks three Light beers
>HURR why are these light beers?

I've not yet drank a national brand from any country that did not fit that description. Most people don't want really strong flavors, they just wanna get loaded on their day off

Also thanks to all the german immigrants we make shitty lagers

I'm more amused at the major inferiority complex you fags have towards Americans. Borders on creepy.

Yeah it's so delicious, it's both flavorful and balanced. It's what got me into crafr as well.

So people can easily drink 6-12 beers through an event/evening/party/fishing trip/etc.

I don't drink beer these days and I rarely have hard liquor.
Craft beer fags are pretentious faggots.

I do drink a glass or two of wine 2-3 times a week, but I don't talk about it to anyone in person.
I don't post it on social media, I don't go to events or tastings or consider it an 'interest/hobby'. Because again, I'm not interested in being a pretentious faggot.