What meal would you get from KFC Australia Veeky Forums?
What would you get from KFC Australia?
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Why the fuck would I be in Australia. We already have Texas.
Probably a supercharged zinger burger to be honest.
american here? what is kJ?
fucking australia
For me it's the Zinger Stacker.
why the fuck would i want to eat chicken upside down
What does this taste like?
Kilo-joule. Times calories by 4.19 to get kJ (divide to go opposite way.
They're kinda dry I got one by accident. The fiery zinger is much better (srirachi sauce) or regular with mayo
Its actually really good. Its like a milkshake but with small cookie bits in it. The choc fudge brownie one is the best but I don't think they do it anymore
the US menu doesn't have burgers
>seasoned chips
I hate foreigners so much
So I'm going to go to Australia to have a shitty burger made in a chicken place to have a bunch of Australians tell me that's what a burger is supposed to be like? Think about what you just said. It makes no sense.
You Americans have shitty wedges
Its a good burger that you will never get to taste so you're missing out
How would you know? You're Australians I don't want kangaroo in my burger.
A 5 Stars Box with extra beetroot
Kangaroo is a quality meat, shows what a pleb you are
Oh look the jail bird descendant tells me giant mouse meat is good and I'm a pleb. WTF is wrong with you ppl don't you realize you are pleb central of the Anglo world?
>no hotwing basket in /au/
>literally the only good thing about russian kfc
Step up your game, straya cunts
Zinger Stacker Burger, golden, seasoned chips, and a nice refreshing Pepsi!
the McChicken
>not coming to australia for the burgers
You're missing out. I wouldn't get them from KFC though.
If I was going to go the KFC in Australia I'd go to the fish and chips shop just down from my nearest one and get squid rings and a pineapple fritter.
Maibe da famili bukketz n sum watamelun
Zinger Stacker Box and two pieces of original recipe chicken
Zinger box looks good.
Used to get a large ultimate box+pepsi max, quite often.
But haven't had it in a month or so just from cutting back.
the stacker is as good as it looks, literally perfect
t. australian
>piece of fried chicken
Do non-Americans call every piece of cooked meat they put on a bun a burger? Serious question. I've noticed this a few other times, too.
...an australian website
"variety feast for one please!"
No, but I think they call anything cooked outdoors "barbecue", which is just as bad.
Sounds gay, tastes fabulous.
A number of US KFC locations are combined with A&W so that's not entirely true.
I'll go with that fiery zinger burger boxed meal.
I have no idea why the fuck they got rid of zinger sauce in the US but I've boycotted the bastards ever since.
That's more an anglo thing. People would refer to mcchicken and such as chicken burgers
Can I get a tendies box?
For me it is the zinger, the best kfc burger
no the act is barbecuing and that verb is used for anything cooked on a barbeque
we reserve the noun barbecue for a specific type of food
I think if you order a gaytime fudge krusher in american kfc you get your anus prolapsed by a guy named deshawn
I feel like this would be dry as shit irl.
It's not though.
Perfect crunch combined with the spicy zinger coating and a moist chicken breast is one of the best things a la carte.
"Supercharged Zinger" sounds like something that needs to be inside me
>you'll never have a drop bear drumstick
This crazy mother fucker!
yeah it's good, I normally get some chicken pieces along with it. The zinger stack that others have mentions is awesome too