Anyone ever been more angry that you can’t see 6 hours into the future than u have been since getting into crypto? I didn’t even think it was a big deal that I couldn’t before but now I definitely do think it’s a big deal.
Anyone ever been more angry that you can’t see 6 hours into the future than u have been since getting into crypto...
Her not shaving is probably a bigger deal.
>wakes up
"What awesome looks are you
looking at Wow, look, baby, Princess"
that armpit hair tho
The bitch is below average I do not understand
And that gross hair wtf hoe
>Anyone ever been more angry that you can’t see 6 hours into the future
but I can
Yeah, I thought everyone could... What's wrong with you OP?
is anyone still wondering why girls have become narcissistic bimbos with no personality or interests when you have legions of losers fawning over them 24/7? They literally cannot stop searching for anything but an attention-high anymore. Social media is literally degenerate, turning would-be members of society into drug chasing addicts and lonely cat ladies. These goddamn whiteknight betas are not better either
is that herpes on her lip?
She looks like that girl that used to be popular on Stickam like 10 years ago. /b/ drove her to anorexia. lul
I can see 6 hours into my dick
armpit hair
she's cute not hot
no she isnt
you're a retard
Makes 0 sense. Next time, instead of trying to be funny, don’t say anything at all.
6 minutes would be enough desu famalam
The Internet has given every five the attention that eights used to get because of Indians clicking like and hoping for a sniff.
Professor Leon Speciman postulates a civilization in outer space that is more advanced than ours by approximately fifteen minutes. This, he feels, gives them a great advantage over us, since they needn't rush to get to appointments. Dr. Brackish Menzies, who works at the Mount Wilson Observatory, or else is under observation at the Mount Wilson Mental Hospital (the letter is not clear), claims that travellers moving at close to the speed of light would require many millions of years to get here, even from the nearest solar system, and, judging from the shows on Broadway, the trip would hardly be worth it. (It is impossible to travel faster than light, and certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off.)
She's a high class prostitute my dude, acquire taste.
I fucking hate her. I can't explain why. Please stop posting her. We don't want her to gain a following thanks to us.
I hate women with manly face
Sad world lad
1k likes and these cunts think they're fucking kate moss now
She looks like a 14 year old boy you disgustng queer
also there is no such thing as a high class prostitute
its not even joking or being /pol/ a jewish trick like calling whores "pornstars"
it makes sense they had to make it appealing by calling it star, etc
they're not high class, they're not "stars", they're whores mate
"High class prostitute" does sound like an oxymoron.
Just taking a quick look at her Twitter. Surprise surprise, she's also an SJW.
what about escorts?
you should really checkout it's amazing
/tv/ are good lads one of the rare remaining good boards