How far have you sunk?
My dinner tonight was 4tbs of straight vegetable oil.
How far have you sunk?
My dinner tonight was 4tbs of straight vegetable oil.
thrown away bland hard pizza crusts from yesterday
Well it's something OP.
My regular calorie intake is Whisky.
Whats your paypal?Il send you $100 for food
Sometimes I eat rice with pasta
Was eating crockpots of chili for days straight, with the majority of it being cut with cheap canned beans. Gained a lot of weight.
But fortunately a place opened up across my street with dirt cheap vegetables.
Sidenote: Back in the 70s, my dad would eat ketchup sandwiches when he was super poor.
had an okayish calzone.
shit was alright.
I actualy work at a nice resturant and make decent money. I ate some fried rice, shrimp, and lobster last night.
You people are real bad at poverty.
When I was young I've spend 2 weeks eating only some hostel breakfast and single McDonald's hamburger as the only meals per day for two weeks ( not counting a single bear and 2 cigarettes ).
now thats silly, why would you do that
Rice and beans. If the answer isn't rice or beans you need to stop buying crap and buy some goddamn rice and some goddamn beans.
It's funny how people claim to be poor yet they eat fast food
Makes no goddamn sense
How the fuck do you eat a whole bear in just 2 weeks?
Time-value of money. If you're working for minimum wage, the time it takes you to shop, cook, and clean is more expensive than the cost of just grabbing a burger and scarfing it down on the drive home.
They are both the cheapest proper food you can buy. Pasta is more firm to the bite, so it almost feels like you aren't eating carbs with carbs.
eating leftovers is bad
or eating the same thing every day for a week
rice, noodles etc
but by far the worst is having to eat something you failed to cook yourself
I've eaten food people have thrown away in the street, but eating an egg I just burned is hard man
That only makes sense if you're working less so you can shop, cook and clean, which I doubt most people do. You can save so much money if you spend some of your free time shopping for good value and cooking yourself instead of buying fastfood and shitposting on a Venezuelan toenail gourmet imageboard.
i was really broke one time and down to some rice and a couple packs of ramen then I told a grill about how poor I was and starting to get hungry, so she bought me a papa johns pizza and wings.
shit was so cash.
I found a discontinued box of protein bars that I ate for a few days exclusively. They were too hard and I had to heat them up. At my poorest though I used to live of nothing but grilled cheese and 25 cent sodas
>have internet access
>complains about food
>i'll go hungry before giving up my data plan!
Nobody believes you and those that do don't and shouldn't care.
If you were that poor, why were you buying soda
Not trying to be a dick, but that is not what "time value of money" means. The concept of time value of money refers to the earnings potential of money over time. Basically, $1 today is worth more than a guarantee of getting $1 a year from now because you could make money with that dollar in the meantime.
Also, your argument makes no sense because as points out, people don't reduce their work hours so they have time to shop/cook/clean.
25ยข isn't much, man
How is eating leftovers bad?? I eat them practically every day for lunch. I ain't got time to make more than a sandwich in the morning.
Lunch is for leftovers. Dinner is for cooking.
Is that image from Alive?
yes, care for some rump roast?
I've survived all week on quesadillas
>has internet access
You can google food pantries and soup kitchens in your area you halfwit.
Churches and other charitable groups literally will give you bags of bread/baked goods/vegetables/milk/etc. It varies widely by location, but they're there.
No one feels sorry for you when you have too much pride or so little sense that you can't ask for a hand while you pull yourself up.
Yet have the gall to bitch and moan about choosing to fall so far.
I grew up eating whitebox cereal and canned goods and I was grateful for it.
In grad school I ate chicken broth and onion for a week because I was so poor. I even stole the onion
Water is free.
No it fucking ain't
maybe it was a koala
>the time it takes you to shop, cook, and clean is more expensive than the cost of just grabbing a burger and scarfing it down on the drive home.
It's more of a mental barrier really.
It's possible to do all those things (and they really don't take as much effort or time as 'poor' people complain they do) and eat nicely.
You don't go to public park drinking fountains to fill up your bottles?
If you were that desperate you could fill up at public place toilets using their sinks e.g. museums, galleries etc.
It was my one indulgence per day to make me not go insane
sorry, if you aren't starving and miserable 24/7 you're not allowed to call yourself poor.
unrelated note: I also got laid more than I ever had in my life when I was homeless. I had two girlfriends at the same time. Poor doesn't mean miserable it just means without money.
how did you manage that
If you just have no standards at all, anything is possible.
In my country you can buy a trash bag of yesterday's pastry for 2,5 Dollars, it contains stale bread, puff pastry and phylo pita. I feed my dog that when I run low on $
Also i can always afford few eggs, pig lard and bread. It's not very tasty but it gets the job done.
I prefer salmon and beef to eggs and lard but I'm blessed I get to eat like a king too sometimes
I get food stamps now, so it's not a problem for me anymore, but food pantries and soup kitchens are highly dependent on what's available where you live.
Where I live, there are two churches 10 miles apart that offer one meal each a week. a homeless shelter that will feed you two meals a day but only, but only if you register for a bed there. If you don't know what's entailed in doing that at most homeless shelters, then just know that you'd rather starve to death.
There is a food pantry you can go to one day a week that will provide you a few days worth of groceries, but they're so busy they turn people away and you have to show up like three hours early and then wait in line for another three hours.
There's another food pantry I could get to if I paid $1.75 to ride a bus 7 miles, and then walked 15 miles to get to.
My town isn't even super small. The population here is 175k.
I agree with this, when you're overworked at a shitty job it's real easy to slip into a "why bother" state of mind.
What does it entail?
Fast food is at least food. What really gets me is cigarettes
It's basically like voluntary prison only slightly worse.
You have a curfew, and it's crazy early like 5pm. If you're out past curfew you lose your bed, and any belongings you're storing there will be unavailable until morning. This is often coupled with not being allowed to be on or access the premises during the day until about an hour before curfew.
After curfew, the doors are locked and nobody is allowed in or out except staff.
The shelter is full of shady people who will steal your shit while you're sleeping, and the shelter doesn't give a shit.
You have to sign a waiver that allows them to search you and your belongings any time they wish, and they will just to fuck with you, especially if you voice any complaints about anything (like having your shit stolen in the middle of the night).
Lots of religious based shelters have mandatory chapel several times a day, and they will fuck with you if you don't attend, possibly taking away your bed.
You could randomly show up just before curfew ends only to find they've given your bed away to someone else, after you've spent the day working or trying to find work instead of securing a different place to sleep.
At religious places, you might be required to pay tithe from whatever jobs you might get through whatever programs they have while you get on your feet, or lose your bed.
Not for nothing, but buying a computer and paying for internet access are completely optional even in small towns nowadays.
Even if you buy a computer, deals I've gotten for under $20 would blow your mind.
Why don't you just go hunt and fish, neanderthals managed to do it thousands of years ago.
>mfw sugarwater
Neanderthals daily activities weren't hindered by half a dozen levels of government who will fine you if they catch you poaching, and if you killed another Neanderthal over hunting range, nobody would ever come looking for you.
Organized religious christian charities everybody! Such selfless giving! What a glorious day it will be when they face nothingness!
It gets even worse, too.
You know those jobs I mentioned they can help you get and kick you out if you don't tithe them?
A lot of those jobs are provided by a staffing agency run as a non-profit by the same organization that runs the shelter.
As wages from staffing agency work are handled by the agency and not the employer, they know all the details about your wages.
They can legally pay you less than minimum wage through private contracting loopholes, and pocket the difference to defray the costs of running the agency.
So... it's not so much a homeless shelter as it is a scheme to pay priests salaries.
Also all the water was less full of cow shit and industrial refuse.
If you're really suggesting people should live like neanderthals, then I guess you wouldn't mind if I came to your house in the middle of the night and lit it on fire, waited for you to come stumbling out confused and choking on smoke, brained you with a rock, and then ate all YOUR food and claimed all your property as mine.
leddit, please calm yourself
>being able to afford a car
Go away richanon
I was in kind of a hipster town and chicks dug the whole vegabond thing. Also I think I tapped into some kind of motherly instinct for girls to want to take me home and take care of me. It was bizzare.
And suddenly the Republican hatred of social programs makes more and more sense. Cuts into their profit margins too much.
why don't you go donate your own money instead of demanding other people do, faggot?
I went to the supermarket deli area and took some free packets of ranch sauce and croutons and ate them together like it was a caesar salad without the salad.
you brute
I've had a rough run where I'd boost a 1lb bag of dry beans or chickpeas from the grocery store, soak those in water overnight and eat em as is. You need to cook em more than that so my farts were diabolical but it's a good amount of protein, fiber and good fat, and it's filling and goes a long way.
Sometimes I'd persuade a dive bar or coffee shop for a cup of boiling water and just throw them in to actually cook. If I'd gotten that far I could usually get salt and random spices too. Made a pal of a bartender at a local dive bar who knew my deal and he basically would hook me up with spices for my to-go soups, knowing that when I had two bucks to scratch together I was spending it there anyway.
Reading the other responses, holy shit none of yall have been homeless before.
I'm this fag and I can confirm, being dead ass broke is a better pussy magnet than being any level of wealth besides disgustingly rich.
Plus in hipster towns, manorexic, smelly, and with a gross beard are basically ideal aesthetics soooo yeah
milwaukee's best ice
shit's gross
i have a bag of cornmeal, what should I do with it?
make polenta
serve baked polenta with a side of crispy fried polenta and a generous helping of polenta porridge
had a can of tuna today, don't know if I can eat anything tomorrow. And police are cracking down hard on panhandling in my city, so wish me luck guys.