Unironically good recipes edition
Webm thread
Was that it?
By the way, whoever edited that did a horrible job. I kept thinking that it was over when in fact it was just repeating itself for now reason.
that was it (ur a faget)
That's some fucking terrible camera work, and the random white frames aren't helping.
too much effort /10
looks tasty, but who the hell has an elaborate potato-thingy like that?
looks good but id only make it for a good date
This is some truly terrible shilling.
1. Using a fucking butter knife to cut crawfish (even if it's about to be smashed up in a "rangoon") hurts to look at.
2. How is a spiralizer "easy" ?
3. Obviously underseasoned.
4. This isn't' a recipe. This is a badly filmed/edited attempt at recreating a facebook "recipe" from tasty or some shit, except it's done worse in every single possible way, including the likely taste of the end product. That is a dismal concept.
If you want some constructive criticism for your project (I'm assuming this is your project, since anyone who would have money to pay someone to shill might hire a real camera man/editor), consider these ideas: only show techniques/motions that you can do smoothly/efficiently in 1-3 seconds, or speed up that motion when you show it. Don't show yourself poking a boiled potato with a knife; show yourself scooping half of it out with a big spoon and dumping it into a bowl that is aesthetically located somewhere within focus of the camera. Get a camera stabilizer, it'll make you look more professional. Unless it's an apple or an onion (and even then) you should probably subtitle all your ingredients given your target audience.
Wait, is this just an ikea smart surface table viral advertisement that I've been baited into?
anyone got that various smoked meats webm
1. he actually points out in the video how it's prefectly good for the job, probably anticipating retard comments like yours
2. if you have it, it's pretty easy to use it
3. wrong
4. wrong again, but I guess you know much better than a 6-star michelin chef
>Wait, is this just an ikea smart surface table viral advertisement that I've been baited into?
nope, just me killing time and posting webms
>muh bad camera
>can't recognize food without subtitles
that fucking camera shaking
>6-star michelin chef
You have no idea what you're talking about and you're just embarrassing yourself.
did he cut those prawns with a butter knife??
what are you rambling about? Youre a fucking nigger and your webms are stupid. Fuck you and fuck this gay thread.
>6-star michelin chef
>this entire post
Have a (You), friend. It's obvious that you're both brain damaged and underage, so I'll take pity on you.
Those mommy boobs.
There is a 7-star michelin chef in the U.S.
Search wikipedia for Thomas keller.
actually I have just looked up his wikipedia page, the guy has 7 michelin stars. Look it up, the name is: Bruno Barbieri
>Veeky Forums doesn't know how michelin starts work
why am I not surprised? You faggots should stop eating at fast food joings and actually start cooking
>projecting this much
they could not have edited this worse if they tried
>clingfilm poached eggs
i thought these were the shit when i was a student but really they're way worse than just kearning to do them properly
Terrible camera work, terrible editing.
Specialty equipment, that butterknife, under-seasoned, unironically pretentious.
3.5/10 needs work, decent idea.
what's the source on the OP vid
Better camera work. Better editing, still not very good.
Not in English, female, oil she dropped the sliced leeks into wasn't hot enough and the pan was overcrowded, looks like she was using metal utensils on a non-stick pan.
6/10, will impress normals, can be improved.