Save money thread

Save money thread

Here's some hacks I have to save money

Get two espresso shots with ice in a venti cup instead of a latte. Add the milk yourself at the milk station. Costs less than $2.50 rather than more than $5.

Sushi rolls only cost $5 for 6 pieces. Salmon avocado rolls are my favorite.

If you live in nyc you can get dollar pizza at places like 2Bros, it costs $1 a slice.

Eat dumplings in chinatown, it costs $1.25 per plate and taste delicious.

Get a sodastream and use water enhancers like Mio or Stur to make your own soda.

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>I buy prepared food from New York restaraunts to save money

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It's cheaper than buying your own ingredients at the places I mentioned.

You actually live in that hive New York?
How is it?

It's fun, you can order sushi delivery at 2am and shit like that.

>Get two espresso shots with ice in a venti cup instead of a latte. Add the milk yourself at the milk station. Costs less than $2.50 rather than more than $5.
Better: make your own coffee at home. Even better: buy caffiene pills for literally pennies on the dollar of cost for the same caffiene buzz without the bullshit and sugar in what you're buying

>Sushi rolls only cost $5 for 6 pieces. Salmon avocado rolls are my favorite.
I guarantee you that you're getting less than 300 calories per dollar via sushi rolls. Terrible value.

>If you live in nyc you can get dollar pizza at places like 2Bros, it costs $1 a slice.
This will probably be about 300-400 calories per dollar. But it's pretty unhealthy. Still, not that good of a deal anyway.

>Eat dumplings in chinatown, it costs $1.25 per plate and taste delicious.
Google says an average dumpling is around 40 calories. No idea how many are on your plates so I can't comment on this one

>Get a sodastream and use water enhancers like Mio or Stur to make your own soda.
Or uh, drink water?

>If you live in nyc
Also probably not the best idea unless you don't have a choice.

For perspective on calories per dollar, if a dozen eggs costs you $2 they'll net you 420 calories per dollar. They're sort of the barometer I use as they are a very healthy food that's easy to make. Generally anything over 500 per dollar good value depending on how shitty it is for you, though. Like cereal is usually 1000+ calories per dollar but it's garbage, so stay away from that shit.

The dumpling suggestion is the only one I can vouch for. I wouldnt step foot in a 2bros. They remind me too much of public restrooms

spending 2.50 on coffee.. you call that spending??? holy shit, anything i dont get at the grocery store and cook myself is wasted money to me
and i probably buy fast food/done food at restaurants way too much...

Fuck New York and fuck you, that place is a shit hole and you only realize it after you leave. If you moved their youve invested so much money in living there you are now trying to justify it with things you can get anywhere, and usually better for less money.
Fuck you and fuck New York, moved West and I'm never going back.

This, OP is full retard.

I agree actually, I want to move to Toronto Canada.

i live with my mommy and her boyfriend and mommy pays for everything

lol moving from one expensive shithole to another

yeah i visited new york on my usa trip and it was by far the worst place and i went to LA, palm springs, washington, lewisburg, las vegas etc
NY is the most overrated, overused (in entertainment) and most underdelivering city there is probably. and it stinks like cheap hot dogs everywhere bah good

nothing is worse than LA. LA is a physical manifestation of Narcissism and degredation. If social media was a place it would be LA. Absolute hellhole

true and now that I think of it it's probably on par with NY... but LA is more of a 3rd world place so your expectations and feeling isn't that off when you're there

using mio...enjoy ur cancer

This guy unbelievably knows what hes talking about

Getting over 400 calories per dollar while eating healthy is difficult.

On avg fastfood will get you 100 calories per dollar

LAis the best if ur rich. God tier weather all year long and you can always pick and choose who you socialize with.

The only reason i say you need to be rich is so you can finetune when youre driving. Traffic with other wagecucks truly is hell.

Suuuure we only have Malibu if you want a nice beach, Big Bear if we want snow, Downtown/Hollywood if you want to get Bohemian, Beverly Hills/Glendale if you want to get fancy and don't see poor people.
Just because you faggot Euros have buildings that are hundreds of years old doesn't mean shit.

dont forget the taxes in cali

2 bros pizza sucks cock I'm not a poor person in the city I can afford to feed myself

>wanting to move to torontostan

user. No. Bad. If you want the good parts of living in Canada, move to a smaller city/town away from the big metros.

>everyone lives where I live and likes what I like.

Fucking kill yourself you shit streak

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San Diego county was gorgeous though.

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no it doesnt you fucking faggot, shut the fuck up.

Everyone falling for this gr8 and subtle b8 good job OP

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I don't know who you think is the asshole here but it's not the other guy.