Darknetmarkets banned



Attached: DarkNetMarkets-banned.png (1111x465, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a shithole filled with scammers
But fuck reddit

Literally no reason to visit that shithole anymore except for r/bitcoin to laugh at nocoiners

It was a good place to gather information

Even if you don't like Reddit, this is a big win for censorship.


But really, fuck I want to see the day where reddit is finally taken out. Fuck that site, fuck the ideas behind that site, and fuck its users.

reddit is one of the most censored sites on the net were you born yesterday

wtf did you expect? people advertised drugs and illegal products here. they even included links where to get it

>uncensored news
>and now this

Enough is enough

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Checked, that site is sacrilege.
CEO is a cannibal. (google it)

Start uncensorable reddit on EOS

Steal Everipedias game theory on their tokens

Make money and make the internet better

The point is, it's getting more communist every year.

You forgot r/gundeals.

Can't have whites arming themselves for the coming race war.

next is any redpilled sub like /r/theredpill, /r/mgtow, and other related subs that go against the narrative. Reddit is an good indication of what laws that is to come in liberal strongholds. They banned coontown as niggers where their voting block.

When will this shithole die already? What does it taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake?

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My sweet summer child. I left Digg for Reddit in a time when /r/politics was unbiased/uncensored enough to have Ron Paul threads.

life is getting more communist... but we condenast is an american mass media company... sounds more like capitalists can make more money off censorship than they can off not censoring

Soon my friend Soon.

(((Their))) greatest fear is coming true A great awakening is happening. (((They))) are scared of white people waking up to the truth that is why they have to censor so much.

Reddit will face the same fate as Digg and Myspace and all of these procensorship bastards will be hated.

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fucking pathetic
i hope facebook, jewgle, and reddit just signed their death certificates

> sluttystrangers

>tfw everything you buy is decriminalised and on clearnet

Social media is a CIA operation. It doesn't matter how much money they bleed so long as they their purpose is meet and that purpose is to control what you think. (((They))) are losing control.

If trump and the storm is not a LARP and are succesful you will see these monolithic social media sites burn.

holy fuck, just checked and it actually got deleted

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I want to believe. Are we still growing brother?

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Funny how every time a dnm is closed, a new one pops up

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>left digg for reddit

YOU are the problem. YOU are the reason reddit still exists.


>Additional forums taken down today by Reddit include r/cigarmarket, r/scotchswap, r/shoplifting, r/gunsforsale, r/airsoftmarket, r/shoplifting, and r/stealing
Fucking lol. Better short your reddit stock.

get back to plebbit, nigger ass faggot

r/shoplifting needed to die honestly Nothing but thieving niggers.


welcome to Veeky Forums retard

butthurt twink spotted

>t. nigger

Attached: blacks IQ.jpg (644x644, 93K)

You want this sub banned to retard? Delete that shit.

>The college board

Mgtow is next.

not sure if you're trolling or just a brainlet. Either way, picrel. stop posting.
>implying that the college board isn't the best possible source for data about highschool student's test scores

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>cigars, whisky, airsoft banned
The absolute state of cuckit

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My cocaine dealer (Canada) is no longer in business. I have no current source now. I was told I should be able to find safe Canada to Canada merchants (to avoid sending across the border) on Reddit. I was going to check it out tonight but I guess that's a bust. Where can I find this kind of info now?

try it with lastflipwins.co/ it's going to moon

dont forget /r/theredpill and /r/conservative

Ask twitter.com/PhilakoneCrypto

They are making their company (reddit) going public. They need to attract investors.

Meh. Use Voat.