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I don't get why it's such a favourite term

what did he mean by this

UNIRONICALLY Is the new literally

>I don't get why Veeky Forums is a hivemind
how new are you? we've always had favorite terms roodypoo.

this but unironically

This but literally unironically.

>UNIRONICALLY Is the new literally

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Ironically this but literally unironically

because it's stupid

If you don't say "unironically", everything you say is unironically assumed to be ironic.

Also unironically is an anagram for unicornalily.

>I’m glad you asked user. Unironcally chainlink will be the next ethereum

unironically y (why)?

i have a classmate who uses the word "unironically".
Everytime when i hear him saying that, it reminds me of this place because i dont know any other place where this term is used so often.

Does this mean my classmate is one of us? A Veeky Forums lurker?

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this is unironically the worst bait I've seen here in a while.

got 15 bites though so far, that's pretty succesful

Maybe, call him a sperg next time he says it

thx just sold 100k

I wouldn't associate with someone that takes the shit from here outside Veeky Forums if I were you, reeks of school shooting, well maybe if you befriend him he won't shoot you

I only use it ironically so it's ok

unironically, this

unironically i use only ironically not even kidding literally.

>I wouldn't associate with someone that takes the shit from here outside Veeky Forums if I were you

This but unironically

>unironically thinks people will do what he wants

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sounds like a good idea

He is a friendly guy but sometimes a little weird. My assumption is, if he is really on Veeky Forums, he is probably on pol. He talks everytime about oestrogens in plastic bottles and that we need to drink out of a steel bottle and so on

this but unironically.

lol user is unironically mad

The other day with some friends I used the word unironically during a conversation
That's how you know you've had enough Veeky Forums

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unironically because it's amazing

people say unironically because they found out about the stuff they like through hipsters... so basically it's more of a normie term -_-

> -_-

I don't even get what it actually means anyway tbqh


OP is unironically post-autism

I unironically don't get the point of your post.
Legitimately, unironically.

Unironcially a shitpost

>he unironically said it himself
Kys OP.

Didn't you get the memo? We went through a minor hipster period that lasted a few years, when everything was done ironically. Now that we've entered the post irony era, we have to unironically literally use unironicaly to make sure that you don't think we're being ironic.

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Unironically I would never use unironically

unironically using -_- on a Kazakhstani cross stitching messaging platform for autists. This is literally msn tier.


Habeeb it

This thread unironically sucks

Hmm... Honestly I think because it safe guards one opinion from scrutiny at some kind of level by implying that what is presented is wrong and yet you still support the idea but you are aware of the how the idea is perceived.

i like thread!!1

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That poster was clearly on more layers of irony than you.


Unironically buy REQ

Unironically I ironocally unironically ironically say unironically and I unironically mean it in an ironically unironic, manner, ironically, and unironically.

you have to unironically understand that 90% of things said on this board is ironic shitposting

so when someone says ''unironically'' he is pretending to be serious but is probably a shitposter anyway

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What’s a shitpost?

When you shit on a post, you've made a shitpost. Pajeet does it all the time. He's made a sport out of it.

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Independently financially

Biz is the cutting edge matey. If we are long on being unironic that means irony is dead, therefore the reign of jews has come to an end.



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unironically even a word? idk it seems good. i say it irl too. makes me seem smart.

i was saying unironically before i even knew it was a meme here.

Longcat is unironically short DESU

>OP is unironically a faggot
>unironically sperging out over the use of the word unironically

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it unironically upsets autists like OP so I use it