>reheating a calzone
>the lid falls off
Reheating a calzone
I haven't been using the Internet all that long, and I've spent even less time on Veeky Forums. If anyone could politely let me know what the context of this New Meme is, I'd be most grateful!
Thanks in advance!
>adding salt to pasta
>the lid falls off
>boiling a white rice
>the lid falls off
>sit on the toilet to take a shit
>the lid falls off
>working on oil pipeline for BP
>The lid falls off
I hate when that happens
>go horseback riding
>the kid falls off
>boil ammonia and bleach
>the lid falls o....
>>the kid falls off
>the reeve falls off
>adding lid to salt
>the pasta falls off
Instead of a mage we have a full AD Lee sin
The mid falls off
>eating my tendies
>the lid falls off
>using a pressure cooker in Boston
>the lid blows off
Not funny dude, you just killed my half chub.
>goes on Veeky Forums
>the lid falls off
>Any job I want
>the lid falls off
>parents told me I'd be a success no matter what I did in my life
>the lid falls off
Where's Marky Mark when you need him.
Tip top kek
>caught by isis
>the head falls off
>There's blood in my stool
>the lid falls off
kekkerz muh dood