Rock token is the exchange token of the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange.

The crypto harbour exchange is set to open in April... and RKT is basically the same thing to the GBX as BNB is to Binance.

Except the following:

> 33% trading discount when paying with RKT

> Backed by an actual stock exchange

> Legit government regulations

> No fear of ICO scams - through vetting process.

> "Retail investor money set to pour in..." paraphrased quote by the CEO of the exchange.

> Real 24/7/365 customer support (they speak English in Gibraltar and they are loyal to the British Monarchy)

> First mover advantage

> Govt officials traveling to Hong Kong to shill the exchange.

> 200 ICOs on waiting list - ready to get on exchange.

> You can liquidate stocks.. and buy crypto.. on this exchange and vice versa.

Some guy on Reddit did a thorough breakdown and it makes me think this might be the safest early stage, low market cap, post ICO token out there.

Should I delet this thread and keep trying to accumulate or is it safe to talk about ROCK token yet?

Attached: GBX-is-coming.jpg (550x263, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> Gibraltar
> Legit government regulations

Anyone can do this man

Lol. Like we need another shit exchange. Kys faggot. Brexit fucked Gibraltar real good. Now, this is a last attempt for another money grab.

p cool

How many RKTs you got?

COSS set the bar pretty low.

How do you explain 200 ICO waiting list?

How does this fail?

KuCoin (KCS) is a shit exchange and it went over 1B marketshare once upon a time.

GBX is HASHs entrance in SEPA zone
HASH wanted to partner up with some banks in SEPA for awhile and now they creating whole exchange for GBX
i wont be surprised if HASH own GBX already

Attached: hash_2.jpg (512x512, 31K)

>HASHs entrance in SEPA

You think GBX can become a centre of liquidity for SEPA zone?

This seemingly makes sense with stuff like REQ and LitePay on the horizon.

The cash has to sit somewhere when you need Fiat... or numbers that represent fiat on a screen.

Am I right or am I on the wrong track?

delete op

Thanks. Looks pretty good, how much was ico? I know it was sold out in minutes but I didn't really look into it.

.10 USD per token...

Was listed on QRYPTOS a while back

$27M was sold to public... marketcap surrently $32M

I don't expect it to stay this low, this long... especially when exchange opens in April.


Oh hell no. Never invest into anything south of the Alps. No good ever comes out of the Mediterranean.

kek, check the richlist, top 7 wallet owns %80 of all coins/ get ready to be dumped fuckers..

>No good ever comes out of the Mediterranean

Attached: Taleb_mug.jpg (793x776, 128K)

they can only sell a certain percentage max each quarter according to white paper


Doesn't it really depend on which side of the ROCK you're on?

West of the Rock is the Atlantic

kek, this is a shitcoin. plus, their license was rejected.

they were literally in Hong Kong 36 hrs ago pitching the exchange alongside a govt minister of finance.

fuck off pajeet. nobody is buying your dirty bags.

RKT 90% to private investors, gg.

Thank you very much. Looking better and better. Any catalyst coming up soon? I will research tomorrow.

On the calendar, they have a big meetup in London with a bunch of ICOs I believe.

Then after that, exchange should launch.

My thought is that COSS is a piece of shit and it hit 9 digit marketcap.

White paper talks about how often and how much top wallets can dump and its structured over a 5 year period.

I just don't understand how this isn't getting more attention.

BNB was like .10 at ICO as well... back in July. By January, it was $24.

This seems like a decent gamble... literally the same game plan except they have an all star lineup of financial pros leading the way.

It's because it's another shit exchange recommended by anime Chan.

Holding 160k RKT here, this stash alone will make me a multimillionaire in less than one year.

how many RKTs would one need to have $500,000 in a year?

asking for a friend...

Attached: 1515883706077.jpg (501x810, 95K)


this is how you get rekt

RKT is too similar to REKT

Beat me to it

Look at private sale amount.
So another shit token with 95% of coins in the hands of 1%

Attached: IMG_20180322_004549.png (1080x932, 110K)

This token offers nothing unique and the amount of shilling in this thread makes me feel naseous

Holy shit, what a shit coon

>an exchange coin for an exchange that doesn't even exist yet
the state of Veeky Forums

>buying a coin thats symbol is basically REKT
just give me your money instead

Never invest in Gibraltar, any Brit would tell you that

Lol at the retards in this thread about to miss the next BNB. Stay poor Veeky Forums.

What exchange coin hasn't had relative success, besides COSS, which is a piece of shit?

this isn't true.

this is screen cap from white paper

Attached: RKT-Token-Distribution.png (571x488, 89K)

grug buy rock

Attached: file.png (645x729, 150K)


Literally my first thought when I opened this thread.

Do you smell what the rock is cooking?
