Explain in 1 sentence why most people are poor.
Explain in 1 sentence why most people are poor
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Can't afford expensive things.
Bad at saving money and investing into stocks seems like too much of a risk
Government dont tax enough to give us things
The Jews.
They don't truly want money. If they did, they would find ways to get more of it.
Life is a 0 sum game
Because there's a difference between working hard and working smart.
their minds are trained to stay poor
possessing decent IQ and the emotional maturity of being able to delay gratification is uncommon
>Because there is a difference between honest work and telling people you're working.
>le honest, backbreaking work meme
Go and do dishonest work then you fag, and don't even dare blame your ethics on it, everyone knows you are just too fucking dumb to be dishonest.
>one sentence
pic related
Because capitalism only works if the majority of the population are exploited
They don't have money
Most people have an IQ of literally 100, you can imagine how fucking retardedly low that is?
All the other things anons say are just consequences of this.
fuck fuck fuck i am so embarrassed
because they dont invest in themselves
They don't know how to use a condom.
Most people are willing to settle with good enough.
>saving money
Most people are dumb as hell.
Poor finnancial education
Because fitting in doesn’t make you money
lol what does Veeky Forums have against Kosovo
because they spend too much time worrying about what they look like
Equity in the US is shit as is most of the world.
Because they don't have much money.
lower iq on average, leading to relatively lower time preferences, poor planning for the future, less desirable skills, higher tendency towards crime, etc
you mean most whites have an average of 100.
check out pic related
That's because the only practical form of government that actually works and provides extravagant and luxurious standards of living; are capitalist dictatorships with a benevolent dictator and a strong government (for e.g Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Macau)
Lol Greenland retards
Because people prioritize labor over ownership when it should be the reverse.
lack of forethought
because most people habitually spend their money instead of saving it
Fractional reserve banking perpetually lowering the purchasing power of the currency.
Instant gratification overpowers long term planning.
That's how capitalism works.
Poor people are required for any society to function, so no matter how much money you give them costs will rise or production will drop so that the majority is poor.
born poor
Voted one of the 10 best single sentences in American Literature by American Scholars editors : Its vanished trees, the trees that had made way for Gatsby’s house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams; for a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder.
If you think stocks are risky yet invest in crypto you are probably retarded
Nevermind, I took your comment out of context
Generally a lack of restraint on spending.
Alternatively they listened to Biz
They didn't get WET
Predatory capitalism
Buying things they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people they don’t like
poor is defined in relative terms and people aren't equal.
They go on this board
Spend more than they earn and enjoy getting into large amounts of debt.
Spending too much money. You can even make 6 figures and be poor due to being an idiot and spending it all on useless depreciating assets. If you live like a Scrooge your whole life it would be hard not to be somewhat wealthy unless you worked minimum wage all your life. If you want to be rich bad enough, you will. For some people that is their main goal in life
They think they need food and shelter because they're stupid
They blame everyone else for their problems and only wait for someone else to fix it for them.
Lack of fiscal responsibility.
thats the redpilled answer yes. but if true then people should leverage their dollars since they are back by debt and use the debt to acquire assets over time etc.
Capitalism doesn't work
Most people are poor because you need money to be rich, you cannot become rich by working a normal job.
to be frank with you, they have little to no money
Most people are in debt though, inflation would probably just help them if anything like dumb college students with 200k in student loans
>Spends money before it hits bank
Explain 12 marks
Wage slave gets paid x$
Already planned to spend it all before hits account
You need most people to be poor to have some rich people.
They are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
Poor people mentality. Not even a sentence.
90% of the world is non-white.
More like 95%, la creatura.
Because capitalism is a pyramid scheme. Rich and poor are relative terms. And monetary value is a subjective measurement.
poors lack discipline
Because they have low IQs.
How can I know my IQ objectively? I know there are internet tests but those usually inflate. I also heard IQ can change overtime or even by 10 points depending on certain test conditions.
Also elaborate on poor person mentality?
How do I know if lack of work ethic or IQ is keeping someone poor? Can work ethic overcome IQ?
By work ethic I include delayed gratification and taking advantage of opportunities
I can do it with one word: JEWS
Half of people are dumber than average
>How can I know my IQ objectively?
IQ is a proxy of a construct known as "general intelligence", which can't be directly measured. i think "objectively" is therefore not a great way of thinking about this. i also wouldnt spend too much time developing anxiety over it. its not something you can change--general intelligence, that is. you are right that IQ can vary test to test, and it also can vary based upon prepping for the test. but that doesnt mean that you're increasing general intelligence. you're just gaming the test.
>Can work ethic overcome IQ?
will working harder make you smarter? no
will you have a better life outcome than a lazy smart person? probably
>will you have a better life outcome than a lazy smart person? probably
Not likely. I'm pretty lazy and I've never once had trouble finding a high paying job, even during the recession. In fact, I find work incredibly unfulfilling and boring because nothing challenges me.
Life is a pyramid
communism will win comrade!
waste resources into status items / poor oportunity vision
This phrase is a cliché but not wrong: "people spend money they don't have, on things they don't need to impress people that don't matter".
I can do it with one word.
I can do it in one word.
I spend money on booze my body doesn't need in order to feel drunk
Most people don't really care about making tons of money.
only a small amount of humans are smarter then the big amount of humans. :D:D:D
Half of the population has an IQ of 100 or lower and so only a fraction of the masses has the intelligence necessary for the critical thinking and longterm planning needed to accumulate wealth.
Why isn't everyone above average?
Jews and jewy people
Cuz they think they need things to be happy
Price's Law: The square root of the number of people in a domain do 50% of the work.
>Kosovo is Serbia
i'm in the top 2 percent, How fucking stupid are normies holy hell.