I had a heart attack and the doctor said I at high risk for another

I had a heart attack and the doctor said I at high risk for another.

I need some ideas on what to eat in order to reverse atherosclerosis.

I eliminated fats from my diet and I'm drinking 3 cups of red wine per day. I'm currently eating pasta and lean cuts of pork or tuna fish. Veggies with every meal.

Are Cheerios legit at unclogging arteries?

Help me please. I will try anything.

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Eat less move more.

>that hand

trap detected

This. Go to Veeky Forums, read the sticky, stay there, exercise daily. Being actually healthy instead of half-assing it will keep you safe.

>I had a heart attack and the doctor said I at high risk for another.

Aka you're fat. Lose weight.

You're drinking too much red wine for one. A 6 - 8 oz glass of dry red wine is enough. You can actually look up wines high in restaverol, which is the compound that is said to be heart healthy.
Lowering bad fats it important, but you need good fats too. Think olive oil, cashews or almonds, and fatty fish like salmon. Tuna works well. Good fats help balance out the bad ones.
Id actually stay away from too much pasta. Stick with brown rice, quinoa, or even potatoes - yes potatoes, in moderation. Roasted in the oven with salt pepper and olive oil, not mashed with butter and cream. Avoid red meats, but you seem to have that.
Cheerios and compex carbs like oatmeal are high in fiber, which is said to help lower cholesterol. Thats why you need high fiber complex carbs - thus avoiding a lot of pasta and white rice.
Definitely increase your intake in vegtables and fruit, with emphasis on veggies. Leafy and green is great.
Avoid high sodium options. That means bacon and ham, as well as soda - even diet soda is high in sodium.
You really ought to talk to a nutritionist if this seems overwhelming.
t. nurse
My thoughts exactly

>At high risk for a heart attack

Did he not try to put you on medication to prevent exactly that from happening? What you're doing now is good, but you need to pair it with exercise. Also learn to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack just in case.

I've never seen frozen but I get it

do not drink alcohol.
take 1 baby aspirin a day.
stop eating red meat, tuna is fine
eat as little fat as possible. eat veggie pinto bean chili with lentils, carrots, and split peas, and green peas (pressure cooker comes in handy here)

Nothing can reverse arteriosclerosis. And the latest research seems to indicate that it isn't caused so much by fatty or unhealthy foods but reduced bloodflow and supply of nutrients to the outside of the blood vessels. Just eat the most delicious things you can afford and enjoy the time you have left. Why would you make your remaining days a dieting misery.

>Go to Veeky Forums

Going completely vegetarian or vegan is your only saving grace now.

What did a heart attack feel like, user?

Like bags of sand

Its Elsa Jean famous pornstar you nigs

Fuck she's good

Well she's mine so back off

Unless you're a semi-alcoholic who wants to use the wine to secretly get a buzz every day, you could always replace the red wine with Acai berry. Same effect as red wine but 10X more potent.


>what to eat in order to reverse atherosclerosis
Vitamin K = lots and lots of leafy greens.
Also C and D for a good combination.

Don't cut out fats, they help to absorb certain vitamins, just choose the right ones and consume very little and together with your leafy greens. Also make sure to not boil/fry/bake your vegetables to death, eat a good part of them raw to make sure to get all micros.

Loose weight and look into some mild cardio if your doctor approves.

I fucked up.
That Vitamin people hope may could help to even reverse this shit is K2 which is found in stuff like liver, egg yolk and fermented food like miso and sauerkraut.
Green stuff contains K1.

K2 is terrible for cardiovascular health and mental health. Smoke the real.

Ask the dietician, genius

eat a vegan diet

no wine
no pasta
no meat
those arent helping you reverse it in any way. those are comfort foods. not helping.

you need a lot a lot of fruits and veggies and then you need to exercise often

and no alcohol and no smoking and no drugs

thats all you can do pretty much
