No onions, please

please tell me, Veeky Forums
why is it so difficult to complete this request?
my working knowledge of restaurants is very limited.
is it the slutty/manwhore servers who are so painfully uneducated and more concerned about which member of the crew they will be taking it in the ass from tonight?
or is it the brain dead kitchen staff who are too busy smoking weed and huffing whip-its in the walk-in to actually read their tickets?
help me understand, senpai.
i don't like onions; they give me the shits.

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Eat those fucking onions you ungrateful bastard

but, the shits

That's what happens when you don't pay servers a living wage.

It really depends on the dish but onions are so ubiquitous as a condiment veggie they probably just forget

Onions? Try mushrooms

Honestly, you need to grow up and stop being a picky eater. I'm not sure what your fucking problem is but it's starting to piss me off.

What kind of faggot doesn't eat onions?

To be honest, if someone told me that they didn't like onions, I would tell them to go fuck themselves and serve it to them anyway. The contribution of onions to a dish isn't subjective. It's like those morons that claim to dislike mayo. You sneak it in their dish and they say it's the best thing they have ever tasted. So basically you're wrong

that must be why i forgot to leave a tip.

this kind of faggot, faggot

maybe you should read my post the problem is clearly stated.
not only does the onion completely overpower the flavor of delicious salted cured meats on my sammy or hearty bowl of chili, but they give me the shits.
you're just the type of ass clown that does this shit!

>They give me the shits
Dude, see a doctor, if your body can't handle a standard vegetable there is something wrong with your digestion that should be addressed asap

i think you are misunderstanding.
onion is one of the best flavors that can be added to many dishes.
i am not a picky eater and cook with onions myself quite often.
raw onions give me the shits and i don't like that.

like what? i'm not OP but i have a similar issue. i just assume it's a weird food sensitivity thing.

please explain to us the mechanism in the human body that would be responsible for some cellulose and water to cause "the shits"

Pro tip: there isn't one

Your liberal mind just made up some bullshit that isn't true and now you waste everyone's time by saying you don't like onions or onions make you sick. Stop being a pussy and eat your fucking onions you piece of shit

i would hardly call an onion a "standard" vegetable.
they contain sulfuric acid and in fact, are not even a vegetable in the traditional sense of the word.

Onions are high in FODMAPs, some people lost the genetic lottery and can't digest them properly. Nothing you can do about it.

Tell them you are alergic to them. You dont have to go into detail of what they do to you. The last thing they want is a lawsuit because you are in the hospital.

>they contain sulfuric acid
They do not. The make various sulfenic acids (weaker than sulfuric) when cut.

pro tip:
eat half of a raw onion.
let me know how you feel in the morning
that's how i feel if i eat just a few

I literally eat raw onions daily and have no idea what you're talking about

>eat half of a raw onion.
I do this regularly. Sometimes even a whole onion. It has no bad effects.

thanks for staightening that out, user

Nobody cares you useless genetic fuck up. Kill yourself and save everyone having to listen to your whiney bullshit.

thanks, user!
that's an option i hadn't considered.

I am sorry OP but you are not a special snowflake. There is nothing in onions that would cause unrest in your digestive system. It's in your head

>Get a philly steak
>ask to sub mushrooms for extra peppers or something
>get mushrooms
>no extra peppers

I do it to spite you. I hate you. I think you don't deserve to eat my food. If you want something without onions, order something that doesn't have onions. Suck my dick.

That's when you tell them to do it again.

>sending food back

Enjoy your shit portions and fucked up meal

Try again.

>butthurt faggot line jockey spotted


Brain dead line bitch here
It's only when I am NOT stoned that I make dumb mistakes like that. I get into a real groove when I am high and take pride and passion in my work. Sobr i am too mopey to give a damn and not just once have i had to take a cry break at work. That's just me though, i general kitchens have skyhigh turnover so a lot of green cooks get thrown into heavy pushes because some guy who actually had experience and competence walked out because cooks are generally prissy and arrogant so now his spot needs to be filled and the greenhorns usually cave after a few shifts and the cycle perpetuates

If I place an order, and pay for that order, I am going to get what I ordered no matter how many times """burger captains""" like you have to remake it.

So, best to just get it right the first time, doughboy.

>Irritable bowel movement
Bro that means your shits are already ruined before the onions you ad hoc spewing retard

>thinking you're entitled to special orders
>thinking you're entitled to what's on the menu even

Sure thing, edgeboy. Big man you are.

It's not a binary ruined shit/non-ruined shits thing. Onions can make it worse.

suck it up and eat onions like a real man you sperg

Onions are so prevalent that you are probably eating them every day and you don't even realize it.

I don't give a shit you fucking manchild

>is it the slutty/manwhore servers who are so painfully uneducated and more concerned about which member of the crew they will be taking it in the ass from tonight?
>or is it the brain dead kitchen staff who are too busy smoking weed and huffing whip-its in the walk-in to actually read their tickets?
>help me understand, senpai.
you need to stop eating at shitty restaurants.

Not him but when you're paying someone to do a service for you then, yes, you are entitled to a special order. That's how commerce works.

You have a moral duty to handle yourself medically to allow yourself to eat basic foodstuffs

I shit into a bag attached at the waist because I didn't want to stop eating vegetables

I'll bet that's a great turn on for your dates.

that's not true at all, you aren't entitled to anything but the things that they're offering, special orders are a favor that they usually provide because it's not too much trouble compared to the benefits it brings, but nobody is entitled to it if they don't want to provide it

>i don't like onions; they give me the shits.

No they don't.

>are not even a vegetable in the traditional sense of the word.


No. You're paying for the usual order. "Special" means it's not the usual order. If you make a special payment for your special order, then yes, you should feel somewhat entitled to a delivery.
But in strict term you're not even entitled to an order at all. Even the regular ones. 'Here's you money back, sorry but no delivery'.

Ok but it's not like he's asking for a balsamic reduction for the mushrooms or something. "Extra (ingredient)" is a pretty basic order and if a person can't get that right they're in the wrong business

So what other genetic traits do you exhibit that mark you as should have been aborted in the third trimester?