Memes Veeky Forums made you fall for

Memes Veeky Forums made you fall for

I'll go first

Popeyes is legit good you memeing fuck

popeyes is good get the spicy bone-in pieces

neck yourself popeyes biscuits give me a reason to wake up in the morning not even fucking

>green tea ice cream
>"craft beer"

Red beans and rice is goat.

Veeky Forums does nothing but shit on Sriracha

what's it like living in the mid-90s?

>Anti Craft Beer
If you're an American, gas yourself. If you're not an American, consider gassing yourself.

KFC biscuits are much better.

Popeyes chicken shits on KFC though. Spicy tendies are GOAT.

>KFC biscuits
>better than Popeye's

Put the pipe down son


MBA fucks have turned KFC into absolute shit.

Popeyes isn't the best fried chicken you can get in the US but it is currently the best mass market chain. They are basically Papa Johns 10 years ago and are in the prime of their chain life although the down spiral is apparent because of their shit sides.

They've been lucky so far in that all the food trends haven't touched them yet, but I'm willing to bet white hipsters will rediscover fried chicken in the next 5 years once they get sick of the gluten free, gmo-free, taste-free trend.

>Shit sides
>Red beans and rice
>Cajun fries
>Dirty rice

Nigga what?

I fell for the "brine your chicken" meme

In terms of biscuits
Church's > popeyes > kfc

>shit sides
You'd shut your whore mouth if you knew what was good for you
There's only two places that make the perfect biscuit, and that's Popeye's and Bojangles, everything else is shit tier especially KFC

No mac and cheese = shit sides

And popeye's potatoes and gravy isn't any good no matter how much you try to rationalize it.

>he gets the mashed potatoes
You, sir, have plebian tastes
Good day

>no mac and cheese

u wot m8

I just had it at Popeyes the other day

>rationalizing a fried chicken restaurant having bad mashed potatoes

Proves my point.

Doesn't matter if you get it from KFC or Popeye's, MP&G is a pleb tier side


I just gained a shit ton of weight

thanks faggots

This isn't a meme I fall for, but a lot of my customers do:

>Le medium rare meme

Whenever a customer orders their meat medium rare, I die a little inside. Good for them that I always ignore what they ask for and cook them a perfect medium well steak/burger

if you did this to me i'd fucking stab forks in your face

>No mac and cheese = shit sides

>3 piece tendie combo for $6.99

Meanwhile I paid $9.99 for mine the other day. I fucking hate New York

Expensive and pretty unremarkable.

mac and cheese is always a shit side. The only time it was valid was from Boston Market before they started making freezer isle shit.

I'm sure you would, medium rare cuck

Not him but for some odd reason a vast majority of popeyes dont actually have mac n cheese, i had to go to 4 different popeyes in the area before i found one that had mac n cheese, the first 3 i went to said their store doesn't sell it

I went to popeye's for the first time recently mostly because of review brah and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Got 3pc spicy with red beans and rice and some blackened ranch and I was in heaven desu

So they're Bojangles but worse?

> Like green tea
> Liked green tea Kit Kats
> Liked macha/green tea cookies

Haven't had green tea ice cream yet though. Is it actually bad or are you just being a bit of a contrary dick?

Bojangles only redeeming qualities are that they do breakfast all day and their biscuits, their other sides are shit compared to Popeye's

>shit sides
what the fucking fuck? popeyes have the best sides of pretty much any fast food place i have ever been to.
>red beans and rice
>dat mashed potato gravy
>dirty rice
>biscuits (when fresh)
>got tier fries
>decent mac and cheese

Sous vide.

low key people just eat here because the owner hates gays

bojangles got shit on both those meme joints.

Either you are lying or you dont understand keeping low carbs.

Was 280lbs now im 197 thanks to keto.


The food looks good on their website but I don't plan on going to the southeast any time soon.

this, I've been going to Chik-Fil-A since I was like 4 or 5 years old(probably even before then) and can never recall a SINGLE time where my food and/or service wasnt good.

Craft beer has to be up there. I get it, hipster beer is tasty. However I'm not spending shit for something I'm gonna guzzle down anyway on a weeknight.

>been eating garbage at a garbage slop trough constantly their entire life. Thinks that they'll suddenly have an epiphany and realize it's garbage.

Ain't happening, moosebreath. Enjoy your daily intake of slop, fatass.

Five Guys.

Fuck you all that recommend that place. It is complete and utter shit.

The memest of memes.

Blackened tendies are their best entree. More flavor than the regular or spicy chicken.

They have mac and cheese. It's just shit. Church's is better for sides generally.

green tea ice cream is GOAT but just don't get vegan shit or it'll be like an ice cube.

>hard ass biscuits
besides that everything else is ok. Before they glazed their biscuits years ago, they used to be alright.

The glaze is GOAT.

>not even fucking

You poor bastard...

maybe when just made, but once they've been under a heat lamp for awhile, which quite often, they're hard as rocks.

>Memes Veeky Forums made you fall for

Doesn't taste anything like hazelnuts, it's chocolate flavored chocolate.

The jar is still sitting in the cabinet two years later.

true, if you want ACTUAL real hazelnut taste, not sugar and palm oil, try justin's chocolate hazelnut butter

>Cook everything with onions