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Drugs are bad

U high af ay user?

is shit
in every fucking way
Meth ... is everything coke wants to be... and cheaper
I'm unironically not joking. If you want to do 'hard' drugs... do them right

I could use some OP kek

You know what they say

Cocaine is the only way.

only ever done weed but I wouldn't mind a tootski to see how it feels

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underage gtfo

caffeine.... but a little happier and maybe hornier
You will be expecting something out of this world. Do a line, then be like that's it...? Wtf
You'll then want more 15 min later

How bout if I don't want to tweak for 12 fuckin' hours? Maybe I want to do a few bumps, bullshit for a couple hours at the bar, and then go to bed and get on with my life?

Most accurate depiction

It's shit and overhyped

But I'm more of a sedative guy so

One of the most over-priced over-cut over-hyped drugs to ever exist.


This right here. For me, I'm super introverted and generally hate going to the bar. A little coke makes the bar FUN, and makes me super outgoing. And, I assume, 10x more obnoxious than I realize.

It is quite cheap and pure in SA countries.

hello newfriend
It's not like in the movies...
You can do a bump of tweak and sleep a couple hours later
You don't have to spend $50 for a night out and constantly think of your next bump
Instead $10 dollars worth will carry you through the night and make you feel better than coke
Anyways... dosage is everything. Meth does NOT last 12 hours

yeah, coke's super gay.
spend money on coke for the night, run out and spend the rest of the night wanting to spend more money on coke. plus, the personality is fake as fuck and unsustainable.

mdma much cheaper, lasts longer.
lsd much cheaper, lasts longer.
mushrooms much cheaper, lasts longer.
amphetamines much cheaper, lasts longer.

but coke has that "cool" factor, like smoking i guess. still gay tho.

yea p much..
I've had clean coke various times, and it is an enjoyable experience
But to make it your drug of choice is lame and a waste of money. Way better shit out there

Is there a cleaner/safer drug that has similar effects?

Pretty much all ADHD pharms

Meth is a retard tier drug. Cocaine is infinitely better, just most dip shits get some shit cut with drywall, and then say coke sucks.

Coke is more fun as a party drug than most things, only rivaled by MDMA.

i'll add to this: microdose lsd + night out drinking. blows coke out of the water.
there's a kind of knife-like intensity to lsd that coke will never be able to match.

Pretty much all anti anxiety medication ever

Stay away from habit forming drugs. Have some mda/2ci/2cb once in a blue moon.

Learn how to mix a good drink to fill in the gaps for those long nights. Coke is for idiots, especially if you're in the US. I went on a rampage in Peru with Coke. You can't buy weed down there without them just giving you cocaine. It was incredible coke. You get stuck in that good shit you're going to end busting an artery. The shit you get here from tyrone is garbage and will only end up putting a hole in your septum.

>Inb4 I don't get my coke from tyrone
Yes you do it's just Mexican tyrone

This I could see. Assuming you can get the dosage right. Last time I tried to microdose I got high as fuck.

how much does this shit cost?

I've been wondering this, how does one go about microdosing LSD? I only have access to tabs, do I just try to take 1/10th of a tab? Or is that retarded and do I try to find it in liquid form?

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>You don't have to spend $50 for a night out and constantly think of your next bump
>Instead $10 dollars worth will carry you through the night and make you feel better than coke

I don't have the willpower for that. Coke has enough "that wasn't worth it.." feeling the next day to keep me from doing it very often. If it were significantly cheaper and longer lasting, I'd probably end up hooked.

I'd say it's not even rivaled by MDMA, MDMA is infinitely better for 'partying' but coke is better for more nonchalant situations like bars. Just don't do both at once

I tried cutting the tab into 10ths and ended up fucked up all day. Well, too fucked up to get anything productive done. I believe volumetric dosing in a tincture is the way to go.

krokodil and blue cheese or fuck your mother OP

MDMA but it's like 100x more exaggerated and not hide able at all. If you're partying or vibing with friends at home it's unbeatable

Do you cut tabs or do volumetric dosing? If you're doing the former, look into the latter. makes it very easy to standardize dosages, especially if you get something like 1p-lsd from a source that is well-reviewed and is generally accepted to keep their per-tab dosages as advertised.

125 mic tab in 10ml vodka in lightproof jar, keep in fridge, use syringe to extract 1-1.5 ml before your night out, squirt under tongue, hold for a few, done.

easy and cheap.

You can talk up meth all you want, but at least coke is semi-normal, it's acceptable if you go out with friends. If you ask someone if they want to a line with you, they may or may not but won't think you're a druggie.

Ask someone to hit the meth pipe with you. You'll scare them away.

see Volumetric dosing calculator here:
More info on volumetric dosing how-to:

then buy liquid with blue cheese or fuck your mother idiot

last add to this because i gotta jet:
alcohol in moderation combines very well with microdosing lsd. couple beers or glasses of wine is nice and smooth, and the lsd will keep you alert. vs the average euphoria-inducing stim, i find that this night out combo is fun while also keeping me grounded, and i can read people/situations a lot better without the blaring haze of "EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD BECAUSE IT ABSOLUTELY IS" a la cocaine or amps.

if you have issues with anxiety on comeup with lsd, even on microdose, look into full-spectrum cbd oil. calming. plays very well without fucking with the special lsd headspace we all know and love.

fistbump bearfag, concur
coke is a meme like raybans and cigarettes, it's cool mostly because it's cool