How much longer do I have to accumulate?

How much longer do I have to accumulate?

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2 months

you either have very little time or a long time.

Not even trying to be cryptic here- either something huge is about to happen (something is brewing, I can sense it), or we'll have to wait a few months to see big price movements

>something is brewing, I can sense it

Attached: DVO1bLEXkAA47C9.jpg (918x918, 70K)

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>either soon or later

you don't have to accumulate

How do I invest in docusign? Nobody fucking knows.

It's happening...tonight.
Strap in boyos.

they sold us the whole seat. but we'll only need the edge

>either something huge is about to happen (something is brewing, I can sense it), or we'll have to wait a few months to see big price movements
i know something i shouldnt, and that something will be huge for LINK.
cant say what it is for a number of important reaosns, but you have 1 month tops to accumulate.
clue: a very significant partnership has been sealed and will accelerate the LINK roadmap by 3 or 4 Qs. the info is kinda in the public domain if you know where to look. that's all i cant say atm

ps. it's not a partnership between LINK and another company, but between a company LINK is definitely involved with and the agreement is essentially to start rolling out the LINK facilitated smart contracts

t. Sherlocklink who’s a complete cuck

Im done believing randoms on biz.

Our savior Sergey of Nazareth will redeem us!


No price movement, last week's worst performer. Large volume.

Whales are accumulating.


SWIFT or docusign

My investing strategy is expecting a couple years for this to moon. But I have a gut feeling we only have this summer left. I hope I'm wrong. I don't have the cash right now.

Yes. it's this basically:

but the implications are insane which i dont think people have quite cottoned on to.

even if it's a larp I'll ask anyway
if you had to guess, what kind of price impact might it have in the very short term? planning to hold for a couple years anyway as I'm in a very stable place, but just curious

once mainnet launches and nodes are set-up, or being set-up, the price will jsut sky rocket. this aspect of LINK is what mkes it so appealing as a speculation asset.

You guys are gonna get fucked. The 100x days are over. Link might go to $2. You don't even know what the token economics are and sergey said himself it's 2-5 years away from smart contracts going mainstream.

Begone heathen!

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Stop posting this in multiple threads stupid nigger

you're such a nigger. They're still working on the ethereum version and have zero work done on hyperledger core adapters or any of the contracts for handling the tokens. nothing with regards to hyperledger is happening til 2019, certainly not in the next month.

This article has literally nothing to do with chainlink, but it may fool most of the faggots who hold this coin now

Direct result of sirgay?

I've read a report saying they needed about 2000x more nodes (if I understood it correctly)

Shit, should've known pajeets were spreading false hope

Just a bite from the report
"While the DLT application could provide a
platform to share the information, there is
significant work and investment required
by all banks to upgrade their back office
applications to feed the platform with
real-time updates. The success of any
solution will be dependent upon deep
integration with back office systems
using APIs. These implementation costs
could be significantly lowered should ISO
20022 standards be adopted first for the
payments themselves. This would ease
integration as a common data model
providing the required level of granularity
for Nostro." LOL

>cottoned on to

It's "caught on to" you iq 70. I hate this board

>I've read a report saying they needed about 2000x more nodes (if I understood it correctly)

Yes, around that figure at least:

>For example, while 528 channels were required in the PoC to ensure Nostro accounts would only be stored on the nodes of their account servicers and owners, to productise the solution, more than 100,000 channels would need to be established and maintained, covering all existing Nostro relationships, presenting significant operational challenges.

In other words, I should sell my 50k LINK for a better investment

"In particular, SWIFT’s 2018 plans for DLT
1. Continue developing DLT usage with
its community through other PoCs
deployed in the SWIFT DLT sandbox and
participating in industry consortia, such
as Hyperledger and the CSD working
to name two;
2. Work towards evolving our platform to
complement it with DLT capabilities,
developing the value proposition and
product offering;
3. Continue reviewing and assessing
the evolution of various blockchain
technologies in line with financial industry
requirements; and
4. Actively promote the re-use of ISO 20022
in a DLT and API context. For example,
through the ISO technical committee 307
on blockchain standardisation."

Fucking we bunch of NEETS taking part of this. What a time to be alive.

you sure?

>to begin to understand a situation or fact:
>I'd only just cottoned on to the fact that they were having a relationship.

i could mock you, but i'm here to help, not hinder.

EOY Prediction pls and thank you

I have accumulated enough already, i don t care about your FUD.

>In other words, I should sell my 50k LINK for a better investment
quite the opposite. as the eagle in the sword in the stone said: NEVER. LET. GO.

100 - 200 eoy 2018

1000+ eoy 2019

It's obviously a phone auto correction, brainlet.

As for how much time you have to accumulate LINK, 3 months tops

Do it, faggot

>Do it,

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That fact that I own any amount is how you know this will go no where. Sorry everyone

I gotchu user, as I am definitely not here to help.

Wow what an iliterate shitstain faggot, LOL

Sell for the sake of everyone else, take one for the team, goy.

Get out of here faggot we don't deserve you

I sense something as well. My Linksters are going bananas! My entire being is getting stinkier by the day.

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wrong do you even look at the github

WE ARE GOING TO BUILD A CHAINLINK WALL. It's going to reduce the immigration process to seconds. We can reject all the mexicos faster and better than ever before believe me.

as if anybody has time to look at anything other than the live LINK price

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Haven't SWIFT given their member banks a deadline of EOY to implement the necessary back end changes to enable ISO20022?

I need 2 months

Anons wondering why SHERLOCK DICKHEAD abandoned his trip? See: pic related

Attached: no_shit_sherlock.png (726x548, 54K)

This dude says different ....

AssBlaster !!MBPenmwX43G Sun Feb 11 19:53:08 2018 No.7571018 [View]

I have actually consistently been telling everyone that hyperledger is one of the biggest cards up LINKs sleeve and why other projects like Mobius are DOA. Hyperledger is the key. DYOR.

point to the code showing the contracts. Thomas said today in the slack and has before saying that they would do that from beginning to end in a public repository for transparency and to maximize bug catching. Those would then have to be audited. All of this will take time, certainly longer than the month the larper here is indicating. I'm not saying this won't happen, but nothing is happening anytime soon.

It's possible that they're working on hyperledger adapters in a private repository, but so far they've indicated that they're working on the ethereum version first. Also as of december, postdating the assblaster posts, the hyperledger people in the emails indicated chainlink was just one oracle option they were looking at and didn't seem that familiar with it, and they thought it was a poor choice for permissioned blockchains.

Just sold 100k

I would assume ... "the biggest cards up their sleeve" would indicate it was not public knowledge.. that usually translates to a point of discretion. Just saying.

At least another 10,000 years bro. You may want consider freezing yourself soon

This. Nobody fucking knows. Anyone saying otherwise is bullshitting.