I never understood the ice cream meme. Why do people eat flavored heavy cream when they could just make a dish using that flavor for half the calories and twice the satisfaction?
>tfw too intelligent for ice cream
I never understood the ice cream meme...
>Why do people eat flavored heavy cream when they could just make a dish using that flavor for half the calories and twice the satisfaction?
such as
>spoonfeed me!
Nu-Veeky Forums was a mistake.
>twice the satisfaction
I'm pretty sure you just have bad taste. The coldness and the texture imparted by being frozen or semi-frozen is half of the experience.
You should clean out your underwear after talking out your ass this much
>Thinks that that anything edible is capable of dismissal from a culinary vantage point
>Doesn't realize where he is
>Can't manage to balance his diet
>Too stupid to enjoy ice cream
Take your caloric concerns and shame to Veeky Forums.
Back in the day a frozen dessert was a total luxury. So were cold drinks. Because in the days before everyone had a freezer in their house people had ice delivered to their homes. So anything cold or frozen when the weather was hot was a big deal. In the case of ice cream the outrageous calorie content was less of a big deal back in the times when people regularly worked physical labor jobs for 13 hours a day and ate 4000-5000 calories daily to sustain that.
It's a pretty absurd thing to eat if you only burn 2000 calories in a day.
Since when did milk become a preservative?
i no longer can tell satire from retardation.
>user! we're going to the beach! let's get some ice-cream and watermelons!
>No, let's have some vanilla soup and cocoa vegetarian chili
Everything is now a meme.
Completely wrong. Pure vanilla beans ARE black. However, ice cream (CREAM!!) is fucking white. Even if you buy really strong vanilla bean organic icecream bullshit, it will still be mostly white.
Are there any other food-related things like this?
your grandma is a fucking retard
>joke among specific community
>jokes in general
>person who everyone thinks is a fool
>living meme
>image with text
>being facetious/pretending to be stupid
do you feel smart
I mean, a meme is, by definition, just a repeated thought or concept. It can definitely apply to all those things because of how broad a thing it is.
>twice the satisfaction
what can replicate the texture and flavor of cream with half the calories and twice the satisfaction? literally nothing, there will always be compromises. what are you, vegan? just don't eat ice cream all the time if you don't want to be fat.
Honestly if it is fake then maybe we should just retcon history to let it be so. It could be one step on the long path to making minorities feel like they're actually seen as equals and not just as slaves like the all too recent olden days.
>retcon history
genius. How about instead we start treating them as equals now rather than pretend they always were. How in the fuck would black ice cream make them feel equal anyway?
I can see that it isn't worth debating you. Actually have some empathy and stop worshipping everything your beloved orange cheeto says. I just feel bad for you honestly. I couldn't live being an awful human being like you are.
A smoothie gives better texture and more complex flavor, and a fraction of the calories.
The anti white racism is getting pushed way further anti black racism ever was. but it's ok, "we" totally deserve it for daring to be born, amirite?
Incredible strawman. I don't know why I expect better from Trump supporting Veeky Forums. I'm continually disappointed.
Don't lump me in with you. I, as a white person, understand that our race has committed atrocities again PoC that need to be addressed, apologized for, and repented for. You, on the other hand, see nothing wrong with the past and think that everything would be fine if people stopped talking about it.
Good lord you're stupid, maybe actually read what I wrote. "retconning history" to patronize people is far from respecting them as human beings.
>Incredible strawman
it's literally op's message. But you defended it when it came from a black person, and now you call it a strawman when it's fro someone else.
Black ice cream never existed. vanilla has no coloring property outside a vague light yellowish color that woldn't be noticeable with cream's natural color.
so instead of telling people who have truth to present to go away, I suggest your self important cunt to fuck off and read a few hundred books.
You do realize OP's image is a satire right?
If believing things at face value is the thing for you, maybe reddit is more your kind of place r/the_donald user? In this website we don't succumb to trolling so easily.
Holy fuck, leave it to Veeky Forums to turn a thread about ice cream into a political debate jfc
No, you're the stupid one. If you can't see the hypocrisy and absolute incorrectness in your post them I don't know what to say. Try being a decent fucking human being.
You're just blabbering and spewing buzzwords. It's clear that reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. If you even can, go back and read my posts. Don't pull a Trump and start yelling in an attempt to be right with your volume. Actually look at the information available and make an informed response.
You have to go back.
>OP's image is a satire right?
rather hard to tell with both left and right seeing as fucking pepe was a talking point in the election cycle of one of the most powerful nations on the earth.
Dude, reddit is more the place for you, just go, trust me you'll have a good time there.
Reddit is better than this shit hole fuck you.
and cucks like you are why blacks will never get over it
>le cuck meme
Post and opinion discarded. What a joke.
Why is Facebook full of fake news
Reminder that Trump isn't against LGBT for the thousandth time. Fucking morons.
This was obviously OPs intent not ice cream. Otherwise they wouldn't pick a picture that would obviously overshadow the topic. Politics are the birds man.
>Isn't against LGBT
>appoints a cabinet that is mostly anti-LGBT
uh huuuuuh
>Black people getting shitty at me for being white
>Tfw I'm irish
uh what, Irish people are white?
Are you saying
1. Irish people ARE white?
2. Irish people are WHITE?
Irish people were the niggers of literally all time but the 1950s
Great, now we get to talk about the INCREDIBLE PRIVELEGES OF THE IRISH PEOPLE
Everyone does know this is a false-flag thread, right? You are aware, are you not? It's fine if everyone realizes it's just harmless shitposting, but I'm kinda worried about you all.
Irish people are included in the umbrella that is white people
t. Butthurt white male
>___ is a meme
Fucking millennials.
Thats a lot of bullshit in one facebook post.
>this whole fucking thread
Can't even enjoy Veeky Forums without a couple of retards trying to debate race relations
>has said it multiple times
>has held up an LGBT flag while smiling
>has said that the whole gay marriage debate is done and that he won't do anything about the results
This just feels vindictive and lazy. Are you alright? Wanna talk about it?
I do want to talk about it. Unfortunately wherever I try I get called a dumb nigger.
Have you never experienced the wonders of Melanin Magic posts?
Let's talk about it. I won't call you names.
Yeah, just let it out. If you're feeling frustrated there's no reason to bottle it up.
Although that image is obvious bait, this is actually true for things like sugar, flour, and rice. It's also the reason why we wipe our asses with chlorinated sheets of paper. Neither of these are really white, with exception to rice kernels when hulled. And, perhaps ironically, all are much healthier in their natural color.
>muh pure as the driven snow
Please don't provoke the animals.
That's not a nice thing to say about someone. Presumably (if he's not some sort of robot spy) he processes emotional responses the same way you do.
this thread is pol bait
fuck off
Black sesame is the ultimate ice cream flavor.
So white people didn't use to eat chocolate or drink coffee either?
Do you know how black pasta was invented? Famished farmers when the crops burned took the burned shit with some cereals if they had any and begged the people at the mill to grind it so they could eat or else they would die
I hate when sjws pretend that white people never struggled when they never struggled, it's pretty impossible today in the West to really experience oppression when we throw more food to the garbage than we eat
Tell me, where would african americans be if their ancestors hadn't been slaves? Are you saying they would be happier in sub-saharan africa?
that's the joke dude
Y'all white bois can't handle 98% vanilla bean ice cream
this has to be bait
The practicality of white sugar flour and paper is to be able to observe contaminants. Shit can get mixed into powder very easily and being able to see it is important.
Besides that, would you want shit to camouflage with the paper you're using so you never know if your ass is clean? Or write on paper less visibly?
>has said it multiple times
He's also said he didn't mock a disabled reporter multiple times, when he did it ON VIDEO
>has held up an LGBT flag while smiling
it was upside down and said "lgbt for trump", I think he was more excited for the photo op than actually supportive
>has said that the whole gay marriage debate is done and that he won't do anything about the results
His cabinet seems to differ, and as everybody knows, the cabinet is what actually manages anything
Your question is stupid and you are stupid. It would be justifiable if you weren't asking why people eat one of the most beloved and delicious food items on the planet instead of eating something else made of the same ingredients. It's fucking ice cream, and you're literally retarded.
This is bait.
Fucking kill yourself and take your idiocy elsewhere.
How's it b8 when it's true? Shit dude, I'm okay with slavery because I love living here. That user is right. My brethren in Africa are fucking retarded and if it wasn't for slavery, I'd be one of them. I don't need your pasty pathetic white ass getting offended for me.
>make vanilla ice cream at home
>turns out white
I think I fucked up
You're retarded and this thread belongs on /pol/.
Did you add milk? The trick is to just freeze the vanilla extract and eat it from the cone.
t. pasty pathetic alt-right whiteass
You not black lol
Mhm. Typical leftist racists. Just cause I'm black and disagree with your shit, I can't be black. Get the fuck on out of here racist pieces of shit.
lol nigga you dumb as shit. I voted for Trump and I know your dumb ass sure as shit not black.
Let me guess, because I'm not typing like a typical ghetto nigga? Nah, fuck that. Sorry massa I don't fit your views on niggers massa please don't whip me massa I is sorry
Fuck outta here with that Uncle Tom bullshit. Hit us with a selfie of you so bold.
t. whiteboi pretending to be an Uncle Tom
Do better, dumbass. No one's fooled.
People are children.
Unlike you, I don't need these faggots approval like some pet nigger.
Damn white boy you mad as fuck lol Get blown the fuck out then be racist just like your daddy. It's just sad lol
>I respect myself too much to prove I'm not lying
uh huuuuh, nice ad hominem
Fucking kek
Ay we coming back next year just wait. No more Romo holding us back lol
I think your on the wrong site snowflake
Nobody is forcing you to be here
Seriously though
So because someone is disabled means you can't throw their own crap back in their face?
this thread is gold, poe's law in full effect