Tfw fluent in 4 languages

>tfw fluent in 4 languages
>studying German and it really clicks, already good progress just from 4 classes.
>tfw don't do well in biology and physics

What gives? My brain likes languages and can find links there but can't do physics?

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I do fine in bio and physics, but subjects like Spanish, French, geography, and history always seemed easier to learn for me too.
Maybe it's because they're easier to relate to and there are more opportunities to use them in real life situations?

I excel in maths AND in languages. Suck it, brainlet.

me too, but i'm also extroverted and have a gf. suck it, sociallet.

How many languages do you speak? And define "exeling" in math.

I'm afraid you suffer from brainletitis, the only cure is to sudoku

Learning languages is easy and physics isn't

>4 different languages
>3 different alphabets

Super easy broski

Lol wut. Learning an alphabet is probably the easiest part of learning a language. Unless it's Japanese/Chinese

Are you dense?
In what world languages are easier than physics/math?

>putting numbers in equations and getting the answer
>memorizing laws and theorems

Comparing this to a language?

Kys my dude.

Oh my bad, didn't realize I was talking to somone with babby math/sci knowledge. Math isn't just plugging in numbers and memorizing formulas, brainlet. I never said learning languages is easier anyways (it is though)

learning languages to the everyday life is easy
learning it to a academic/book level is hard
how many languages do you even know?

>taking the bait

I speak German, English, and a little bit of Russian. It's not hard to learn the syntax, alphabet, vocab, and pronunciation. The hardest part of learning a language is hiding your accent and learning slang words. You must remember that math and science cover a broad spectrum, of course learning Algebra is easier than learning Chinese. Is quantum mechanics easier to understand than German or Russian? I doubt it.

Some people are actually just that stupid, user

I dunno user, I got a biology degree and have been teaching myself French. I did great it in in high school but dropped it during and after college, but a lot has come back just from self-study. I find it has a lot in common with my bio classes actually, just memorizing terms. I always sucked at math though. Physics was pretty hard.

Sounds like you've got the brain of a child.

Tы нe пoнимaeшь чтo тaкoe ЧИCTA ГOBOPИTЬ нa 4 языкaх?
Tвoя физикa нe тяжeлee pyccких иcтopии и пoэты, лoх.

learning that second language is by far the hardest and it gets easier each time after that.

You could have been good at biology or physics if they were your interests, OP

They're very similar shit, memorize here and there and learn the theory of that
There's a fucking reason why the greatests minds learn lots of languages PLUS lots of languages like greek and latin as well

So, being a true brainlet is not realizing this and not doing both

Yeah you can never tell on Veeky Forums, since 90% of the userbase are high-schoolers fresh off reddit.
>and a little bit of Russian
I'm fucking jelly. I really wanted to learn Russian in high school, but not enough people had signed up for the classes...
Hao тe oнли тинг aи кaн дy иc вpитe тpaнcлитepaтeд ceнтeнcec aнд пpeтeнд aи aм кyл.

Russian is challenging, but polish (and probably some other languages too) comes easier if you have some basic russian knowledge.

>My brain likes languages and can find links there but can't do physics?

your problem is you're not treating math like a language. Speak mathematics as a language to describe things and you should have no problem.

me too, but I'm also the second coming of Jesus. Suck it, plebbet.

>My brain likes languages and can find links there but can't do physics

You a probably a girl

i've tortured a lot of people and i've found that physics is kind of strange

you see someone who you expect to be a smart person and figure physics will be a breeze fro them, but they struggle with the basics

i had a guy who was some sort of wizard doing algebraic geometry and shit but he couldn't into basic electromagnetism

did you make a small mistake in that post, user?

>tfw good at math
>tfw shit at physics

fuck physics.

If that was the case, what the hell's the point of teaching it throughout school?

Save time by giving kids a calculator and teaching them to to memorise shit. Which is basically all learning a language is too.


How the fuck you can be good at math but bad at physics?
You do realize that a mathematician can become a physicist and vice versa, right?

don't ever post here again

>physicists can become mathematician

keep dreaming

but yeah i dont get physics at all beyond kinematics and sometimes i often forget those damned equations.

>not being a spic fluent in spanish, kraut, portuguese, english, quichua, guarani, and now learning japanese with a master in pure mathematics, now doing my PhD in japan (thanks mext).
>all that while coming from a relatively poor family.

geez, it's like the northern hemisphere doesn't try anymore.

mfw left my gf behind so I can get closer to my boi Shinichi.

>tfw top of my class in physics, engineering, and math courses
>struggle to maintain a B in english
FUCK being well rounded and FUCK literary analysis. How the fuck do I know what the author intended by the pile of crap that he wrote? He's the one who wrote it, not me.

>do adequately in all of my Physics and Mathematics classes
>my 70-yo art history professor wrote me an email and said i should switch majors because my final essay was the best he's ever read
i didn't switch majors. subjects that are "open to interpretation" are ghey and not worth seeking professional training for.

Do you view this as a handicap? The man who runs CBS TV majored in Spanish.


t. my 10th grade english teacher

they purposely don't give higher than 89 in any intro english course at my university

i'm assuming you're talking about an intro english

You can understand the mathematics, but may have a bad understanding of when and why it applies and when it will be necessary to make approximations and simplifications to get anything done.

I'm the opposite, I do well in Maths and Sci but suck at learning languages. Maybe it's because I feel the whole world should just use one language so learning more than one is just a waste of time.

Yes it is possible to do Maxwells equations on electronics circuits without simplification for example, but it will probably result in headache and not getting very much done.

Definitely not. Language is the main factor that limits what we are even able to think about. Only one language would make us more stupid.

learn lojban user


>>tfw fluent in 4 languages
literally no one cares
you do realize if there was a book that actually explained time travel over half of the planet couldn't read it (even in their native tongue) and 99% of the other half wouldn't read it and would rather watch tv.

who you trying to impress faggot. literally no one gives a shit.

nice buttblast

Must be bait

>.i got am A in French class but I can barely communicate

I actually laughed out loud.

He probably didn't make a mistake. Hard tutors = best tutors.

I especially like the "loh" at the end of that. nice touch, you'd fit right in with the neighborhood kids.
Were you self taught? Just curious as a native russian speaker.

Also, what poetry did you you get into? we were forced to recite Pushkin and Lermontov. Actually got to see Lermontovs home village a few years ago. pretty cool.