Do girls actually get hit on a lot? my gf went out with her girlfriends drinking for her friends birthday... she went to the bar of a 5 star hotel in my city so its a lot of rich people my gf is like a 7 - 8 no ass but nice perky tits im just wondering if any rich guys hit on her. i look like a young jeff goldblum
Do girls actually get hit on a lot? my gf went out with her girlfriends drinking for her friends birthday...
yea if she worth it. post tits
>being this insecure
not a good sign, user
dumbfag, she fucked the valet man.
she is already cheating on you dude
She's swallowing cum RIGHT FUCKING NOW
>went out with her girlfriends drinking
>5 star hotel
she's already cheating on you user, the girlfriends are actually a guy friend
Basically that Bitch is getting a train ran on her and youre fucking stupid.
You actually let your girlfriend go out and drink without you? Enjoy raising your wife’s son.
how much of the things you stated do you know are true for a fact?
Im sure about all of it because they took pics for instagram. I might not look exactly like jeff goldblum
the fact that you think ur looks make any difference on how she values u, already says ure a sissy and shes gonna cheat on u. girls are not like us learn that if u dont want to end up in the fetal position everytime a girl cheats on u.
you really think girls dont care about looks?
yeah but you're clearly insecure about your net and your appearance. why *shouldn't* she cheat on you? you're pathetic.
t. insecure dude when it comes to females
They get hit on a shit ton. My gf is at least an 8/10 and she gets asked out by a stranger like twice a week. I could get cucked so so easily if she wanted to
if they were going to a regular bar I'd say you're fine but the fact they went to a hotel bar means they are trying to get picked up. I travel a lot for work and if a girl is hanging in a hotel bar not staying at the hotel that is basically green light go she wants to get smashed upstairs asap
dont lose your frame bro. if you're worried about getting the cuck'ing then it'll happen. as usual.
why is your gf partying at a hotel? she didn't tell you about the room her "friends" have?
Every single girl I know gets hit on multiple times a day. By the time you muster up the strength to talk to a 7 there have been already 20 other guys she rejected because girls can be picky as fuck. There's no reason for a girl to take someone other than an 8, even if she's a 5. It's easy as fuck for them to find a partner since men will wait in line to get into her pants.
Yo bro. Shes with me now
I'm not worried at all, I'm just saying if she wanted to, it could happen.
But I've been very firm with my gf and she knows if she fucks up 1 bit she's out the door in a millisecond. I've made it very clear that I love her but I don't need her. She's not particularly important that I'm going to grovel at her feet trying to get her to stay if she tries to leave me. In fact I tried breaking up with her last year and she begged me not to. I'm in the position of power here.
She's free to do what she wants, but she knows if she wants to throw away 3 years for 1 night of strange sex then there will be no second chances
Yeah, they do. Flirting is a pretty normal, everyday thing for a lot of people. She may even entertain it back just for fun, but she’ll only actually cheat on you if she’s not committed to her relationship with you/doesn’t love you.
Also just because a rich guy hits on a girl doesn’t mean his intention is to fuck her, he may just be testing how far he can get.
And no guy is so great that he can pull a girl from a long, committed relationship “just like that.” I’m not a white knight by any means but normal girls wouldn’t just up and decide to destroy their whole relationship by jumping at the chance to fuck Brad Pitt for one night.
holy fuck a reasonable statement about girls on this site? gtfo
Your a fuckin weirdo dude
> girl
> at a bar
Yeah, she's going to get hit on
>being this deluded
she's literally cheating on you right now lmfao
>Do women get hit on when they go to bars?
actually... they do...
long story short, i talked to a girl at a bar in las vegas who had just met a guy at the club at MGM grand, slept with him and spent the whole trip on him... and she was devasted that she had to go back to her man and she said she was going to hide it all...
also, she told me she got jizzed in.
she was 24 and 9/10
All the time, and dudes give no shits about her having a boyfriend
Got my first 8/10 gf and it has opened my eyes, endless thirst rolling into her DMs
so hotel bars are a good place to meet chicks when your just in town for a few days? basically my life rn
im genuinely curious what about OPs post makes him out to be a weirdo
I want to be a chad white night when I /makeit/ and see how far I can get with a girl, all the way into bed, and as soon as I get her naked I shame her for cheating and wal—— shit that’s a rape trap isn’t it
I'm a bouncer so i see alot.
99 percent of men dont have the balls to walk up and hit on a girl.
They usually get drunk and autistically try dancing with a girl by pointing at her and mouthing the words to the song which the group of girls either show some interest or not.
In general if a man walks up and approaches a girl and shes taken she won't reciprocate on the risk of looking like a ho in front of her friends and word getting around.
They will enjoy the attention if she is hit on but I highly doubt some thing will happen unless your relationship is on the rocks and she is on the way out anyway.
This as well.
Alot of insecure autists on here have a really warped view on relationships, especially when ot comes to this retarded "Chad" character.
This user is right. If you’re this insecure it’s already too late.
Looong time player-turned-married reporting in. Listen up kiddo
>Do girls actually get hit on a lot?
Yes. Should you care or even talk about it with your gf? No. I repeat NO
> lot of rich people
Irrelevant unless she's a money whore. You would know whether or not she is based on if she likes to wear ultra-expensive showy designer brands and talks about how she wants a BMW sooooo bad.
>wondering if any rich guys hit on her
If she's good looking then yes, they did. And that's a good thing - if she didn't get hit on that's bad - it would mean you have an ugly girlfriend. Every time she gets hit on you should be happy - give yourself a pat on the back. It means you're winning. Don't forget that shit.
Don't talk about other guys to her if you can avoid it.
Don't show insecurity. It's normal for humans to talk to other humans.
If other guys approach her while you're around (let's say you went to the bathroom and came back to find her talking with someone), come up and introduce yourself to him and be friendly but confident. The guy will immediately piss off and your gf will think you are the man.
If the guy that's talking to your gf realizes that you're pissed that he's there, he'll think he's winning and that he has a chance. By being cool, confident, and friendly you're positioning him as the awkward 3rd wheel.
Best of luck