What's so bad about e621?

What's so bad about e621?

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nothing about it is bad

I've never seen a thing wrong with it. I think the fear of the stuff was probably based on the same kind of racism that speculates about the meat in Chinese restaurants being cat or dog.

I don't see an issue with it. The website on the other hand, fuck that.

Deleted almost all of the Build Tiger doujins


Well I just googled e621 at work and now I'm fired. Terrific.

overwrites taste

I'm honestly surprised this didn't get posted sooner.

My dietitian said this stuff would be good for me. It helps your body ignore the feeling of being full so you can eat more.


What a coincidence, some guy just got fired and I was promoted!

What a coincidence, some guy just got promoted and I was given a job!


It's TOO flavorful

The feds want to crack down on that


Too many reposts and too much pony

I love it

tag what you see is a weird rule

They changed it.

Around 2013 literally 30~40% of all posts were pony shit. Tag what you see is fucking stupid, but it keeps the dumbass arguments away in the comment sections.

>be artist
>upload content
>get positive art ratings
>make opinionated comments
>get negative rating by mods because it wasn't murry purry and sycophantic enough

I absolutely hate moderators with a passion, this site included.

All said and done it's still the best archive for smut

OP knows what he's doing

it's a furry site

It's okay but you can just go to furaffinity instead

You do realize that chinese people don't actually use this stuff on their own food, right? This stuff was introduced to american cuisine by the chinese to give us cancer and KILL us. You are willingly falling for their ploy to destroy the west if you use msg.


Wait is E621 that immortal toupéed alligator carcass?

Are you talking about that SCP? If so that's 682. E621 is I guess some science codename for the shit in OPs pic [spoiler]and also the name of a popular furry porn website that hosts almost a million images[/spoiler]

I'm not a furry but I like boobs and butts and goddamn some artists make some hot shit. Just cuz it ain't human doesn't mean I won't fuck something with child-bearing hips.

>Are you talking about that SCP?
That's the one. Thanks, guy.

It's an excitotoxin bro. It makes your brain cells go pop.

>I'm not a furry but

>I'm not a furry but

What a coincidence, I just fired someone, promoted another, and gave someone a job!
[spoiler]BUT YOU'RE ALL FIRED NOW[/spoiler]

theres nothing wrong with being a furry. its an autistic meme at this point

People think it causes allergic reactions and other shit, no hard evidence though. Just like how they say gluten will fuck ur nuts up, bro.

but you're not a rapper.

What a coincidence, one of my managers is losing control his department. So I fired him.

Came here for this.

Some tags I like don't exist, but it's great otherwise

Other artist here. Never had an issue with the mods.

Yeah as long as you're not wearing a fursuit and commissioning porn of your fursona, you ain't a furry.

Everybody jerks it to cartoon characters.

>allergic reactions

It's glutamate. The conjugate base of glutamic acid, one of the 20 amino acids that make up every protein in the human body.

Saying you have an allergy to glutamate is like saying you have an allergy to dihyrdogen monoxide.


there's no tag for internal views

the tag is literally called "internal"

>still thinking being a furry on Veeky Forums is a bad thing
Don't worry, the alt-right has taken over as worst thing to come out of Veeky Forums.

not enough posts use it then

Most of the fear or worry about it being bad came from some media frenzy after a nutritionist some other type of food scientist wrote a letter to an actual respectable scientific publication noting that a lot of his friends felt nauseous and weak after eating stuff with MSG.

This was before MSG allergies were confirmed, of course, so everyone freaked out about it. The reality is that most people don't see any ill effects, it's a very rare allergy. (My girlfriend actually has it, it isn't fun for her. She felt AWFUL after we got soup dumplings at a place that turned out to use MSG.)

you know how dumb assholes are scared of gluten?

multiply by that racism against chinesers

>go to furaffinity

You have no idea what you're talking about. It wasn't invented by the chinese, and it doesn't cause cancer. MSG is literally pure 'umami' and naturally occurs in savory foods like muchrooms, meat, and fish.

Too many meme cartoons that clog shit up.

I've tried explaining this to people and they just don't get it.

I guarantee that people who've experienced "allergic reactions" like sweating, palpitations, headache, etc. were reacting to the high amounts of sodium in their Chinese food.

It stimulates your brain to dilate your tastebuds to maximize flavour of other ingredients. The problem is, that your tastebuds become reliant on MSG to taste anything if you eat it over longer timespans.

>felt AWFUL

Feeling sick isn't a symptom of an allergic reaction. Your """"girlfirend"""" is a fucking moron and you're a beta faggot for believing her shit.

That's called Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. Look it up.

Your gf is a fuckin' retard.

kek, that's kinda funny.

ironically /trash/ is one of the better boards on the site now

>believing a woman

cyanide occurs in almonds and mercury in fish but you aren't going to drink either of those

Makes me mad as fuck. Who the fuck do you think you are for restricting people to draw porn of your character

It's a scare thing. Not based in any truth. Same with gluten, hfcs, and aspartame

>This thread

I legit forgot about that site, ty for reminding me user, gonna go masturbate to anthropomorphic dogs


While it doesnt count much against your sodium content it does other things to you.

(messes with brain chemistry, makes you feel not as full so you eat more)

>yeah sooo... about that american obesity...

and this too
gluten is a marketing issue

but there are people who actually have celiac (im one of them) and it messes you up in some ways, I dont even bother trying to cut gluten out just because its everywhere

> I dont gotta drink man...
> I feel halfway drunk and dazed all the time
> for no reason it seems
> also causes headaches too sometimes

it also interferes with calorie intake in the gut so you absorb less calories than usual... nice thing that is since it means you'll not grow to be 400 pounds on an american diet

except it also means your shit is almost always runny, muddy, or some iteration of requiring 5-7 wads of toilet paper to deal with

its never solid, unless somehow you go without a bowel movement for 2 days (thats long enough for the shit to get dehydrated to the point of being solid like it should be)
> and it only takes 1 wad of TP then, and even then its barely dirty