Paid the equivalent of 15 USD for this and waited in line for 45 minutes

Paid the equivalent of 15 USD for this and waited in line for 45 minutes.
I wasn't impressed.
Hype food letdowns thread?

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One time I waited 90 minutes for a McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

Biggest hype letdown was a $400+ dinner for two at Tom Colicchio's Craft in NYC. The service was to notch, but the food was totally lackluster, especially for the price. But it was partially my own fault. I waited too long to drag my ass there, and they'd obviously slipped a bit. A couple months after my visit they lost their Michelin star.

that burger actually looks pretty darn good. I think the problem was waiting 45 minutes for any type of burger.

for me, Sarku Japan, the biggest disappointment I've experienced. went there after seeing the thread here a month or two ago. just didn't have much flavor at all, and some pieces of chicken were tough and gristly. I expected it to be juicy and bursting with teriyaki flavor. it really wasn't like that at all.

I'm willing to give it another try because I got it at a ridiculously packed shopping mall shortly before Christmas. I'll definitely go to a non-mall location next time.

>Paid the equivalent of 15 USD for this and waited in line for 45 minutes.
>I wasn't impressed.

So you went to 5 Guys?

come to burgerland if you want a real burger

Are you buying?

It's tasty but not worth the great depression era line

the burger, sure, not the ticket over tho :)

give it another shot. I never had shitty chicken from there. The double chicken with noodles for 7 dollars is just such a good deal.

Guys I have to confess something that's been on my mind lately.

I'm so autistic that I don't eat beef because I'm afraid of mad cow disease.
I know you have to eat the nerve tissue and it's already unlikely, but I still avoid beef.

Det er sku ikke det værd, tag til new york og få en ordentlig burger

All parts of the infected animal can give you the disease.

Stay safe

No wonder it was so expensive and took so long if you got one outside of its home state

I was afraid of that when I went to europe when I was a kid in the late 90s. There was a mad cow scare in the U.K. at the time and I remember biting into a chunk of bone when I was eating a whopper at a burger king in amsterdam. The quality of the 'meat' was awful, worse than american fast food meat.

Howlin' Ray's

>Waited 90 minutes in line for a McChicken.
Care to enlighten us, were you intoxicated during this? Nobody in their right mind would wait 30, let alone 90 minutes for a sandwich that takes about less than 1 minute to eat. That's unhealthy as fuck and you're a nigger for going to mcdonalds.

bad b8 dumb fish

Jeg var mega skuffet over den. Den var saftig og så godt ud, men smagen var der bare overhovedet ikke.

Copenhagen is turning into a circle jerk of hipster fagchefs trying to be the next redzepi. Everything is so fucking pretentious.

Gasoline grill? Was this bought while someone changed the oil?

The pump still works, but the little shed has been converted to a small kitchen.
Oh the hipsters rejoice...

It was featured on Munchies not too long ago

That thing is an abomination. Pic related is delicious. Also
>eating a burger outside Burgerland

I lived in NYC when I was very young and went back 5-6 years ago for a day with my mom and she insisted we go to Noho Star for burgers.

I think the burger was like 10-12 bucks at the time (the current menu says it's 14 for what I had) and it was just...nothing.

The meat was tasteless. Like they forgot to add any salt or pepper. There was barely any crust on the meat and it was TINY. Like probably 100-130 grams of meat. The cheddar wasn't even sharp enough to be tasted at all. The fries were good though.

I've lived most of my life in the Balkans where you can get a 250 gram burger for like 3 bucks that blows this out of the water every time, which further compounded my disappointment.

I usually don't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday but the details of this meal stuck with me cause I was pretty bummed.

It was recommended by burger land natives