Thoughts on Common Core Veeky Forums?

Thoughts on Common Core Veeky Forums?

>Thoughts on Common Core Veeky Forums?
what the actual fuck... please tell me this is not real.

I feel bad for that kid.

pic not related

>Then add 3

>Take your kid's homework
>Write nonsense on it in blue marker
>Free internet attention

It's smart.

I think it's wrong, but not for the retarded pragmatic vision given by the opposition. Math shouldn't be mechanical and monotonous, it should let you think outside the box to find interesting solutions to a problem, this of course doesn't mean teaching the same shit in an "intuitive" way. Nowadays that solution methods are pretty much given, we need to focus on the real problems in math. I would like to see what would happened if we focus in teaching them geometry and methods of proof to kids. Some people say that's it is too hard and abstract, but well base 10 numerical manipulation isn't a walk in the park neither for a dumb child, so I think it just depends on what we think is hard because we have been teaching it to children for a long time. Heck, in the past you started with pure geometry and not how to multiply shit.

The way public education teaches math (at least in U.S. of A) is pretty shit imo. My dad taught me math up to single variable calculus at home, and when I went into a public middle school I was floored by how they do math.
Maybe I was in a shitty school, but there is no attempt to get students to understand why they're doing what they're doing. They start class, give them notes or an assignment on a topic, do an example, and then """conclude""" the class with a summary of "what to do." Literally teaching the students the same way you would teach a monkey, if you see this kind of problem, pull this lever, if you see this kind of problem, push that button.
No wonder Amerifat kids hate math.

>Thoughts on Common Core Veeky Forums?

If the teacher is half decent then it helps students understand concepts far better than they did with previous methods.

If the teacher is poor, that is unwilling to learn the new style and teach it to their kids then the kids end up suffering. Too often i see teachers literally sabotaging their students because of a childish distaste of something new and more effective. So better for kids certainly, but we have shit teachers who dont know how to apply it appropriately.

Also the many students are not learning common core whatsoever. I'd say roughly 25-50% of the students i have had in the past year have been doing the stuff from previous standards. Textbooks labeled common core that are absolutely nothing similar to proper common core education.

Idea is great but implementation, lazy teachers, and ignorant parents have severely affected the view of it.

Without context op's picture doesn't make much sense.

They clearly want to teach the dumb kids to crunch numbers with simple queues and that's not a dumb idea in general because some kids will just stop thinking as soon as they see a big number at that age.

It is still problematic that they only allow 'one right way' of doing it though. But this is not for math majors you know. They need rules sometimes.

I'm not from the us so not much experience but I'd say common core is a small problem compared to your shitty standartized multiple choice tests in every subject

the reason we have multiple choice tests in every subject is so that we can actually mark answers as "wrong"
if you have the freedom to write anything you want, then everyone ends up getting everything correct (at least partially) no matter how "wrong" it is

Also these common core posts often come up on sci.

And i have either seen only two examples via the pics posted. Either A) The teacher out right does not know what they are doing (which i think is the real problem with cc) or B) the pic is utterly fake.

Idk the context of how the teacher presented the lesson, but it is a fantastic one nonetheless.
Op's problem is meant to teach students what exactly it means to carry when doing addition. For small numbers like 8+5 sure a kid can simply count up 5 starting at 9. Great, they can get the answer, but they dont understand the concept. And when they carry in the future they are liable to make mistakes since they are following a list of rules rather than understanding what is actually happening beneath the surface. So, yeah a kid can count up, or they can see how many tens there are and how many ones. Naturally they need to break up the numbers into individual places. Simply pointing to a number and saying this is tens, hundreds, ones, etc does not help the student understand. It is rote memorization. But breaking it up into individual chunks helps the student understand place values and carrying without plain memorization.

And for every kid who did not understand carrying i have explained it to them exactly like how it is in the problem and they get it instantly. More importantly they stop making mistakes using the quicker algorithmic method. The understanding even continues on to higher place values.

Also generally when doing calculations in my head this is how i do it, not stacking numbers and writing which values i carry above each place value.

>then everyone ends up getting everything correct (at least partially) no matter how "wrong" it is

You're being unrealistically narrow in your thinking.

A students understanding is far more dependent on knowing why and how a process works rather than if they get an answer right.

Thanks, that's what I wanted to say but I couldn't find the right words.

You will also remember facts much longer if you have to learn them with the context. And in today's world is even more important to connect information's to get conclusions (instead of remembering simple facts you can look up in half a second)

You can't teach intuition. Some kids get it and some kids don't. Their retarded methods will serve only to confuse those who don't get it and frustrate those who do.

>Thoughts on Common Core Veeky Forums?

at best the question is posed horribly.

Should be something like: "If you have one group of 8 balls and another group of 5 balls how would you use them to make a new group of 10 balls."

"how to make 10 when adding 8+5." is a pretty shitty way of trying to explain what you're asking the kid to do.

real life stanford math majors
do u want to b around these people

>"how to make 10 when adding 8+5." is a pretty shitty way of trying to explain what you're asking the kid to do.

I 100% agree.

me btw and all the other long winded posts.

I agree with this. Teach the standard way of adding and subtracting. The smart kids will figure out the rest.
No one ever told me how to do addition like in OPs pic but, like for everyone else in this thread, it comes naturally.

Dude any pointers you can offer. 37 year old chasing an engineering pipe dream. Literally just started this semester from the beginning. Haven't done math in 20 years

>Dude any pointers you can offer. 37 year old chasing an engineering pipe dream. Literally just started this semester from the beginning. Haven't done math in 20 years

holy shit... I thought starting when I was 22 was bad. You're looking at a solid five years of college then another five on average before you can even become licensed to practice.

I'm less than 6 months from being licensed now and I hope you realize you wont actually be able to make any money on this path until you're almost 50.

I hate to even say this but you probably shouldn't even bother trying.

>engineering license

I failed calculus twice because my teacher didn't give a fuck about it, it was just a bumrush on everything and i was literally lost.

I had the same teacher in statistics and somehow he teached that x1000 better.

like a doctor or a lawyer its a regulated field. You have to be registered and have years of verified experience and pas the equivalent of a lawyers bar exam just to have the privilege to practice in the field of engineering professionally (and make any real money at it).

>that answer
>that "correction"

What the actual fuck? Are kids just getting heckled by their teachers these days?

applied math major at Cal. this is pretty accurate.
never had any problems with foreigners till I came to cal. Now I fucking hate all these chink foreigners with a burning passion. some of them are cool though.

engineering licenses are only really relevant for civil engineers

If you don't understand common core and what it's attempting to teach, you're probably a mathlet.

Teachers are just too stupid to give proper explanations that's why common core exists, is a cheap trick to indoctrinate kids on what their teachers fail to teach.

>really relevant for civil engineers
yeah since that's what I am it appears to be relevant. something about the safety of the public resting on my decisions and all that jaz

The language even reads like it was outsourced to a non English speaking country.
>Tell how to make...

>If the teacher is half decent then it helps students understand concepts far better than they did with previous methods.
There is no silver bullet black box sama

The method they're trying to teach is good, but it looks like the way they're teaching it is confusing. It's a pretty intuitive concept that I think most people already do in their head. When I add 8 and 5 in my head, I split the 5 into 2 and 3, add the 2 to the 8 to make 10 and add the 3 to the 10 to make 13.

Good idea. Terrible execution.

Everything is so impressively fucked up in the OPs pic
>take 2 from 5 and add it to 8
should translate to (5 - 2) + 8, which would be 11
but, no, that's not what that language means anymore

everything you need is online
khan academy
pauls math notes lamar
mit ocw

there are you tube videos that cover any problem you might encounter

do not listen to that other guy
my friends mom just started ucla medical school at age 50.

>my friends mom just started ucla medical school at age 50.
why would someone do this to themselves

not him but
she'll graduate and be a resident at 54
she will be an Md at 58
she will probably practice for a decade and retire at 68
68 - 50= 18 years which is plenty of time to be a doctor

She raised her kids and wants to be a doctor. She attended one of the other UC schools for undergrad and had one of the top ten highest major GPAs in school history.

You are never too old to change your life.

Now I fucking hate all these chink foreigners
How come? I'm about to go to a decent uni here, and all the good ones are filled with chinks in aus.

Agreed. Proofs!

It seems most people have no abstract idea of what mathematics is or what they are doing due to the fact that teachers spend little to no time explaining it.

I remember when the light bulb went off in my head and I realized that math is the study of the relationship between different states of affairs.

Hence the use of the term pipe dream my friend. Call it my midlife crisis but I always wanted to work in a STEM field when I was young. Of course it was just called science then lol

It would actually be 5 - 2 + 2 + 8 = 13

but you can literally represent 8+5 as 8+2+3 so 10+3

there is nothing wrong with it albeit it's useless

>Thoughts on Common Core Veeky Forums?
It's bullshit and built around a bullshit/a lot of times "factory model" system that's barely conductive to real learning especially if you were like me and hated school because of this; and learned not only more about what you were interested in but also way more of what you were being taught just by reading and researching on your own

>how to make 10 WHEN adding 8+5

it doesn't say: make the end result 10
it says: get to 10, then go the rest of the way

you're all as dumb as the fucking kid for not understanding

>factory model
That is/was the goal: Produce a standardized stimulus-response machine and apply centralized online training programs managed by former teachers. "We don't educate them any more, we train them."

their entire culture lacks respect. I study countless hours in the library daily, and every fucking day (i always am in a quiet section) some chink is on the phone for 10-15min, or some chink is eating in an area that they shouldnt be eating in and they leave their fuckin trash there, or some chink is sitting next to some other chink and theyre chatting IN THE SILENT SECTION. Whenever they eat, they do not chew with their mouths closed, they just sort of smack their lips and its a free for all with the food in their mouths, on display for everybody to see and for chewed up remnants to fly out of their mouths. Whenever I get on the elevator, I actually sometimes have to wait because the fucking chinks haven't been taught that it isn't polite to get on the elevator while others are trying to get off.

Every single one of my major classes, whether it be math or computer science class, there is a chink cheating in it. I never had to deal with this shit in high school. In fact, I never really use to have any problem with cheaters. If someone wants to cheat themselves, lose their dignity, and run the risk of cheating I'm cool with it, because I used to feel as if justice will be served. But no, that's not how it is here. Everybody that cheats gets away with it. And if you tell on people you're a whiny snitch sore loser. Every single fucking test theres a chink cheating. I took a quiz last wednesday in my math section, the GSI explicitly says, (even though youd have to be a retard not to realize this) that there are no calculators allowed, and everyone must clear their desks. Well i guess the two chinks that sat next to me thought they were above it because one of em whipped out her calculator not more than a minute into the test, and the other just still had all her fuckin notes on her desk. I can't tell you how frustrating it is having worked so hard for something, and seeing the person right next to you cheating, knowing that theyre going to get away with it

run the risk of being caught*
