What crypto should I hold to fight degeneracy, cultural marxism and global jewry? I am basically looking for something on the opposite end of ADA and XLM, a coin made by straight white males.
What is the most redpilled coin?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bitcoin Cash
witnet is led by a spic libcuck that might be up your alley
Bcash lol
Never heard. Shill me
It will unironicaly fund Rahowa
Tron. If you understand what this project is trying to accomplish...
wasnt there an adolfcoin? or did it get shut down?
>bringing politics to business
Ya broke a basic rule you low iq poltard, we are here only to make money its business. It's ok though, yall make pretty good bagholders, just try not to make threads on biz and keep your retardation to pol. You guys are the worst chan immigrants, no sense of humor or class and dumb as rocks
Pol is only so low because of all the 85 iq niggers and Mohammeds pretending to be white.
Pol is 99% white people. It's just the stupidest white people congregated together. You really think nonwhites are going to go to a site full of people that want to exterminate them? Nice attempt at dodging reality stupid
t. nigger salty not to be part of our ethno-state
kek, it's literally half spics and niggers, then 25% asians.
oh and to answer, XMR
What ethnostate? The one that doesn't exist? Also not black, actually an asian who is superior in iq to your kind. If you want to make an ethnostate gtfo off your borrowed land back to Europe and make one. The rest of the civilized educated world doesn't want to join you retards trust me you are all alone
Don't bring identity politics to crypto
You arent welcome
It's fucking skycoin you stupid nigger. God damn where the fuck have you been
unironically this. BCH will slay the (((blockstream))) dragon
Then why are you writing in English?
Cause I know multiple languages, but English is the one to use online. And speaking English has nothing to do with an ethnostate, it's just a widespread language due to the success of the British empire. The closest thing to an "ethnostate language" like you're implying is German which no one gives a fuck about
All your iq and you can’t create one original thing. Everything asians do is bootleg and copy the West’s inventions. I agree you’re a step above nignogs and spics, but no match for the white man
Definitely Skycoin.
XRP. Because someone who is truly redpilled knows that the banks/government/corporations are going to win the crypto game.
You said "no one wants to join you retards" but here you are speaking a white language. How did it feel growing up and fantasizing about being white? Don't be a hater. You can get over the fact that you are not white without taking it out on white people...who are not at all responsible for the fact that you are not white. Go immerse yourself in your own culture and forget that we exist...try it (you know you cant do it...but I can forget that you exist)
based synth, is there a higher quality version of this, maybe in .png?
no crypto is such a fundamental game changer that reactionary governments won't be able to control it without going full north korea, now we can choose which currency we can transact in gives consumers and individuals unprecedented political power
Maybe this isn’t better.
much better (checked)
This statement he made is so based. Plus they are laying on the heavy and modern marketing. Skycoin has huge potential
Hey cuz, I have respect for Asians and I agree they have superior IQ. That said, I just want for my people (white people) the same thing you take for granted: a country that belongs to us. If you live in China or Japan, you're taking that for granted and you don't know how it's like to feel like a stranger in your own country. You've never lived under the yoke of the jew. Why can't you respect white people's right to self-determination?
I said no one wants to join white supremacists, not regular white people you brainlet. And I'm perfectly happy the way I was born, I have no desire to be anything other than what God made me just like you.
This is the ultimate jewcoin, wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole
Bullshit. You're just pulling number out of your ass lmao. Discussion on /pol/ is MUCH higher level than anything you will find on Veeky Forums. Just saying. I'm coming here for the memes, but this board is borderline retarded.
If you want to, make an ethnostate in Europe go ahead I wouldn't be offended by it. I just get annoyed when people want one in the states cause America is not your ancestral home and was built by immigrants as much as it was by whites. But if a group of whites went and made an ethnostate in Europe I would have no problem with it at all.
Also, China and Japan aren't ethnostates, bad examples. And you shouldn't only respect asians others deserve respect as well. Btw that girl is fucking disgusting tattoos are a sign of a whore
Ark is interesting, but I can't forgive the French for betraying the Fuhrer during WW2. They are a loser nation completely controlled by the zog
okay so now I'm accumulating Skycoin
But you are lying, you do want to join us. You want to magically turn yourself into a white person. I know this. It's natural. I want to magically go back to 2009 and mine shitloads of BTC. But it will never happen. And we both have to live with it.
All the retarded shit you see posted here is from pol cross posters
No one there has any idea how the economy works. At all.
Also that graph is legit. Was run on every board for months.
America was ~90% white until 1965, whites, especially anglos and germans built America, not shitskins. Get your facts straight.
>if you want to, make an ethnostate in Europe
One day we shall retake Europe, but for now it is a sinking ship and completely lost. I don't expect you to understand since you've never experienced jewish takeover first hand.
>/pol/ invades Veeky Forums
>instantly goes to shit
sounds about right
inb4 containment board myth
America was not built by immigrants AS MUCH AS it was built by the original white citizens who were here when they created the country by risking going to war with the greatest empire on earth. You are so full of shit. Way shift the ground to suit your existence.
It's the first coin that allows all of you to be the goat.
idiotos cant understand that vechain will literally be bigger than every crypto combined. I cant spell it out any further for these tards, its right in front of you. ITS THE FIRST PROJECT TO ACTUALLY INCENTIVIZE OWNING THEIR COINS. NO OTHER PROJECT HAS DONE THIS. AND ITS DOING SO IN ONE OF THE BIGGEST SECTORS IN THE WORLD. like holy fuck. im sorry i just don't think it can be any more obvious. im not even a crypto enthusiast, and only hold some positions as hedges, but this is more obvious than betting on floyd mayweather to beat mcgregor in a boxing match. if you dont start accumalating theres nothing anyone can do to help you, you will literally feel suicidal in 2 years when you look back
lmao the ultimate chinkcoin
haha it’s true, I remember eth last year and the FUD was the same, just as it was obvious it was going to be a 50b coin within a year
Completely wrong you delusional fag
Do you even bother to fact check poltard? In 1790 itself whites were only 80% of the population of the us. Also, Germans were considered shitty immigrants that the Anglo Saxon didn't want here. Sounds familiar
Ok, well either fight for your land back in europe or stop bitching in every thread about it. The vast majority of americans don't want to deal with your shit
Obviously whites had a bigger population and did more, but nonwhites had to do a lot of work per person and deserve to be here, from the Chinese on the railroads to the blacks on the plantations
The most important aspect of this is that America was NATIVE LAND that was stolen. You have no right to claim this just for yourself just by settling a few hundred years ago, that's like Muhammad setting up shop in Berlin and declaring sharia law that's how ridiculous you sound.
That was as legitimate as a Veeky Forums study can get
The top 1% controls a collective $250 Trillion in wealth, the top 10% controls $500 Trillion, and the bottom 90% controls $90 Trillion. Whatever the top 1% chooses will be the winner. Everyone else will go along with the coin they choose.
100 years ago, the average person didn't want to switch from gold and silver to paper money, but the top 1% did.
what’s the market cap of WORLD TRADE lol
Privacy coins
I'm an asian too and I believe whites are our physical and intellectual superiors to in every way. They indeed deserve an ethno-state in the Americas. Please, help us to become a happier, more civilized people. Breed with our women so that we may ascend.
Imagine being so sad that you have to larp as an asian to help your argument on the chans
Know thy place fellow asian.
WMAF are fucking degenerate. Produces low quality mutts to weak for either race
If I go swing a hammer in chinkland does that give my people claim to your country as well?
> Obviously whites had a bigger population and did more, but nonwhites had to do a lot of work per person and deserve to be here, from the Chinese on the railroads to the blacks on the plantations
Contributions were marginal. Menial labor doesn't build countries. Statesmen, generals, engineers, scientists, industrialists, bankers etc. build nations. The elite was 100% white and they created this country.
true. WHITE WOMEN belong to ASIAN MEN
also asian women belong to asian men
America isn't "whiteland" and you are clearly misrepresenting the issue. Go fight for Europe instead of whining like a bitch. Your lands are being overrun and yet you still cry on the computer like a bitch while doing nothing. Kys
Contributions were very significant. And for the last time, America is not white land, if you want to have an ethnostate go back to Europe. I actually will enjoy watching sharia law get setup in Europe cause it's the same dumb shit you are trying to do here retard, enjoy watching a taste of your own medicine in the coming years
Know your place you white cuck, the funniest part is that your own women hate breeding with you and that's where all this insecurity stems from in the first place
I can attest to this with analogy. In highschool there was an Anime club I had become apart of and they clued me in to /b/. After awhile I broadened the range of boards I lurked while the others who could be described as lolsorandumxD stagnated and became obsessed with pol, a and r9k. The loudest and most obtuse member of our group would link me pol threads constantly.
They are all working low income with some subsisting off their parents. I'm an electrical engineer after gaining interest through g, sci. I'm athletic and married to the wife of my children after getting Veeky Forums. Anyone who browses low iq boards should not be listened to as they are usually the loudest with the shittest opinions.
>America is not white land
Shekel, devs are redpilled on the JQ
Fuck off shill. We see right through it now.
EOS faggot it's a no brainer you don't like money
Lol you fucking Asian brainlet. What do you think China and Japan are? Also, America was a defacto ethnostate before the 1965 immigration act with 10% of our population being niggers we used to enslave.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha you fucking retard. The so called “native Americans,” were just immigrants that came over the Siberian/Alaskan landbridge before it split. They don’t have some special claim to this land. Now were they monolithic as you imply. They were many different factions fighting each other and the white European people who eventually created America. Please kill yourself chink faggot.
Blessed user wrecking Asian brainlets.