>even the smartest nigs must chimp out
Also, fuck this guy.
>even the smartest nigs must chimp out
Also, fuck this guy.
>black science man
pick one
This is pathetic even by meme Materialist standards.
>mup da do didda po dum moffugen bix nood large hadron collider mup Doo Doo
Jesus really? I have to say I was expecting better from black science man.
He's right though.
U fags just wait 'till Nye gets here
Sorry, So much meme people in one video...
>yfw Bill Nye thinks Paris terrorist attacks was caused by climate change and drought, and not radical islamic doctrine
>when the memes are too strong
Oh please. Everyone tends to lose it when they're surrounded by people who are wrong. Especially Krauss, he's a dick.
It wasn't caused by that either. Every terrorist is literally suffering from some kind of neurological/mental disorder of some kind and take multitudes of drugs from marijuana to heroin.
They're already crazy, Islam is just a catalyst for them.
No I am not excusing radical Islam but I do think more research should be done into the mental and drug side of these things.
why do islamic terrorists tend to be suffering from more 'neurological/mental disorders'? Is it more prevalent in middle eastern genetic population? Or possibly that islamic doctrine radicalises people into doing harm.
Their disorder may be partially responsible but not entirely.
Islam is literally never the problem. Ever.
Seems suspicious desu.
>Is it more prevalent in middle eastern genetic population?
Given the number of mass shootings in America by non-middle easterners, I'd say no.
its just the selectionist principle that if you are doing suicide bombing there has to be something weird wrong with you. its got nothing to do with the wider context of their biology/environment/culture. its just a requisite for being in that group.
strange how 82% of terrorist attacks in 2015 were only caused by 5 islamic terror groups, and most of the other ~15% was caused by smaller islamic groups.
Must be a mental disorder then. Nothing else.
Did you even read my last sentence?
I certainly believe it is a part of it but I really do think mental disorders might be more of a reason.
Well Middle-Easterners have a high level of incestuous marriages and children which may be a cause.
I also think something which needs to be researched is the fact that Middle-Easterns are far more likely to get deficiencies in vital vitamins which could lead to further mental problems.
you are abit premature user about middle eastern mental illness. No empirical reason at all for any of your proposed inquiries about mental illness being above and beyond the rest of the world in the middle east. i would also like to dissociate having a mental disorder from pathological thinking due to religious indoctrination.
In the parts where he spoke coherent english, yes.
"muh curiosity" may drive nerds into their respective fields and motivate their efforts, but their funding always comes either from sympathetic angel investors and donors or from economic interest groups. And the former are growing less and less relevant as projects become more and more expensive. As for space, people have been really successful at selling the hypothetical space tourism, asteroid mining and colony spin, even though it's all miles out of reach.
Pre-watching video: Lawerence Strauss is baller.
Post-watching: Neil is right.
ISS is just a fun weekend project though.
A fairly expensive one for that matter.
And there isn't a big research target, but it's nice we get to try out a bunch of small things in zero-g.
What do you mean?
> Every terrorist is literally suffering from some kind of neurological/mental disorder of some kind and take multitudes of drugs from marijuana to heroin.
>They're already crazy, Islam is just a catalyst for them.
I'm not this poster, but they answered that in their post. That was literally their point. Why would someone be an islamic terrorist if they weren't mentally ill or pushed into it somehow? That's why they're susceptible to it. You literally said why do terrorists of this religion have mental disorders. Why do you think? Are people that are mentally healthy often going to be involved in terrorism? user, you stopped reading properly at 2 sentences to reaffirm your preconceptions.
Same with you, how does it feel to be retarded?