Is it really bad for you despite marketing saying that its a "good fat" or not.
Redpill me on butter
You need some to make mac n cheese kraft
negative health effects caused by food have more to do with overall lifestyle (how sedentary you are, total muscle mass, etc...) than the food itself
literally nothing bad about butter unless you're a fat piece of shit that does nothing all day
eskimos eat more fat in a day than heart disease tier obese people do in a month
all a complete meme invented by liberals to mitigate responsibility
That is good point, I didnt take people that live in shithole countries into consideration like mongolians for example. They eat butter with their food almost every day
Butter isn't healthy for you in large quantities, so use it sparingly, but it does contain b vitamins and other good stuff. And it's a HELLVA LOT better for you than regular margarines. There are non-dairy butters that are better for you, but not every store carries them.
Those peoples who eat lots of fats like Inuits (what you call eskimos) and Mongolians and the Nepalese also are constantly out in the cold, doing hard labor. They just burn it off. We regular folk don't live like that. Butter is great, but in small quantities.
Lowfat is a jewish meme used to keep test levels low because fat is used to create hormones. To replace fat they jacked up the sugar content which makes you fat and docile.
Eskimos have really high rates of heart disease though. Why do I keep hearing this meme that they don't have a lot of heart disease due to eating seal blubber or some shit?
I use butter and lard all the time. Lard is excellent for frying, while butter is good for finishing steak, baking etc. I keep it in a butter jar and on the country, which keeps it soft. I've never had it go off, the salt seems to preserve it.
"Spread" is the biggest meme in the food industry. Its like 90% veg oil, horrid stuff.
If you only eat as much butter as you are able to personally harvest from your own livestock then you should be fine.
I love butter and you should too
kek so true
It's healthy. Esp grassfed.
The meta studies of saturated vs unsaturated fat have shown no causation with mortality and morbidity, broadly speaking. There is a correlation between monounsaturated fats and lower risk for heart disease, but that could easily be because monounsaturated fats are popular in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, which is typically healthier than say, an American or British diet. Those cultures also eat a lot of fish, and we all know that has those tasty Omega-3s you keep hearing about in the news. So really, we don't know a whole lot about it because longitudinal studies haven't produced clear answers
But I will say that the initial research into trans fats do show problems, which is why everybody should be off of margarine and anything else with "partially hydrogenated" oils like the kind in American peanut butter. That shit will kill you, but it takes a while
Eat up, user
Trips of truth.
Butter is only bad for you if you're lazy and do nothing and let it accumulate without burning it off, while on the other hand sugar is pretty much always bad for you outside of the quantities found naturally in a healthy diet (fruit, bread, milk sugars).
Also eating lots of fat and cholesterol is good for young men in bolstering test and sexual pheromone production. The trick though is you need to be actively using it by burning calories.
lol wat. i eat butter literally everyday.
Who gives a fuck, it taste amazing.
Use it liberally in moderation.
It's pretty harmelss for physically active people which need the saturated fat and cholesterol as building block for hormones. The fats help you absorb nutrients and are fillong and can be use judiciously to control cravings and calories.
I hope not, you deserve heart disease for using the term "redpill."
butter is good for you it will give you higher test T. OP is going to live forever now.
it's because the obesity rates are really high. took me exactly 2 google queries
>non-dairy butters
Butter is per definition made 100% from cream... The reSt is not butter
Butter is fine. The problem is that the stuff is extremely caloric. Three generations ago people used a lot more of the stuff because eating a 4000-5000 calorie a day diet was required to get you through a 13 hour day of physical work on a farm. If a few hundred of those calories came from butter so what? But today most people burn around 2000 calories in a day, so butter adds up calories pretty quickly.