Work in realestate company in Sydney (a city in australia)

>work in realestate company in Sydney (a city in australia)
>sell to rich asians
>get 30 dollars an hour plus commission when we sell a home (which is at least 2 times a week).

Why aren't you in the realestate business user? I already bought 5 bitcoins on my salary.

Attached: 澳大利亚.jpg (1200x675, 686K)

But I am. Just bought a house, got a killer deal too. Only paid $150,000 over asking. Inspector is coming to to look at the torn up asbestos cement, but will get at least 10-15 years out of this baby until I die of mesothelioma.

I'm sorry, but what is Sydney?

An enclave of china with literally more than half of the population of the city foreign born.
People like OP are why australia is turning to shit

Dubs confirm!!
Great kek user
Heil Hitler and fuck the chinks

You are scum dude

i know this is b8, but im not interested in selling out this beautiful country

also i dont have the charisma to sell shit to people, apart from going to work i never leave my room for fucks sake

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>work in realestate company in Sydney
Hope youre saving pretty aggressively mate, that market is about to get fucked

Literally too big to fall my man
Sydney population is growing like crazy and can't cram anything more into the city. No one wants to move to the outskirts. Can only continue up.

People actually want to live in Australia? Lmao why

Rent or buy? I want to live in the innerwest

Come stay here for a few months and see why
All my UK and eurobros will never move back home

i have a chink friend who is in this racket in melbourne selling to his rich asian friends. he only gets 1-3% comm and you are getting paid 30$ ph which is normal here anyway. Can confirm you are larping at least a little bit sage

Rent. I'm at Canada bay, $620 a week for 2bed apartment with decent size lockup garage. Can find cheaper if you go for the newer fisher price tier apartment blocks filled with curries and chinks.

beats me, its very expensive. after a few years of getting milked for every penny they own they'll get sick of it, complain and just be kicked out like the people before them.

grats on the poorfag salary shitstain. you will probably be able to afford a studio in punchbowl in about 6 years

60k a year isnt even enough to own a home in the shit suburbs

i make 500k a year welding, why would I want to be like you?

So much this.
OP doesn't realise this but society views him as a cockroach.
Enjoy those weekend bags while they last, this market won't last forever.

Holy fuck this proves you're larping or delusional. The house prices have fallen like 4% since December.
"Can only continue up."

Genuinely concerned that you think people don't know what Sydney is


OP is a huge nation wrecking faggot. Die on an aids dick OP.

Hey mate could you tell me a good place to buy a land and a house for cheap in NSW? The further away from people the better, 1 bedroom house and 20+ acres would be ideal. I have 100k and am looking to become a hermit somewhere secluded.

Hey mate could you tell me a good place to buy a land and a house for cheap in NSW? The further away from people the better, 1 bedroom house and 20+ acres would be ideal. I have 100k and am looking to become a hermit somewhere secluded.

Hey mate could you tell me a good place to buy a land and a house for cheap in NSW? The further away from people the better, 1 bedroom house and 20+ acres would be ideal. I have 100k and am looking to become a hermit somewhere secluded.

Plot twist OP is Asian too. One part of me hates you for selling off someone else's country off to chinks. But I don't mix politics with business. Real estate is great. Keep minting money Asian bro.

Work in the pilbara mate, decen wage and piss easy work. I guess you have a knack with people. Good on ya mate

what site you at cunt?

Fucking kill yourself you faggot, literally selling our country to chinks.

To sell shit you don't really care about you need to be a bouncing off walls faggot with charm
I don't like to inconvenience people, so if i'm trying to sell something and they seem not interested i stop...
Unless it's drugs of course

>goes up 40% in 4 years
>healthy correction of 4% over 6 months including christmas and new years
>market is failing

Jesus mate. You sounds like you havent invested in real estate. Immigrants love sydney. Whats the difference between Perth, Brisbane and Sydney? When you figure that out, thats when you will understand why sydney is a sure bet for investment.


100% true