We all have different tastes and preferences on food that we usually don't admit to. I.e eat out of the pot, refusal to reheat refrigerated leftover food or obsession over ranch dressing. (These are mine)
Food confessions/weird food habits
Why won't you reheat food?
For me it's that I really hate thawing meat in the fridge. It's not like I can't handle raw meat or anything, I just really hate dealing with frozen->raw pieces of meat.
Doesn't taste the same to me reheated on stove or microwave.
Also I feel you on the whole frozen meat thing.
When I am out of money I go to the store and take packs of ranch sauce and croutons and eat them like it's a sort of soup/salad without lettuce.
I like to put peanut butter and nutella on pepperoni pizza.
I use coca cola instead of milk in all of cereal (I only eat fruit loops, cheerios, frosted flakes and lucky charms).
I like to make nachos for breakfast but instead of ground beef I use leftover cut up mcnuggets and hot dogs.
I eat all of my food more-or-less in individual order (vegetables, then grain/starch, then main protein, etc)
When I have a sandwich I eat the crusts off all the way around first, then the rest of the sandwich.
I love cereal but hate the texture when it becomes soggy, so I have my cereal with very little to basically no milk.
I just really don't like reheating leftovers...it tastes bland and bad and not anywhere near as good as when it was originally made. If I have leftovers at all I just give them up to the other people I live with.
I peel the 'skin' off of raw mushrooms and eat it first, then the rest of the mushroom.
I mostly enjoy salads without dressing.
I'm sure there's more.
quality bait, son.
i eat pickle spears like watermelon. i eat the seeds/'meat' of the pickle first and then the rest of the pickle. it's a weird habit i picked up as a kid and i just kept with it.
I do this.
My habits
>I drink apple cider vinegar
>I put vinegar on nearly every meat and vegetable
>and ramen
>Rice and butter is enough for a meal
>MUST have milk with any pastry or chocolate
>I mix mayo, rice, and hot sauce
>When I drink from a cup, I don't like the wet feeling on the glass so I either spin it around to another side or wipe it before drinking again
>I eat lemon pepper by itself. Just sprinkle it in my mouth like lucas.
I eat beans out of the can
>>I drink apple cider vinegar
That's fucking nuts.
I drank some once because I read that it was an anti-inflammatory and my gums were swollen and I was desperately trying anything to avoid going to the dentist. It was fucking awful.. but not as bad as eating big cloves of raw garlic (I felt like I was going to immediately projectile vomit and have a stroke).
Also none of it worked, and half my face swelled up like a chipmunk before I got a prescription from my dentist, and then a root canal... If I had known how fucking great those pain meds(that I didn't even need) would be I'd have gone to the dentist a lot sooner.
It even started swelling up a bit a month after and I was so excited.. but then it went away. :(
I make this rice where I steam it together with green onions then add scrambled eggs seasoned with soy sauce later. I also season the rice with soy sauce and red pepper powder among other things, but this isn't the weird part.
I like mixing hot cheetos into the rice.
I also eat chips with chopsticks to avoid getting dust on my fingers.
No matter how hard I try, whenever I eat an ice cream cone, it gets literally all over my face like I'm 4 years old, and being female this gets me many weird looks in public, particularly with white flavors.
^ Also happens with pastries filled with stuff, cream puffs, jelly donuts, eclairs, etc
Instead of biting out of bread or grilled cheese, I tear pieces off.
I eat French fries with a fork.
If my close friends or boyfriend don't eat their pizza crust, I eat it for them.
Not that guy you're replying to but my mother has started drinking apple cider vinegar too. She mixes it with other stuff though doesn't take it straight.
arent you supposed to put like a really small amount in a glass of water.
I like to put my fresh fries on my burger.
I make eggs with handful of cheese ketchup and sourcreme. Scrambled. And between toast. With chopped onions. Fuck.
>When I drink from a cup, I don't like the wet feeling on the glass so I either spin it around to another side or wipe it
Is this actually uncommon?
>chew cloves of garlic
Jesus fuck, I read that too and tried it for a tooth ache and it fucking burned my mouth and made me feel sick for hours. Never again.
But as for the vinegar, it's something I've done since I was a kid. It tastes sweet and tangy like a sweeter lemon. I read later that people drink it for health reasons and water it down or mix it with honey, but I thought it tasted fine on its own. Mixed with honey turned out to be nice though.
People comment on me doing it in public so I assume others don't. I also hate the feeling saliva too so people also raise eyebrows when I wipe my mouth after kissing someone. You can say that my relationships are pretty...dry.
>if my close friends don't eat their pizza crust I eat it for them
As my friend circle's appointed fatass I feel this. Not a girl though.
I do the garlic clove chewing, but that's because I love the garlicy aftertaste and burps not because health. It was a simple step up from 8 raw clove guacamole, so eh.
- Eating whatever straight from the can/jar/whatever without using it to cook - whether it's chocolate paste, jam, honey, whatever the fuck I don't give a shit. Same for vegetables and shit
- Reheating grains by frying and then eating them with fried eggs
- Eat out of the pot with the holed plate-like spoon tool
- Just make fucking toasts with eggs and bacon, butter them and eat this shit up
- Eat own cum sometimes even if doesn't taste good (and guess what with a diet like this it fucking doesn't [but I don't give a fuck])
- Drink basically only fucking tea.
- Just eat fucking sugar when hungry and nothing to eat or something
Probably more but I don't even give enough of a fuck to remember that shit. I just jerked off.
I eat sandwiches like a caterpillar: start at one side and eat to the other and start all over again until I'm left with a tiny corner.
I don't chew pasta. I swallow it whole like a duck.
I drink soda in a way I can't accurately describe but results in it not touching my teeth at all.
I fold my pancakes in half and eat them by hand like tacos.
I only eat spaghetti in bowls because I hate how the sauce never completely covers the noodles on a plate.
Well, did you eat it?
I eat almost everything with a fork and sometimes I eat raw hot dog wieners.
i didnt eat meat that wasnt well done until i was 22 years old, well done as in crispy meats with no liquids. our country was affected by the made cow decades ago so its a highly tabboo subject, people have tried to intervene when they saw me eat a medium done steak. its usually cooked until theres no liquids left, really really dry, i can't believe what i've missed all my life.
i love eating powder milk straight. its like a much much fuller tasting liquid milk, its lovely.
i hate chocolate. when i was a kid i had bulimia and theres absolutly nothing more nasty than puking up after binging on chocolate. when i try to give it a chance the acidic tasting hell is still there, just masked by sweetness. same with cough syrup, even a tablespoon full is unvarable. choco was the only sweet food i enjoyed too, so everything i eat nowdays is salty. sugar is a social illness
i tell people pizza is my favorite food but it is actually penis. nothing tastes as good as some cocks. i dont no idea why. i hope canibalism doesnt taste as good because i'd be so about it otherwise
Pizza crusts are like breadsticks though and usually dip them in a marinara, ranch and hot sauce mixture.
It kills the flavor. The only thing I would reconsider reheating is leftover pizza but that goes in the toaster oven.
why are you all so fucked up jesus christ
it could be so easy but no you ruined food for yourselves
I put mustard on pretty much everything that isn't sweet.
I also put flavoured balsamic vinegar on ice cream.
I drink 3 coke zero's a day
I do the exact same thing with sandwiches. I don't like the crust bites as much and it makes the rest of the sandwich godly.
Put a fucking serving of pasta into your goddamn motherfucking saute pan WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING SAUCE and mix that goddamn motherfucking shit, then fucking plate your sauced PASTA and add more sauce on top to taste. Also, it's fucking PASTA. NOODLES =/= PASTA
I have a huge feeling that you will love Jack. Also read the title of the thread.
I eat all the jagged edges off popcorn pieces and keep the balls.
Once I have gone through my bowl I squish the popcorn "balls" then eat them last
Let's see
I'm also a vinegar drinker, straight as a shot
If a sandwich or burger has lettuce/spinach/whatever, I can't stand it if the leaves are hanging out of the edges, either I shove them back inside or tear off the excess
I sometimes eat tang or other drink powders straight and dry
I genuinely struggle not to ask people at the table if I can finish their food if they don't eat most of it and are handing it off to the waiter. Just seems wasteful
How bad have I got it?
When I was younger I would balance burgers and sandwiches on three of my fingers like a tripod and eat them like that
I was at a grocery store the other day and saw a pre-made apple cider vinegar drink. Literally just water, cider vinegar, and sweetener. I convinced some friends to try it with me. Tasted exactly as bad as you would expect.
The only sugar I eat is the amount that comes in the yogurt I sometimes eat for breakfast.
I put salt on toast. Like, large amounts of salt to the point where you can taste it.
Whenever I eat a bagel, I cut it into two lopsided pieces, then eat all the crumb out of the middle, the eat the crust.
>When I am out of money I go to the store and take packs of ranch sauce and croutons and eat them like it's a sort of soup/salad without lettuce.
I've done this once before (without the go to the store part), get some salad dressing in a bowl and dip fucking croutons in it like a snack.
I find the habits of my family way more weird though. Imagine this, boiled ramen noodles (discard flavor packet), baloney ripped up by hand, valentina/tapatio hot sauce, mayonnaise and some bag of chips (variable, but usually flaming hot cheetos) crushed and dumped on top.
I reuse pans without washing them, as long as they're just oily and don't have shit stuck
When I eat a Kitkat I chew all the chocolate off of it and then pull apart the wafers to lick off the filling before eating them. I similarly eat flavored chips by licking the flavor powder off and then eating the chip.
I eat American Smarties by sucking on them until the edges are soft and then chew them off. I also peel the crisp edges off of my pork rolls before eating the center.
Whenever I eat chips I place a small part of both sides on my tongue and whichever one is the saltiest I'll place it flat on my tongue and absorb the salt before chewing.
I eat oven fries every single day
Absolutely disgusting
Similar but with Doritos or lays sour cream and onion, I'll lick the powder off each side before eating the chip
I am unable to swallow ranch dressing and mayo. Every time I try eating either, I gag.
One of my favorite no-effort fat fuck meals is shredded cheese on a tortilla, melted in the microwave.
I'm not at a healthy weight.
When I'm eating something like leftovers or sub par quality food, I pretend I'm a soldier in the field hunkered down eating an MRE.
Cock really does taste amazing... I actually crave it and I'm not even meming.
It really sucks because I find men annoying and needy to date so I'm always dating women. (They taste worse but not too bad)
spotted the Eurospic
>I drink apple cider vinegar
>MUST have milk with any pastry or chocolate
send my condolences to your anus
What kinda dudes you chasing that grills are less needy?
Lrn2 gay, bro
Earlier today while folding laundry, I was idly studying my dog's food bag and thought it sounded all right.
I ate a piece, then went back for seconds.
I do this with airplane food
I always eat it like a famished soldier getting food for the first time in days
I used to drink some apple cider vinegar every day after having MRSA because my mom got convinced it would help stave it off and begged me to do it.
desu, would do again. Shit's pretty good. Wasn't effective at all, though, in the original intent's regard.
This poster here.
Also read that garlic is an antimicrobial and new age fucks suggested chewing cloves.
I grew to fucking love garlic after that, after not really being into it. I season almost everything with garlic now. Maybe allicin is addictive.
last one actually sounds like it could be decent
i make myself sandwiches with raw beef (thick)
i sometimes add salt
I eat ketchup.
I like the taste.
I don't like creamsoups.
I don't like the thought of chickenstock, looks disgusting, can't imagine it would taste good. ( do eat it)
Hate fat, can't eat it.
I am very meticulous.
I make my own vegetable stock and drink it like tea.
I even drink it cold during the summer.
sounds good, wouldn't be ashamed of.
If left to my own devices, I will gorge myself on sourdough bread with olive oil or butter. Just rip a small chunk of bread out, quickly dip it into my fat of choice, chew and gulp it down.
No, I'm not Jamie Oliver, nor Paula Deen.