You are a faggot

Smoking lowers your body fat, and lower body fat results in higher testosterone.

You have 5 seconds to tell me why you haven't smoked a pack and a half a day for the past decade

>hard mode

No being a fucking faggot

Attached: dana ultimate form.png (497x465, 254K)

but i have user
why do you think i have found my way into this degenerate place?

Makes you stink like shit and get saggy boobs.

I’m literally smoking a cig outside the gym after working out.

I’m so cool you’ll cringe.

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Good man

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I don't want to give money to the jews

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I do smoke but am considering stopping as I've recently heard it contributes to hair loss.

The main thing that causes this is called NICOTINE. Start vaping faggot, live longer, enjoy the same linkefits

Ultimate routine. Lift+Cig=god mode test levels. No one will ever fuck with you

>He believes the (((studies)))

>He thinks Jews want him to smoke the eternal test elixer of life

The absolute state of biz

Attached: danalaugh.jpg (634x393, 46K)

This may come as a shock but you can actually lower body fat without making yourself smell like a stinky linky and dying early

never gonna make it

I think we're done here

I smoke a pack/day and my chest hurts

>implying that you can't lower your body fat even more by smoking on top of diet and exercise


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I eat raw onions

That's the feeling of pure raw masculinity awakening within you, you just can't handle it yet because you are a cuck. Smoke twice as much

Attached: dana walrus.jpg (494x433, 78K)

>wanting to accelerate fat loss and boost test
>not just taking androgenics

pussy shit

thats why i stopped a few years ago. I dont know if it was true but my hair seems a lot thicker than it was back then.

>isn't getting the 3-4 point IQ boost from constantly smoking

You won't make it user, this world is leaving people like you behind. The smokers ALWAYS WIN

Attached: Dana sprite.png (336x451, 248K)

NICOTINE faggot, you dont need to smoke you to get it retard

>he is quitting smoking, launch the bog bots

Attached: bog react.jpg (1280x640, 511K)

>not being on the dextro + moda + phenibut stack for peak mental focus and clarity
>not being on the test + tren stack for maximum physical strength and sex drive
>not having fake SSRI scripts to keep you in a constant state of hypomanic euphoria

>validating a gross habit via the 'perks' that it gives at 0.001% relative efficiency


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I'm underweight